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You might have given him a chance but Republicans blocked everything he tried to do, lets be honest.

And look, I would love for Trump to end up being a great president. I live in this country too, so it does me absolutely no good if he is horrible and I can say "told ya so", because I would still be living in a country with a ****** president just like everyone else. So yes, I 100% hope I end up being wrong about him. THat also doesnt mean I cant be critical of him or express my doubts. And my first issue, is that I dont trust the people he is surrounding himself with for anything.
He is in charge but he also has absolutely no political experience. He is going to have to lean on people for a while at least (which every president obviously has a ton of advisors), and I just dont like the people it seems he is going to be leaning on.
Perhaps TRUMP should have spent 6 months as a, oh, I don't know, a community organizer to get vast amounts of experience running the large Federal government? Would that make you feel better? YOU LOSE>....LMAO
I dont know what that means but I would suggest some alcohol might bring that total down a bit
At the least he posted actual words...I am not sure he posted all the ones required to know wtf he is talking about...but at least it was words.
i love how all the young mexican free-ride college students are freaking out because they're scared of being deported..

if you weren't doing something illegal, nothing bad would happen

weird how that works
That is a freaking riot.

Assange is an ass... But honestly America owes him for at least revealing the true colors of the Democratic Party. He swayed the election in a big way.

I'm sure if it were done to the republicans, it may be just as bad.
But I'd love it if everything they all do, comes to light.
Oh, I'm sure he has stuff on both sides.....but truthfully, I suspect most of the R's trash is already known...the media does that already...and besides...the old R's are dead...they were the first taken out by TRUMP.
Oh, I'm sure he has stuff on both sides.....but truthfully, I suspect most of the R's trash is already known...the media does that already...and besides...the old R's are dead...they were the first taken out by TRUMP.

The R's stuff isnt known at all. No tax returns for one. For two, the whole Russia connection that was suspected but never fully known. Until of course yesterday Russia came out and said they were in touch with the Trump campaign the whole time. Plenty of things about the Trump campaign we are not aware of that Wikileaks probably could have shed light on, but instead of being about transparency they became a partisan organization.
The R's stuff isnt known at all. No tax returns for one. For two, the whole Russia connection that was suspected but never fully known. Until of course yesterday Russia came out and said they were in touch with the Trump campaign the whole time. Plenty of things about the Trump campaign we are not aware of that Wikileaks probably could have shed light on, but instead of being about transparency they became a partisan organization.
The R's stuff isnt known at all. No tax returns for one. For two, the whole Russia connection that was suspected but never fully known. Until of course yesterday Russia came out and said they were in touch with the Trump campaign the whole time. Plenty of things about the Trump campaign we are not aware of that Wikileaks probably could have shed light on, but instead of being about transparency they became a partisan organization.
Truth coming out for half is better than truth coming out for none.

One thing is for sure. DNC buried Sanders. The stepping down of DWS confirms that. The republicans did not go against the will of their people and bury DJT.

I'm sure the republicans have quite a few skeletons in their closet. But the fact is that corruption was exposed, and that is a good thing, no matter if it's biased or not. Republicans will someday get what's coming to them to, in this new digital society.
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