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bulluck4dMVP said:
i don't remember Schwartz being the one of the field playing....

i mean do i fault him some? yes of course, but it takes two to make this defense work...and the past 2 seasons the talent on the field has been pitiful minus KB and a few others....

but i now think we have the pieces in place to have a top 10 defense i expect big things from the D this year...

jimbo Schwartzie said this after the dolt game at the Colesium "You can't blitz Manning". Said it in his post game radio interview. THERE is your problem. Not only should the Titans blitz Manning they should hit him every play, even if they have do go into a Benny Hill chase scene to get it accomplished. Schwartz is a Moneyball guy who apparently does not understand that Xs and Os are just part of a good D.
Honestly....i cant see us even being that bad at all....we upgraded almost all positions, the only question mark could only be the corner back position, but if Pacman avoids getting arrested and Hill improves upon last season...then we should be good. If KVB stays healthy and has another awesome year then we should definitly have a legitimate more thing....Will Chris Hope really be that big of a difference from when we had Tank Willams at 100%...can Hope lay the wood like Tank could?
Jwill1919 said:
TJ, you're also talking about a guy who was sure that he was going to get paid 23.9 million this year from this organization. We're not talking about just a regular Vet.
He was to be paid $10 mil.
TitanJeff said:
How is any scheme going to work when a player decides to do things their own way?

It's not . thats why Fisher should of been on top of this . you know Chow wasnt going to cause any waves in his first year, plus trying to learn himself. But we all know how Fisher is loyal to his players which is ok but McNair wasnt hitting on much last season . IMO Fisher needs to be alot harder on these guys who make millions but couldn't tackle if their lives depended on it. I sure hope he gets them in gear this season because i think he is a good coach .

BY THE WAY : to whoever was talking smack about Swartz , i agree 100 % he hasnt shown me a darn thing the whole time he has been here . im starting to think he has pictures of Bud and a farm animal , because he should have been gone 2 years ago.
twoseven said:
It's not . thats why Fisher should of been on top of this . you know Chow wasnt going to cause any waves in his first year, plus trying to learn himself.
All we heard entering last season was how Chow was only going to simplify the playbook, get the ball out of the backfield faster and exploit mismatches. But as early as the preseason we saw new formations so I think Chow made more changes than originally expected.

Fisher had to approve these changes. I can't imagine he'd handcuff Chow by allowing McNair to do things his way if it impacted the success of the offense. If he did, then you have another instance of Fisher losing control.

I'd love to hear Chow explain in more detail exactly what these items were and if he felt it impacted the effectiveness of the offense.
TitanJeff said:
Fisher had to approve these changes. I can't imagine he'd handcuff Chow by allowing McNair to do things his way if it impacted the success of the offense. If he did, then you have another instance of Fisher losing control.

I'm not much at butt kissin'...but I think you're pretty close to the problem.

I got a few chuckles and had some bullets aimed at me for saying that any player who can't get his attitude right can pack it up CUT 'EM....I don't care who they are...And yes, as a practical matter I know that contract situations want allow that to happen...but that should be the attitude.

That's one reason I'm glad the McNair era in Tennessee is over...

However attitude reflects leadership...No good coach should let any player run over him..And the head coach has got to be the HEAD COACH.

I happen to think that Jeff Fisher is one of the best, but too much crap was tolerated last year...

On a bright note, it does seem that the staff and players "seem ?" to understand the new "get it together" plan.....I HOPE
TitanJeff said:
I don't particularly agree with Chow that McNair should be allowed to do things his way just because he's a vet. You wonder how anything would get accomplished if every vet got away with that.

