  1. Hormesis @ Hormesis: Once again obligations prevented me from watching live. Gonna watch in a few. 0-2 not how i saw the start going. Thought the Bears would a good starting win.
  2. Tungtide @ Tungtide: I think these growing pains are going to benefit him if he can survive himself. The skills are there- he just needs to learn to play within himself and not freak out. This team is close to being good, but they are young in key areas and need a little time to grow together. In some ways this applies to the coaches, as well. This is Cally’s 2nd game as a head coach AND calling plays.
  3. TitanMark @ TitanMark: Learn
  4. TitanMark @ TitanMark: Levis doesn’t get better or get coachable sitting on the bench watching MR. He needs to stay the course just like Josh Allen and let him
  5. HoosierTitan @ HoosierTitan: Levis was more "coachable" in the second half IMO. I agree...if he does another bonehead play in week 3 he needs to be shown the bench, but Callahan apparently "coached" him pretty hard today after his last TO....lets see if that sticks before digging into his confidence here IMO...
  6. Riverman @ Riverman: Callahan needs to bench Levis until he proves he’s coachable.
  7. Hurraytitans!! @ Hurraytitans!!: 2nd favorite team, whoever beats the Ratbirds
  8. HoosierTitan @ HoosierTitan: Next week will be interesting....we have a history of making scrub QBs into HOF stats (for a day). Next week that scrub is Malik Willis.
  9. Chance9 @ Chance9: 2008*
  10. Chance9 @ Chance9: @GoT I agree f the ravens, was there for the 2998 playoff game.. classless fans
  11. GoT @ GoT: jest won
  12. HoosierTitan @ HoosierTitan: So we have the same record as the Ratbirds at this point... this is a long season, our D is good, and Levis will (hopefully) learn more lessons from today.
  13. GoT @ GoT: jest played clean game - penalties aside
  14. GoT @ GoT: this week
  15. GoT @ GoT: tv off - will not watch anymore nfl
  16. GoT @ GoT: end of ratbird game most NOT Titans football I have watched since 2019
  17. Hurraytitans!! @ Hurraytitans!!: Titans could be 4-0 if mistake free. They’re not though.
  18. Hurraytitans!! @ Hurraytitans!!: Be funny if someone loses their fantasy game by the FL by Jackson there
  19. GoT @ GoT: F the ratbirds
  20. Chance9 @ Chance9: @Hurraytitans!! Titans have the opportunity to be 2-2 if they clean up mistakes
  21. GoT @ GoT: raider DC wants some tv time
  22. GoT @ GoT: clock operator criminal in baltimore
  23. Hurraytitans!! @ Hurraytitans!!: Titans have a couple winnable games coming up with Willis and QB#2 Miami. Can’t go to bye winless
  24. GoT @ GoT: short
  25. GoT @ GoT: will throw shor and get a PI call