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SUMMARY: Tennessee Titans Coach Jeff Fisher feels his teams offense, under OC Norm Chow, will be much improved over the one which finished 17th in total offense in '06. "What he’s done is taking a hard look at things he did last year and come away realizing how close we really were," said Fisher. "We were a few plays or a play away in four or five games in winning games. What he’s committed to doing is taking advantage of the people he has and unfortunately we lost a lot of those people last year. He’s real excited about it and he has a good understanding of the defenses in the National Football League. I think you will see some significant improvement from our football team. That’s not necessarily tied to Coach Chow, but it’s tied to the fact that this team has gotten better offensively."

What do you think about this article? Post your comments below.

Listen very carefully Vince...
1 step, 2 step, 3, step, throw...


Does Fisher think the D will improve in dehr Schwartzies 6th season as DC.

FWIW I think the D will be "improved" but that is more of a criticism of Schwartz than any real confidence that the D will be stout.

Schwartz is nothing more that a MbSGWb and if I ever get access to a way-back machine I will do my best to correct this mistake of history.
I think it is interesting that Fisher is saying we will improve and yet he knows we are almost certain to be doing it without McNair.
Fisher just can't come out and say our offense will suck. He has to be rah, rah. I like the part how we were only a couple of plays away from winning games. Heck almost every team can say that.

I do think we will improve over last yr whether it is with Volek or Mcnair at QB. How much improvement, don't know the jury is still out
Soxcat said:
I think it is interesting that Fisher is saying we will improve and yet he knows we are almost certain to be doing it without McNair.
Yeah. I noticed this too.

I'm glad he's optimistic. It is usually always better the second year after a new OC. The talent is clearly better.

I think the key is the OL. Plain and simple. Volek won't be able to avoid the rush McNair did. And you have Roos moving over to protect his blind side and a position battle on the right. I like having the experience in the middle but Chow better find a way to get the ball out quickly or Volek may not go very deep into the season.

And establlishing the ground game is key. The OL has to do a better job. Hopefully a better defense will mean the Titans don't have to abandon the run game so early this year. said:
"What he’s done is taking a hard look at things he did last year and come away realizing how close we really were," said Fisher.

I wonder if, during his studies, Chow has learned of the benefits of getting into the end zone?

Well, maybe so:
"The Titans offense last season showed remarkable ability to get to the opponent's 5-yard line", said Chow. " With the new talent we have picked up through free agency and the draft, we feel that we can capitalize on that."*

Oh boy. I'm stoked.

*not an actual quote
We do have a good short yardage back now with White and that by itself could make the offense better. Converting 3rd and short and scoreing TDs in the red zone instead of FGs could make a huge difference.
I think its nothing more than another speech abut how the Titans will be improved, this time next year, we better be talking about how he has lived up to these promises, otherwise I'm sending the King of England to beat him gun or no gun
frankly, i dont think our offense was that bad last year when taking in to consideration the injuries and our crappy o-line.

people complained about how we threw to the tightends so much underneath. well, those were kind of our running plays. we couldnt get anything going on the ground becase our o-line sucked so bad. so why not just throw it to the tightend for five yards, instead of having brown or henry just run in to a wall of defenders?

the two things we have to improve on are our redzone offense and short yardage. i think an improved o-line and lendale white will help that tremendously.
bigtitan53279 said:
so why not just throw it to the tightend for five yards, instead of having brown or henry just run in to a wall of defenders?
I hope we are much better.
At times I feel like we can win 10 games or more. :winker:
I can't wait to see it. I hope for the Titans
to show me something early and give me
reason to swing from the rafters guzzling kool-aid.
The offense was pretty abysmal in red zone and 3rd down production last year. However, when it comes to the reasons behind these struggles, Chow's scheme is nowhere near the top of the list.

In my mind, there were two huge issues:

Penalties- How many times did we see big plays or scores called back because of a holding penalty? (In '05, Chris Brown had his first three or four TD's of the season nullified by penalties....he didn't get one to stick until week six.) Or how many times did somebody jump on 3rd & short, turning a very makeable first down into a difficult 3rd & long situation?

Poor run blocking- particularly in short yardage situations, Titans ballcarriers rarely had anywhere to go....they were either hit two yards behind the line of scrimmage, or they ran into a brick wall at the line. The O-line got absolutely zero push, and were consistently unable to open holes or create creases for the running backs. When they weren't getting pushed backward, they were getting stood up at the line and allowing the defense to control the line of scrimmage. The foundation of any good running game is a steady O-line....and last year, that foundation crumbled badly.

Within a few weeks, rookie OC Norm Chow was being asked to develop a gameplan that accounted for poor O-line play, drive-killing penalties, and inconsistent WR's....which is basically asking for the impossible. Chow came to Nashville with a reputation as a brilliant offensive mind....not a friggin' miracle worker.
Amen, Nine.

And once things went bad, they got worse. Once we were behind, giving up on the running game, we didn't have enough weapons to work with, and ended up dumping to the TEs way too much. I'm hoping our improved WR corps and RBs can keep us out of those situations. There was only so much we could do last year.
bigtitan53279 said:
people complained about how we threw to the tightends so much underneath. well, those were kind of our running plays. we couldnt get anything going on the ground becase our o-line sucked so bad. so why not just throw it to the tightend for five yards, instead of having brown or henry just run in to a wall of defenders?

Well we should throw to WR's more to improve the O. Maybe Givens will give us more talent to throw to out there. We were 9th in passing yards last year, but way too little of that was stretching the field. Those short passes just brought the D closer to the LOS and hurt the run game even more.

I hope Givens and Drew make a nice 1-2 combo. And you'd think with all this competition and talent, a good #3 would arise.
Bobo said:
Well we should throw to WR's more to improve the O. Maybe Givens will give us more talent to throw to out there.
oh, i agree. but you can't throw to something that isnt there. i think chow used his best offensive weapons he had. ty wasnt ready to be a fulltime contributor last year, and with bennett out with the broken thumb for a handful of games, we had two rookie WRs out there.

combine that with our crap o-line, we didnt have many options.
Fisher thinks the offense will be better because Volek will do alot better than most people think. You will soon see my friends...
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