If McNair was allowed to do this his way, why didn't the Titans run any shotgun plays? McNair feels comfortable with it and has success running it.
Its amazing how great coordinators are when they have talent and how bad they are if they dont. I believe Steve played last year as if it was the last year of his contract knowing he wasnt going to resign for the money Reese would offer him and playing not to get seriously injured. He had a good passer rating by dumping 5 yard passes to tight ends when many times he had guys open down the field. The defense had 2 starting rookie corners and that prevents you from doing a lot of things on defense. I believe Chows offense will be much better this year and if the D isnt greatly improved Schwartz should be fired. Its also time someone said that Munch and Washburn didnt do much of a job last year either well they didnt, our OL was terrible and we gave up a lot of 100yd rush games last year and that starts with the DL. All our coaches need to do a much better job this year not only the coordinators but position coaches as well.
MacNine said:
If McNair was allowed to do this his way, why didn't the Titans run any shotgun plays? McNair feels comfortable with it and has success running it.
I don't think Chow implied McNair did EVERYthing his way. He wasn't specific to what those areas were which is key to understanding whether it did or didn't impact the success of the offense any more than not having enough receiver talent, a running game, etc.

I think it was the Seahawk game where Chow put McNair back into the shotgun for most of the game. I remember at one point Chow saying he wanted to let McNair do what he did best and turned him loose.

To me, the Chow offense was almost anti-McNair. Back when the talk started about adding the three-step drops to protect McNair, it threw a red flag up for me because McNair has never been at his best standing in the pocket making pinpoint passes. It's just not his game.

From the sound of things, the entire Titans offense was designed to protect McNair. But I think that mindset actually worked against the success of an offense with few weapons and the teams best offensive weapon (McNair) by handcuffing him.
fltitan said:
I believe Chows offense will be much better this year and if the D isnt greatly improved Schwartz should be fired.

Schwartz should just be fired period.

fltitan said:
Its also time someone said that Munch and Washburn didnt do much of a job last year either well they didnt, our OL was terrible and we gave up a lot of 100yd rush games last year and that starts with the DL. All our coaches need to do a much better job this year not only the coordinators but position coaches as well.

Munchak definatly lost the OL in 2005. They were abused all season long and not one of them dropped on the depth chart for their abysmal on field performance.

Washburn did well last season. The DL was the only strong unit on the D. in a 43 the LBs should be making the majority of the plays/tackles and the Titan LBs were just bad, and not 70s bad which was tough, but I digress. Washburn got a good year out of Haynesworth and KVB. Got about as much as possible out of Odom, Starks, Schoble, Laboy, Long and Clauss. No I would say Washburn did an excellent job last season. Too bad the LB/DB were doing a keystone kops impersonation all season.
A lot more options for Chow when we got this guy!
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TitanJeff said:

To me, the Chow offense was almost anti-McNair. Back when the talk started about adding the three-step drops to protect McNair, it threw a red flag up for me because McNair has never been at his best standing in the pocket making pinpoint passes. It's just not his game.

From the sound of things, the entire Titans offense was designed to protect McNair. But I think that mindset actually worked against the success of an offense with few weapons and the teams best offensive weapon (McNair) by handcuffing him.

I think it was more that Chow was trying to keep McNair healthy, a futile thing to do because Mac gets hurt tripping his own feet and the fact Mac simply isn't a very good offensive weapon anymore. Mac has no wheels anymore and his arm strength and accuaracy don't seem to be the same as they were in 2003. Add in the fact that Mac seemed clueless when it came to running the offense and his total disregard for putting in whatever effort was needed to learn the offense and jell with the young WRs made for very bad situation. When the one guy who has to take a leadership role (the QB) is not willing to submit to the OC (doesn't matter who you are, that is your job) and put forth the effort a 10 million dollar a year employee should it will effect the whole team in a negative way. Think about the whole scenario. We have a brat vet who is pouting because he isn't getting his way, who is missing practices and playing poorly in games, (Volek is actually running the offense during the week) and imagine the whole demeaner of the offense.
I remember going to practices and watching Kevin Carter working with the DL group. Carter was the first guy to arrive when the went from drill to drill and he was the first to get in line to do a drill. His enthusiasm was unbelievable for a guy with his status and salary. It definately rubbed off on the younger players. KVB is that kind of guy now. Thats the kind of enthusiasm I want to see from VY and the rest of the team. IMO we are much better off letting Mac leave and Chow's offense will benefit big time because of it. Note that the vets we signed are all the type of guys who will lead by example and will not be the examples we have had from certain others in the past.
Wow...I think I've heard everything.

