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On the plus side, X4 looks like it's gonna happen.

*Crosses fingers for Gambit and Apocolypse


So is the loss of power temporairy, or is it permanent? Because Magneto went out like a straight puss.

I also don't think Cyclops is dead.
TitanFan4Life said:
I am so SICK and TIRED of people saying that this movie is just FICTION.

Why are the Catholics getting so hyped up over fiction they go...

Give me a BREAK!

Let me put it in this context for you. If I made a movie praising Adolf Hitler for being a great Jewish sympathizer, would I get slack for it? HELL YEA I WOULD! I am taking a HISTORICAL figure and blatently changing and defaming him and the people he affected. You think that the Jews would not be outraged? But wait, what I made is just fiction, why should it offend anyone.
See that is exactly my point,
the DaVinci Code is straight up demaing Catholicism and everything it stands for.
The Left Behind series of books do that as well but I don't know that they serve a negative purpose. I don't know how these things work... a movie like this or the slaughter of the Holocaust as you like to compare it too... it could be grand design meaning that if the Zebra in the sky does/does not want us to play the ball where it lies so who are we to challenge the spot? I for one am baffled at what kind of play you are trying to make on the proverbial ball. I think you dropped it when you told me three minutes after your post that my foot was in my mouth. That's the nice thing about golf. If you hit it ob all you've got to do is take a drop. ;) (and a penalty stroke of course) :ha:
Saying that Jesus dedicated himself to one person when he came to save the entire world destroys the whole religion - and it is ludacrise. JESUS IS A HISTORICALLY DOCUMENTED FIGURE, pay him some respect.
This has got to be one of the most confusing, conflicting posts I have ever read... You want this movie to be taken as truth?
TitanFan4Life said:
BIPOLAR, that you can not intelligently just put this movie off as mere fiction.
I called it a lie. What more do you want from me?

Here's a work in progress...

Instead of telling me what's wrong with me (sorta) tell me what is wrong with who is writing what the "truth" is... Then maybe I can understand where you are coming from...
Saying that Jesus dedicated himself to one person when he came to save the entire world destroys the whole religion - and it is ludacrise.
I never said anything close to that. On the whole, I agree, however, I did not respond to the thread to talk about the divinity of Christ and the universal faith of Christianity. The idea of this film destroying Christianity is ludicrous by virtue of the simple fact that there is too much balogna in it, first and foremost the assertion that Jesus and Mary Magdalene relationship was of a carnal nature. I like to think that Christian faith is stronger than that.
avvie said:
I see that the Mods aren't awake yet...

--Avvie "Boy these lines are blurry" Hughes
eh now! I've done very good in this thread to toe the line. I haven't crossed the "Koresh"-hold...

I don't even disagree with what he is trying to say, I think...
mostly I think he doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about...
which is a dangerous thing to let Bipolar think...
because Bipolar just likes to type... so, if you let me think things...

I might never shut up!!! :lol3:

so, mess with Bipolar at your own risk...:ha:
Gunny said:
i'm pretty certain they said it was the last one.

Wolverine spin-off is happening though

Considering it made 44.5 million on the first DAY, and is probably going to break American records for debuts, count on being a 4. They're setting up a 4th anyway.
means nothing.

the name of it suggests it was the last one and I am quite certain it was said it was the last one, regardless of an open ending.
I posted in the other thread, but I'll add a couple things here about X III.

Character developement: There's really not any necessary...the core folks are still here, and we already know about them. The new ones are pretty expendable.

Wherever Cyclops is, he can't see too good. Though the ending was left slightly open, it would be too ridiculous to explain any resurrections (yeah, I know, irony). Jean Grey's return was really pushing it.

Starkiller, what were you pissed off at? The plot? Grey and Wolvy?

BTW, Kelsey Grammer looks much better in blue fur than he does as Frasier.
Gunny said:
means nothing.

the name of it suggests it was the last one and I am quite certain it was said it was the last one, regardless of an open ending.

Gunny, please. :ha:

So, you're saying because the title implies something, that we should disregard not only certain scenes in the movie, but also that this is one of the highest grossing film debuts, ever?

Fox won't pick it up (one of the higher up execs doesn't like the franchise), but someone will.
havent you ever seen a movie with open endings that never got a sequel?

Fox will pick it up because it makes money, if there is a 4th one.
avvie said:
I posted in the other thread, but I'll add a couple things here about X III.

Character developement: There's really not any necessary...the core folks are still here, and we already know about them. The new ones are pretty expendable.

Wherever Cyclops is, he can't see too good. Though the ending was left slightly open, it would be too ridiculous to explain any resurrections (yeah, I know, irony). Jean Grey's return was really pushing it.

Starkiller, what were you pissed off at? The plot? Grey and Wolvy?

BTW, Kelsey Grammer looks much better in blue fur than he does as Frasier.

Jean Grae was returned in the comic book as Phoenix. Where's the stretch?
I don't know anything about the comic book. And I did mention irony in my opinion. Nothing in the comic world is REALLY a stretch.

--Avvie "Learning to reconsider my standards" Hughes
avvie said:
Starkiller, what were you pissed off at? The plot? Grey and Wolvy?
For one, the way they changed so many of the character backgrounds (i.e. Phoenix, Juggernaut, Calisto as prime examples).

Secondly, the plot sucked. They tried to cram too much in. And in the end, my guess is the whole "cure" will be meaningless because all the mutants will probably get their powers back.
Well Magneto got his back.

They can only do so much with the backstories. I'm fine with it.

The plot was rushed and crammed though.
TitanFan4Life said:
I just said that I am the first to question Catholicism and one of their biggest critics, being raised catholic and questioning it over the years. I simply stated that you can't justify what Dan Brown did as just putting it off as 'well its just fiction' because what he wrote is a complete MOCKERY of the Catholic faith.
There are thousands of Christian denominations in America that all use the same Bible. Last I checked it's the same one that Catholics use. It's safe to say that lots of people interpret what it says much diferently so to say that that movie goes against everything that the catholic church stands for is a little bit of a stretch. Most Catholics don't really care about the movie in general it's just the Vatican in Rome. They are always pissed about anything that come out that has anything ever to do with religion. They were pissed about the Passion of Christ too. I grew up Catholic and I've already seen the movie. Other than bringing up a few possible senerios, there wasn't anything in the movie that could prove that Jesus had kids (or not) and considering that author made up several points in the story and incorperated several unconfirmed hypothetical facts I think that calling it fictional is more than fair.
rcarie said:
There are thousands of Christian denominations in America that all use the same Bible. Last I checked it's the same one that Catholics use.
Not true. Catholic bibles contain 73 books of scripture, Protestant bibles contain 66. There are 7 books in the Old Testatment that aren't included in Protestant bibles.

rcarie said:
It's safe to say that lots of people interpret what it says much diferently so to say that that movie goes against everything that the catholic church stands for is a little bit of a stretch.
What has most of us Catholics upset about the book/movie is not just the interpertation of the Bible, but rather the depiction of Opus Dei, which is a Catholic group not a Protestant one.

rcarie said:
They are always pissed about anything that come out that has anything ever to do with religion.
Not true. "They" liked Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of the Christ.
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