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Titanville said:
Last I checked this was a message board full of opinions and we were all free to state ours reguardless of who agrees or disagrees with it. So maybe you shouldn't wear your feelings on your shirt sleeve so much becuase in this case you look more like the whiney little kid thats mad cause everyone doesn't agree with him. But regaurdless of who you think should get the spot, you have to admit that up to this point in time Andre has had more bad days than good ones.

I completely disagree. Andre had 3 bad games last year and if you can disprove this do so... Colts, St. Louis, Colts (the whole team sucked in second Colts game - everybody). He had 4 standout games, but unfortunately they only won 2 of them..... Baltimore (spectacular- 2 incredibly hard hits that made you just got jacked up - one on Jamal Lewis - forced a fumble and the other on Todd Heap - a Poster now- he gave Mason Fits - check the GoTitans Photos), Arizona (team lost, Andre got hurt in late 3rd qtr, but in 2nd and 3rd qtr alone, 5 tackles, 3 pass defenses and he held Larry Fitzgerald to 7 net yards - after he departed late 3rd qtr - Fitz had 72 yards and 2 TDs), Miami (locked down the slot receivers the entire second half - no attempts to or completions - of course), Jags (last game of year - 9 tackles - 7 on Running backs that had broke away from linemen or linebackers). Pittsburgh was a bad game for the team stopping Willie Parker, but a good Pass defense game for Andre - everyone was terrible vs Parker running). The big problem overall was the highlights of Marvin doing Andre in and Torre Holt doing the same. .... That is my honest take on his season.... The injury thing is really his major problem, although the first two injuries were just rotten luck, being they were both inflicted by Titans divinig into tackle pile-ups late.
Sledge said:
wow, thanks, i wasn't sure there.. lol

seriously, woolfolk must have a kick arse camp to make it. he's just aweful

Your seriously mistaken that he is awful, but he will have a good to great camp, then you can Sledge your way back with some accolades.... Check my last post and go back to the play by play and recaps of all those games I mentioned. If you're a good little Sledgey, I can mail you copies of the videos.... I do have them, but seriously, that is an LOL on the mailing
WoolfolksUncle said:
If Andre is traded or goes to a as a free agent 4 of the 32 NFL teams I refuse and will never be a fan of those teams, regardless - Raiders, Chiefs, Colts, Redskins.... those teams literally make me
:coltssuk: :ravens:This comes as a bit of a shock.
:jagsbite: :bs:No support from his Uncle?

Can not pull for a Redskins team with Andre on it? wow.

I understand the Raiders and Cheifs more...
Colts is pretty obvious from a Denver perspective.

You would root against Andre if he were a Colt?
Meaning you would root on Andre's former team, the Titans, if Andre were somehow to end up in Indianapolis. Is that what you are saying?
WoolfolksUncle said:
Your seriously mistaken that he is awful, but he will have a good to great camp, then you can Sledge your way back with some accolades.... Check my last post and go back to the play by play and recaps of all those games I mentioned. If you're a good little Sledgey, I can mail you copies of the videos.... I do have them, but seriously, that is an LOL on the mailing

good for you to have them, but one piece of advice: if you intend on recording games so you can keep em for a few years, go DVD

look, i have nothing against woolfolk, i hope he really has a great camp and starts in week 1, cuz that'll mean he's done real good, but i just have memories of missed tackles and him getting constantly beaten down the field that i just can't get out.
Sledge said:
good for you to have them, but one piece of advice: if you intend on recording games so you can keep em for a few years, go DVD

look, i have nothing against woolfolk, i hope he really has a great camp and starts in week 1, cuz that'll mean he's done real good, but i just have memories of missed tackles and him getting constantly beaten down the field that i just can't get out.

Well it only happened once in the last 5 games he played, and he did quite a few good things in those games (the one burn downfield and actually it was a missed tackle on Marvin Harrison, because he wasn't the one holding him... actually he tackled him but Harrison did a better job of stretching out with the ball toward the endzone than Dyson did in 2000. You just proved what I said, when the team loses, nobody cares who had a good game, so I am quite sure you never noticed his good moments. Those good games I mentioned were all last season (4 of them late season games) and they are the vivid moments I remember. Like I said, and this should end all of this back and forth gibberish.... Andre will challenge for the spot during camp. If he succeeds its good for the team. If he doesn't succeed in regaining the spot but pushes Hill to the brink, it is still good because it means they both are playing at a high level.... So past criticism, skepticism, looking at only the bad, my looking at only the good, midline people looking at both, however people want to look at it is irrelevant. The only relevance is here and now... Mini Camp, Camp, Pre-Season, Season.... So for me, I can save it for my coming cheers, for any of you negative people your negative jeers..... Like I said earlier, I simply hope the Titans are a successful team because everyone will benefit from it.... Everybody...... If you or anybody has a problem with that line of thinking then you are truly a fake fan.
Brian said:
You forgot Arnaz Battle.


