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I'm Catholic and if I want to talk about Jesus Christ in any shape or form in these forums I'm obligated to keep it in a historical context. The DaVinci Code is a lie... Is that what you want dude? If you are such a critic of Rome then why are you popping off about how this film makes Catholics feel or even have an opinion in that regard? :suspect: The movie is fiction, loosely based in two actual histories... It is up to oneself to discern what he or she perceives to be good or bad, evil or glorious in nature. Myself, I would not waste my time with it. I'm familiar enough with it's content to know that it has the same appeal to me as free oral surgery. I don't understand why you come out stomping Catholics as if you can not stand them yet are concerned with how they feel towards certain issues. I know enough about the world to see that the world is not pure. Any world that could give prior generations the WWII holocaust is lucky to have something as lame as The DaVinci Code to be "the big evil" or whatever you are making the film out to be. I've got more sense than to intentionally rattle my beliefs. Oh yeah, and since you mentioned outraged Jews... Hollywood is run by Judiac peoples.
TitanFan4Life said:
And oh yea, I am the biggest critic of Cathlocism out there, I just can't stand this hypocritic IGNORANT people who make these blackent statements.

not everything you read is truth, especially when what you read comes from the biggest supporters of Jesus.
First of all, where did I say I was a critic of rome? Where did I "stomp catholics" bipolar? Quote on example where I "stomped" them. Yea, I don't think you are going to find any example, so how about you re-read what I wrote and edit your post so you don't look like such an idiot.

I think I was the one saying pay them respect. Once again you prove your ignorance by pulling statements out of thin air, and putting words in others mouths.

I just said that I am the first to question Catholicism and one of their biggest critics, being raised catholic and questioning it over the years. I simply stated that you can't justify what Dan Brown did as just putting it off as 'well its just fiction' because what he wrote is a complete MOCKERY of the Catholic faith.

I am not stupid enough to go out and protest the movie, or claim that it is "a great evil" I am just simply stating, BIPOLAR, that you can not intelligently just put this movie off as mere fiction.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
I'm Catholic and if I want to talk about Jesus Christ in any shape or form in these forums I'm obligated to keep it in a historical context. The DaVinci Code is a lie... Is that what you want dude? If you are such a critic of Rome then why are you popping off about how this film makes Catholics feel or even have an opinion in that regard? :suspect: The movie is fiction, loosely based in two actual histories... It is up to oneself to discern what he or she perceives to be good or bad, evil or glorious in nature. Myself, I would not waste my time with it. I'm familiar enough with it's content to know that it has the same appeal to me as free oral surgery. I don't understand why you come out stomping Catholics as if you can not stand them yet are concerned with how they feel towards certain issues. I know enough about the world to see that the world is not pure. Any world that could give prior generations the WWII holocaust is lucky to have something as lame as The DaVinci Code to be "the big evil" or whatever you are making the film out to be. I've got more sense than to intentionally rattle my beliefs. Oh yeah, and since you mentioned outraged Jews... Hollywood is run by Judiac peoples.

Let's make sure BIPOLARS original post is made public so he doesn't change his ridiculous statements.
Gunny said:
not everything you read is truth, especially when what you read comes from the biggest supporters of Jesus.

Exactly gunny. My point exactly, one of my biggest issues with the Catholic Church is that it has become to dependent on humans, and humans are tainted. They can change whatever they want about the faith to make it more appealing to a certain situation.
Looks like our friend BIPOLAR has his foot in his mouth. If you have no comeback, you can just admit defeat, apologize, delete your ignorant post and move on.
TitanFan4Life said:
They can change whatever they want about the faith to make it more appealing to a certain situation.
They were doing that centuries ago.
That is why it is still here.

