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...And spent 10 Got damn minutes after the hour I spent putting a crook in my damn neck on hold,...Entering in info and stuff and saying my address and model number and all kinda stuff that should carry over.

First thing off, the mofo who answered the damn phone has no got damn english speaking skills what so ever, he garbled some shi help thanks sprint....So I assumed he meant "Thank you for calling sprint may I help you."
Obviously they have a call center in Bun damn Bangladesh for who knows what godly reason!

The first damn question this dude asks me is the same got damn info I just spent 10 damn minutes entering

Man, didn't that sh*t I just loaded into your data base carry over into the call man, Got damn so I immediately start running off all kind of unecessary personal stuff such as my boxer size, where I went to school at, what time is fatburger open here, all kind of dumb sh*t... to get to the damn problem.... Then
He ask me the problem, I tell him....Then he asked for the freakin model number again.... I'm like man WTF????
But I spell it out like W-T-F.
He gets the model number and asks me the problem again.... So I tell him, he then says hold

And comes back and says "I'm going to have to transfer you to a level up"

Mutha!!!!!!!!!!!!! we could've just cut to the got damn chase in the beginning if you would've ask that stuff first off.
Get to the next step a freakin automated system for entering more useless damn info nowhere near my related problem.

I finally get some clicks and some new dude on the phone finally a human.

I almost piss my pants after going through what seemed like an eternity talking to a f'ed up automated system who kept repeating "I don't understand, please say again"... "Trick no!!!!, I don't have a got damn warranty... "Say again please"

Finallllllly get to a damn human again

And you guessed it another jibba jabbanese speaking, a whole got damn nother list of info, I gotta fork over.... So im like forget it, I'm not saying a damn thing, here is my problem.... This fool says "I can't help you until I enter all the info on the computer"

Customer service sucks

Great post. Been there, done that. The automated system I deal with says "Sorry, my mistake, I didn't get that. Let's try again" Aaaaargh.... You're not sorry... YOU'RE A FRICKIN' MACHINE!!!! And yes, when you finally make it through that crap* and reach a human they ask for all that same info again (I should slap myself for typing "been there, done that.... at least I didn't put down "got the t- shirt"..... D'oh I guess I just did!).

* - Is crap the same as ****? Will I get in trouble for using the word crap in my post???? What about "frickin"? YIKES! I guess I'll find out.:))
The secret of dealing with automated systems, if you want to talk to an actual person, is to press 0. It doesn't always work, but often it will direct you to a human even if it doesn't give you that option in the menus.

And yes, customer service sucks today. That's the first thing that goes when companies try to save money. They can't skimp on the actual product, otherwise people wouldn't buy it. But once you have already bought it, you already are locked in...
also Starkiller, the "secret" :suspect: ... I don't do this but a good buddy of mine swears by it... is to press nothing at all and pretend as if you have a non-touch tone phone... I believe the cavemen called them "rotary" phones ...
That may work too, though I've never tried it...

Ah yes, the old rotary phone. Talk about a dying breed. It might as well be the phones you can still see in old TV shows like Lassie or Andy Griffith where you rang up the operator and told them who you wanted them to connect you to.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
also Starkiller, the "secret" :suspect: ... I don't do this but a good buddy of mine swears by it... is to press nothing at all and pretend as if you have a non-touch tone phone... I believe the cavemen called them "rotary" phones ...
That will actually work quite often. I've even done it myself... No matter though, cause cust service sucks just about everywhere anyway. Same goes for decsent service about any place you go for that matter. It seems like the only place you can get good resaurant service is at one of the high dollar places like the Palm or Ruth's Chris.... God forbid I go to Chili's or Outback and find a decsent waiter!
you guys get telemarketers ringing you? asking for someone and can't even say their name right?

they are annoying, thankfully next year new Aussie law, you can put your number down on a no call list and they cannot call you.
Gunny said:
they are annoying, thankfully next year new Aussie law, you can put your number down on a no call list and they cannot call you.

We have it and it doesn't work.

at least- it does not work for some.
Agree with Starkiller

Too bad Tennessee allows an exception for businesses that you "have a relationship with" to contact you. About the only time I ever get called is by the newspaper and the symphony.
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