The defense didn't have ENOUGH talent? You must be joking! Schwartz is far under-coaching his on-field talent.

Our FA signees are the only guys we have who lead by example...not like the guys we had in the past??? McNair led by example and did it very well for most of his career. If you don't like how last season worked out and his trade off the team...fine. But he was an excellent leader for most of his was KC, EG, BB, and KB...not to mention KVB.

And BTW, Peyton Manning doesn't listen to his OC at all and they have a record setting offense. Doesn't sound like that is hurting their team, does it?

But in regards to Chow, there is always a speed bump making the transition from college to the pros as a coordinator. Spurrier - arguably one of the best modern day college coaches failed miserably...even after years in the NFL. So you expect there may be some strategic or tactical problems and considering McNair was our biggest weapon last year with a leaky OL, it's understandable why they reeled the offense in a bit to try and protect McNair.

As far as McNair making demands or whatever, I think any QB who has reached the level that McNair has, will be used to a few things. First, he will have input into any gameplan as he knows what plays he runs, knows and has the most success with. Second, he will influence to some extent the style of the offense. If he reads and is more comfortable in 5 step drops instead of 3, then it makes sense for everyone to impliment that. Third, in most instances McNair knows the defenses and their star players better than Chow would so he may exert some influence for that reason as well.

Chow is used to dealing with college kids who look up to him and hang onto everyword and don't question anything. It's a learning process for him too in that regard.

Short of Chow spelling out his problems with McNair in detail, it's impossible to know if this is a PR move so that he's basically deflecting some of the blame for the offenses failures onto McNair or whether he and McNair actually clashed significantly. Either way, it doesn't matter. Chow is here and McNair isn't. Chow has had his warmup year and it's time to produce! I don't want to see Chow next off-season explaining away offensive failure with...whenever you lose a player the caliber of Steve McNair, it's gonna hurt your offense...!!!

The difference in Mac and Manning is Manning is heading up a record setting offense and McNair was clueless most of the year. It is a lot easier to excuse a player's rebellious attitude when they are putting up HOF numbers. It was obvious that Mac was a terrible leader last year and it was also obvious he didn't put in any extra effort at all to get the offense in sync. All Mannning does is spend countless hours throwing passes to his WRs, studying game film and trying to become a better player. Mac threw in the towel last year and IMO we are no worse off without him. As far as the caliber of McNair only one team was even interested in him and that team had not just Boller but a parade of crap QBs over the last couple of decades so they picked Mac almost out of desperation. If they had any sense they would have used a draft pick on one and saved their money. When it is all said and done Mac will not get the media pass or the coaches pass he got here so he better bust his butt to succeed or ESPN will be having discussions about his inability to get it done this year as the Raven faithful vent their displeasure with the diminished QB play. There will not be anything politically correct about the bashing Mac will take this year if he comes with the same lousy attitude he had last year.
I dont care for Schwartz and think he should have been fired but we started 2 rookies at the corners, didnt have a solid nickel back, had a safety and olb coming off acls that probably shouldnt have been on the field and Kassel at mlb. I agree with most of your post but just my opinion that wasnt a very talented defense. We have much more talent this year and if we are not a top 10 defense he should be fired.
we have good TEs but come on Norm, 1) you need to spread the ball around more (WR, RB, FB) and you need integrate a few running plays. When you have Brown and Henry and now White, you can't pass 70% of the time... Pretty simple. Integrate your game plan around that and you should be OK...
Gut said:
Wow...I think I've heard everything.

The defense didn't have ENOUGH talent? You must be joking! Schwartz is far under-coaching his on-field talent.

Freakin Niners go and pick Mike Nolan as their head coach. A frickin Raisin!! They should've taken Schwartz away and put us out of our misery!
Sledge said:
we have good TEs but come on Norm, 1) you need to spread the ball around more (WR, RB, FB) and you need integrate a few running plays. When you have Brown and Henry and now White, you can't pass 70% of the time... Pretty simple. Integrate your game plan around that and you should be OK...
it's not good to pass that much, but when your defense cant hold a lead, or even hold the other team's offense out fo the endzone every so often, you need to pass to score points.
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