Titans Talk - Home for all things Tennessee Titans

  1. Anthony4Titans

    Howdy Ya'll

    My name is Lum Eddards and I live in Pine Ridge Arkansas. Been around for a thousand or hunerd years. Pretty wise ole man who deserves to have a statuette made in his honer. Been tryin to do that since the early nineteen hunerds. When I was younger I was Jestice of the Peace. I took great...
  2. Anthony4Titans

    Makin a post on my profile?

    Makin a post on my profile?
  3. Anthony4Titans

    Grossi AFC South Predictions

    We should have much improved special teams and with the new rules we might have some big plays in the return game. We won 6 games last year with a horrible O line and 1 legit receiver, terrible defense. We have some pretty good talent now. Still not sold on the defense. I think we could struggle...
  4. Anthony4Titans

    Grossi AFC South Predictions

    Well, we had what, 6 wins last year? No offensive line, a bad defense, etc. On the rare occasion that Levis had protection he looked good. I think Spears and Pollard are gonna cause teams a lot of problems with the screen game. I can't wait to get it started.
  5. Anthony4Titans

    Grossi AFC South Predictions

    I didn't say they will win 10 games. I said they can. Perhaps I'm off by a game or two, but those expecting 6 wins are being ridiculous! And if you think Anthony Richardson has huge upside, well, lol.
  6. Anthony4Titans

    Grossi AFC South Predictions

    I think we can win 10 games, maybe more. Expect the Titans to surprise.