Something tells me this is really about a nun that hit you on the knuckles when you were in grade school. In my heart I hold some truth as I manuver my way through a world of lies. I am my own judge for what I allow to affect me. As I pointed out earlier, the film The Last Tempation of Christ sparked this same nerve among the public... Which you might find it odd that fundamentalist conservative Christians of all sorts of denominations are to one degree or another unhappy that this movie is out there. Catholics may talk from the pulpit about this sort of thing but I don't know that my brothers at the Knights of Columbus are organizing a rally at the local cinemaplex. I'm really a bit miffed where all this is coming from. I don't entirely agree with the notion that Michael Moore's work is fiction, from a technical standpoint, put I can see Overalls statement being kinda comparative... I didn't want to start with him over something stupid when I get what he's saying... I don't really give a jack who sees this movie. Have you seen it? Did you enjoy it? What about it did you like the most? I really was never a opponent of it. I don't think it is worth it. There is too much real danger in the world to bother with something so trivial as a Ron Howard movie.
The biggest problem with the Da Vinci Code is that it has the general public polarised. One half thinks it's all nonsense and the other half thinks it's all truth.

However the fact is that it's a fictitious story based on a number of true historical facts as well as a number of false historical facts. Certainly a lot of the conclusions Brown draws are false or at best highly speculative (the whole bloodline deal), but much of the underlying facts are true (the church oppressing women).

I would seriously suggest anyone in either camp to do more research, instead of just dismissing the other side out of hand.
Um, my whole point was that the movie was boring, uninspired, and took it's plot way too seriously. Bad movie IMO.

X3 is what it is. I dunno what you were expecting (I never read the comics), but I thought it was decent; better than X1, but not coming close to X2.

"I'm the Juggernaut *****!"
For what it's worth, a number of people seemed to be OK with X3. There are some good scenes, both action and SFX. But that's not to say they were all great and the only problem was the plot.

Oh, and the other thing which I suggest (sort of) is to stay until after the credits. There's apparently a 30 second scene afterwards.
Vigsted said:
The biggest problem with the Da Vinci Code is that it has the general public polarised. One half thinks it's all nonsense and the other half thinks it's all truth.

However the fact is that it's a fictitious story based on a number of true historical facts as well as a number of false historical facts. Certainly a lot of the conclusions Brown draws are false or at best highly speculative (the whole bloodline deal), but much of the underlying facts are true (the church oppressing women).

I would seriously suggest anyone in either camp to do more research, instead of just dismissing the other side out of hand.
You know, I really couldn't agree with this statement more. I would like to add that it is my opinion that I myself have been rather even handed on this topic and it is evident by my numerous posts in this thread that I have researched the basis of the film a great deal more than the average person. I don't doubt that the film is boring however. If my wife and I were able to get away and see a serious adult movie at 1st run cinema prices... I'm certain we could find something we'd enjoy more than The DaVinci Code.

Not to shift the subjects, but to make a comparison, and to hopefully help put out any fire that might be raging over my opinions... I'd like to make the comparison of the DaVinci Code to a favorite, action-packed "historical" film that is a favorite of mine...Gangs of New York This is a great film but it is far from historically accurate however there is much that is depicted that is true. If you want to stay inside the Leonardo DiCaprio bubble... there was no Jack Dawson on the White Star Line steamship Titanic and he certainly wasn't sketching Rose DeWitt Bukater nudes.
Starkiller said:
For what it's worth, a number of people seemed to be OK with X3. There are some good scenes, both action and SFX. But that's not to say they were all great and the only problem was the plot.

Oh, and the other thing which I suggest (sort of) is to stay until after the credits. There's apparently a 30 second scene afterwards.

Yeah, I stayed because one of my geek friends heard about it. It was pretty cool.
Bobo said:
X3 sucked? :hmm: :sad2:

Nah. There are problems with the plot, the writing, and the amount of characters (character development is the worst of all the movies). But it's a good summer movie IMO.
I was really into the X-men as a kid when I bought comics every Saturday, but that was a long time ago. I even like the kid group of X-men that were around for a little while (forget their name.....X-Factor maybe?).

I'll still have to see it, even if it gets worse reviews than Water World. Halley Berry is still a fox, worth a rental at least :brow:
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