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I'm only upto book 3 so i got no idea waht to expect from 7 and i got plenty of time to read up on them (give me until the middle of next month) before i can worry about 7.

Should be the size of an encyclopedia set :ha:
Just finished HP: Prisoner of Azkaban. Thought it was the best one of the first 3 so far.

Going to begin Goblet of Fire either tonight or tomorrow...after I watch Prisoner of Azkaban movie. :brow:
I think the 3rd movie is the best yet. The 4th is really good, but I just like how the director did things for the 3rd book. You may seen some of the things that I liked a little better about that movie in particular compared to the book.

Keep reading those books, get's even better :brow:
It's been awhile since I've seen and read the 1st few books and movies, but there are things in the 3rd that aren't in the books (good additions, or changes to me). Guess I shouldn't bring those up unless Gunny doesn't mind spoilers :winker:
Yes, there are a number of changes from the book. I'm just saying that the movie is better in and of itself than the other 3. I'm comparing the movies to the books in terms of overall quality rather than keeping all the facts exactly the same.
i've watched half the movie and it is noticably much better then the first two (though I dont remember a talking head in the Knight Bus)

The Dementors looks cool.

I reckon Richard Harris is a better Dumbledore
Starkiller said:
Richard Harris was the perfect Dumbledore...

It's a shame he died, there was something cool about his voice.

The Dumbledore in Azkaban seems too jovial and energetic. I got the impression that he was laid back and talked when needed from the books.
I like the new Dumblerdore better. He's got more energy and personality. Does even better in the 4th movie I think. There's quite a few things about the 3rd movie that was a step in the right direction, but the 4th wasn't quite as good to me. Guess it could be that they change directors every movie.
They also seemed to have made a major age jump from 2nd to 3rd.

Harry Potter is gonna be about 25 by the time they make the 7th movie.

I liked the 3rd one how it became more darker then the previous two, I hope that continues.
I really should check out the Harry Potter books. I still enjoy reading Alice in Wonderland once in a while. It’s a great creepy "kid's book", so perhaps I'll enjoy the Potter stuff too. It is a drag that I've got the images of the actors' faces so engrained that I'll no doubt be picturing them when and if I read the books.

KZ how was Pound for Bound? I've had it in my hands a few times but I've always been too cheap to pick it up. I read his autobiography "I Never Had it Made" back when I was in school. In retrospect it feels like I learned more reading that book than I did that entire year in class. Donn Rogosin's "Invisible Men" is another great book about baseball's colour barrier. Beyond the racial stuff (which is of course hugely significant), it's just cool to hear about all of the great players, managers and other assorted characters from the Negro Leagues whose exploits otherwise seem lost in time.

Oh and yeah, right now I'm reading "The Flounder" by Gunter Grass... and it's proving to be a bit much for my tiny brain.
I'm liking it right now, if you can find it at your local library, most definately pick it up. Robinson was a very interesting guy, and his rival with LaMotta is probably my favorite rivalry ever in boxing.
I'm liking it right now, if you can find it at your local library, most definately pick it up. Robinson was a very interesting guy, and his rival with LaMotta is probably my favorite rivalry ever in boxing.
KamikaZ said:
Uh, his name was Ray Robinson, his nickname was Sugar. Dunno what else to tell you. :ha:

yeah but there was also Sugar Ray Lenard.

Just curious why Sugar? Why not Pepper, Salt, Cinnamon etc.
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