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I think it will depend on how well the team is doing down the road. If Volek is playing great and the Titans have a shot at the playoffs, then we won't see Young start this season. This is the same situation the Bengals had with Palmer two years ago, if I'm not mistaken.
moose4now said:
Week One '07.

Maybe it's the "half glass full" part of me that thinks this, but I still think that Mac's back with this team this year.

RyansTitans said:
your not the only one who thinks that.. theres no way Mac 9 leaves.. if he was going to baltimore he would have gone already..
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
How many of you would have thought the Titans are at the kind of cross roads they are at today? Predict? C'mon... you don't know what these guys will do. I think Young will start sooner rather than later. I think the dude has got an enormous ability to adapt.

Dang SEC put it so eloquently..... I have a feeling we will suprise many this year.... or we could be like the 'Skins who seem to have great off season signings and still dont increase in production:irked:
If our defense is solid and our running game is improved I think Volek could wi alot of games for us. Soon as Volek is not getting it done or gets hurt VY will come in and never give the job up.
I agree with Gunny, in that Mauck may start ahead of Young

If injuries happen, I say December at the earliest, although, I don't want really want him starting
Soxcat said:
If our defense is solid and our running game is improved I think Volek could wi alot of games for us. Soon as Volek is not getting it done or gets hurt VY will come in and never give the job up.

The catted one with sox- he speak the truth.

Could you imagine the deafening "Boo's" of the Titans' fans when Volek gets hurt and Mauck walks out on the field? The fans are on the #10 train to the Super Bowl and would protest in a decision such as that.

However, they would probably start cheering again when Mauck gets pulled for throwing 2 consecutive INTs and fumbling on the snap. Not to put Mauck down, but he is the type of QB that will always play backup... or even 3rd string.
bulluck4dMVP said:
if vince is ready there is no way fish puts mauck on the field before vince....

Well, obviously... however the question is, do you think he will be ready before the 2007 season? I don't.
He could be ready this year, but I don't think he'll be ready before the bye.

Either way, he's going to face a big adjustment whenever he gets the starting job. I'd say it's better to let him adjust late this year and be more prepared to begin 2007.
ot: our schedule is pretty brutal all the year through.
It's tough early...
after the week 7 bye as you know we play Houston.

BV: .500 or else! I swear. They could give Volek the first six games and continue with him or bench him based on record.
i.e. at least 2 wins down at the week 7 bye or he sits.

I think they will start Young in Houston and layeth down a beatdown.
texas style ;>

Titans 19 Moo-Burgers 10 ???

It could happen. I prefer 43-0 :winker:
19-10 ... I don't really like that outcome but a win is a win so I'll take it. I'd rather win 17-10 if I could somehow "choose"

"The Tennessee Titans come off 5 game schnide in Houston with their second win of the season ellevating them to an illustrious 2-5 record."


Philly could be back and the NYG? (bipolar laughs)

Nov 5 @Jacksonville
Nov 12 Baltimore
Nov 19 @Philadelphia
Nov 26 N.Y. Giants

These games in November Vince could RIP off...:yell:
It could turn into something magical ... 6-5 all of a sudden...:yell2:

They should make it a private goal to get Young to start after the bye week. That would really crushing to hear that your budding star quarterback is pregnant. I'm sure they have every contingency.

Vince may be really really ready by the bye.
Talent like this is an unknown quanity.
He could come out freakishly fast.

They don't quite know what they have got. It's kind of like the sports almanac that old man Biff brings back to the younger version of himself in that movie, Back To The Future II. Let's just hope the comparisons end there... I hope Floyd Reese and Jeff Fisher have more sense than a fictional moron from a popular science fiction motion picture trilogy. :geek:
I don't think some people on this board understand what it means when we say VY is not ready.

He doesn't simply need to learn the playbook! And even he that was all, he'd still need a ton of time. His Texas offense was High School Standards. He needs to learn an NFL offense this time.

Second, he needs to learn to adapt to the speed of the game. Most QB's take quite a while with this one...from 6 or 7 starts to 3 years of starting fulltime. I think he'll adapt to this the fastest.

Third, learning to read an NFL D is where this all becomes a problem! In Texas he had one read...period. If you watched all the pre-draft ESPN stuff, they showed how he didn't make a High School level pre-snap read but instead followed his single read...and got sacked. He can't do that in the pros and be successful. For All-World QB's in college in pro-style offenses, learning to read a D takes a long time. For a guy who's made no pre-snap reads out of a basic offense with basically no reading of the defense...and this is a big problem which will take a lot of time, practice, and film room before he even BEGINS to grasp this.

Lastly, the success of our OL will also be a large factor. If the flood gates open up a lot when we're passing, VY should not be inserted this year. Trying to read defenses frequently makes rookie QB's look slow or confused and a leaky OL is a great way for VY to get crushed. We've seen it before...high profile rookie QB's come in and get sacked a zillion times. Some never recover from taking that kind of beating.

I LOVE that they are trying to make some packages to get him on the field and utilize him as a weapon. Great job! But he needs to learn to make pre-snap reads, read the defense and practice going through 3 and 4 man progressions before they can even THINK about using him as a starter.

The one caveat is if the Titans are doing so poorly, the only way for Fisher and Reese to keep their jobs is to play VY so it's 'expected' that we'd have a poor record. This is a poor excuse of a reason to start him, but I could see it happen.

In short, VY should not start til he's ready or it'd be like me taking on a novice player in Madden....I'd crush his QB...even if he had VY or Vick. And the reality is, that can affect VY long term. This is NOT something to risk!

So utilize him in specific short yardage and goal line situations. This will give him limited pre-snap reads, limited plays and get him use to game speed. This is an excellent option for the Titans as they won't hurt his long time development and give him SOME experience at the same time. But until he knows the playbook inside and out, can make pre-snap reads for all the plays, understand all the protections/hot routes and who SHOULD be open on a given play against the expected D, read the defense AS he drops back, go through 3 or 4 man progressions, and develop his intermediate and long accuracy, he should start unless he HAS to.

I believe he'll make a few starts this year though I don't think he'll be really ready for it. However, we could see a similar offense as we ran when McNair first started fulltime...Eddie on 1st and 2nd down and McNair to Wycheck on 3rd (or a scramble) for a first down. However, unless our D drastically improves, this won't be a winning formula.

Imagine it's week 13, we're 7-5 and Volek sustained an injury against NYG.
In contention for a playoff spot and at home versus Indy.......

Instead of starting Mauck (who may not even be our #2 if he's even on the roster) or starting whoever our stop-gap #2 happens to be would you start Vince then?
Gut, though I agree with your comments that it's wise to utilize Young in certain situations where he'll have the best chance to succeed, I disagree with your comment on how basic the Texas offense was.

This common misconception was repeated as gospel for weeks leading up to the draft. After reading it once again on Fox, I did an interview with a reporter who covered the Longhorns who contradicted many of those myths.

Though I agree that Young will have a major adjustment, I don't think it is as dramatic as many believe.
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