My previous post applies to you as well, especially you. To want to see people do bad on a team is tacky. I have more than enough times written my wishes for everyone on the Titans to play well... What about you. Answer the question straight up .... Nip this in the bud. Do you wish to see every Titan whenever they are on the field to play well. Even Andre???? Will you cheer for him to play good defense when you see him. I will cheer for whomever to play well as all real fans will. You can answer this straight up like true straight up everyday man or evasively like an everyday congressman..... Out
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
:coltssuk: :ravens:This comes as a bit of a shock.
No support from his Uncle?

Can not pull for a Redskins team with Andre on it? wow.

I understand the Raiders and Cheifs more...
Colts is pretty obvious from a Denver perspective.

You would root against Andre if he were a Colt?
Meaning you would root on Andre's former team, the Titans, if Andre were somehow to end up in Indianapolis. Is that what you are saying?

I cannot root for the Dolts. I will not root for the Dolts. I refuse to root for the Dolts. Just think, they blew up my Broncos in the playoffs two and three seasons ago.... They obliterated the Titans the last 3 times they played and the entire media had bowed down to them and pre-planned a coronation of their gloryboy fruitcake QB..... The press drove the Colts hatenail deep into all anti colts foreheads and when they got beat by Pittsburgh in the playoffs, we were all freed of the terroristic torture we had endured all season... If Andre goes to the Dolts, I cannot root for that team and I will suffer..... One thing will always remain true... I will have my Broncos...... Then there is the Raiders...... for me I would have to watch Soccer or something.... I would have to commit football:
I would have to commit football:

wow, he just keeps going and that Energizer Bunny.
WoolfolksUncle said:
Do you wish to see every Titan whenever they are on the field to play well. Even Andre????
Always have. I also have a pretty good eye for ****ty play. No one's been consistantly ****tier.

Brian said:
Always have. I also have a pretty good eye for ****ty play. No one's been consistantly ****tier.


Are you seriously saying that Eddie Berlin, Tyrone Calico, etc have played better consistently than Andre?

I see two equally biased people fueling this debate. It appears it's more personal now than logical (if it ever was).
Brian said:
No. Just not worse.

Ok, so the factual, completely factual references to his good games, you have ignored..... Go ahead, say they were bad games. Reference each one in which he made multiple plays and some of them yes on the spectacular side... Baltimore, Arizona, Houston, Miami, Jacksonville. Now - direct challenge, use facts to say they were bad performances by him. Go ahead, lets see how factually honest you are....
Brian said:
Sure. You got a shot of that Arnaz Battle match-up?

Here is your book again Brian. You are pointing out one match up in a game I didn't mention San Fran.... and no one cares because the Titans won the game. Like I said: Man up and reference the games I mentioned since you say all of his play is ****y. Your mouth can't even form the words and your fingers definitely cannot type the TRUTH. If you say anything contrary on those games, you are flat out lying. Arnaz beat Andre for a TD and had a few short catches. Andre still played a decent game, was around the ball enough to be the one to pick up a fumble and return it a ways, so now I referenced what you did.... Reference what I asked... MAN or mouse... The book as promised:

"Hey George, uhhh, I don't understand, are you talking about, uuuhh San Francisco ..... or uhhhh ... ohhh, uuuhhh the Ravens.... or, uuhhh, the Denver Cardinals?????
We've been down this road before - You post your pictures of the few plays Andre actually made and I reference three years worth of poor play and demotions. The new information (from Kuharsky and more importantly Titan Scout Blake Beddingfield) says that a former #1 draft pick and three year veteran is now the #4 CB behind three 2nd year players (one a 7th round draft pick and one who played one game as a rookie). I didn't make that up.

In addition, according to Terry McCormick of The Nashville City Paper, the team "has made no secret a veteran cornerback is high on its wish list. Ty Law and Ahmed Plummer are the top two available cornerbacks on the free-agent market. Both have visited Nashville this month, as the Titans look to fill a hole"

Those are facts. You are ignoring them. Not me.
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