Titans Talk - Home for all things Tennessee Titans

  1. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    On Stonehouse? The whiff from the blocker is the issue there
  2. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Why do they hate Stonehouse
  3. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Dang. That was on Ridley
  4. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Lots of misdirection approach
  5. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Decent PR. Rare I say that
  6. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Neat. Looks like they’re trying to out 2nd half last week’s 2nd half
  7. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Wonder if the titans RB can do that?
  8. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Must be the loud crowd. lol
  9. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Early 2nd half time out could be a W
  10. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Trying to block the pass and his arm comes down. Wtf are defenders supposed to do
  11. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Those plaid gear looks awful to me
  12. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    I mean last week and this week, not the wheezy INT
  13. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Levis’s 2 TO are that embarrassing to over shadow general bad play at the moment
  14. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    @Chance9 agree, maybe run a couple
  15. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    I don’t really mind the INT in general, that’s really more of what I expect from Levis as a gunslinger
  16. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Oh cool, Levi’s got his own highlight reel of mistakes
  17. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Man does Carolina stink. They are just awful
  18. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    Honestly, same can be said about last week. Not a bad week for Levi’s except 1 throw. That’s how bad these “1 throws” are
  19. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    IND down to Willis too. Jacob’s is killing them
  20. Hurraytitans!!

    Game Day Game Day Thread - Tians vs Jets

    That backwards thing cost at least 3. d played the next drive with lots of cushion