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I just saw this flick with my girl, and lemme say, maybe the most boring, uninspired flick I've seen since...I can't even remember. I've read Dan Brown's novel, and wasn't overly impressed by it; it was a fun book to read, but nothing groundbreaking or special. I didn't have high expectations for that movie either, but damn, it was a snorefest. I literally was falling asleep on her shoulder like 3-4 times and she kept having to wake my *** up. Ugh, and that cost me 18 bucks! Man, I'm bitter!

Moral of the story? Don't see this overblown borefest. MI3 was at least entertaining. :sad2:
Tickets were like $9 bucks a pop man, **** is not cheap anymore. Why do you think movie theatres are gonna be vacant in a decade?
cos you just download it all.

Me and my girl were gonna see it, but maybe i will save my $22 (rolleyes) and go see X-Men 3 next week.
Eventually the movie industry is going to have to take over the theatre chains when they all go bankrupt. The studios are the ones making all the money, so they will end up having to show the movies themselves...

My brother and I went to go see MI3 and we were talking about how much everything used to cost when we were kids. It's insane how expensive everything is now.
needless37 said:
I havent seen it yet, but i bet all u saying it sucked are crazy catholics who never wanted it to be made

it has nothing to do with it, there is too much information in the books for it to be made into a decent length movie.
needless37 said:
I havent seen it yet, but i bet all u saying it sucked are crazy catholics who never wanted it to be made

Nope. I'm agnostic. It's just a really tedious movie and really uninteresting to me. A ton of critics and viewer agree with me, many of which are not Catholic.
It was a major hype because the book stirred up a bunch of stuff which riled up the catholic church and got the media coverage.

The movie was exactly the same.

I bet the Catholic church is jumping up and down over it....except it doesnt change the book being a hit.
I guess the closet definition for what I am is agnostic (I just don't got all the answers, it's that simple), but I'd like to see this movie. I like to learn about religions, and it's Tom Hanks! Tom in a sucky movie!?!?!:lol:

Oh well, sounds like it'll be out on dvd in a month. But of course Blockbuster will want 6 or 7 bucks too....oh well, it'll come out on HBO in 3 months.
The following is an opinion on film and history, not religion:

First off... keep in mind the book this film is based on is a work of fiction.

Well, I am Roman Catholic and even my very devout mother has an interest in this film. I have been watching some of the hype programming on the History Channel that has been drumming up interest in the movie, but still, to me, the idea that there is a bloodline that is directly decended from Jesus Christ onward is absolute hogwash. I can of course see a bloodline that goes back to David for this is the bloodline Christ is said to be of... but descendants of Christ, with Mary Magdalene??? Please. That has got to be the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. Didn't they make this movie once already... I believe they called it The Last Temptation of Christ...

However, while watching the History Channel I did see an interesting feature on a Christian church in Jerusalem that conducts all of their ceremony in aramaic. They are Merovingian. That is a hot key word to search on...

Merovingian... <-- research that and you will be more confused than you ever were.
Vigsted said:
Confused about what exactly?
Nice try. Where did I ever say that I was confused?

Cultural references- which later influenced the novel The Da Vinci Code. Relying on conjecture and methodological fallacies to re-interpret historical sources, the theory says that the Merovingians were the descendants of Jesus Christ; it is seen as popular pseudohistory by academic historians.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Nice try. Where did I ever say that I was confused?

Where did I ever you were confused? You however said that researching the Merovingians "and you will be more confused than you ever were", and I asked about what in particular.
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