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According to Merril Hoge on ESPN's "NFL Live", Jeff Fisher is on the big hot seat this season. He credits Floyd Reese's inability to evaluate talent as a big part of the reason that the Titans have struggled and basically suggest that Fish is gone after this year.

Personally, I think Hoge is full of it. ESPN hardly pays attention to the Titans and I don't think they have a very good handle on day to day operations here. To me, his statements don't hold much water? Any thoughts?
bringing in Norm set the offense back a bit (new OC's usually do that)
keeping Schwartz is retarding the defense
letting Floyd make certain picks is like Russian Roulette

I think Vince and LenDale actually give Jeff another year of "wait and see"
I think Fisher is going to take a more hands-on approach this year. Hinse, the Titans going to Clarksville for training camp. I think he'll over see more of the D this year. Not to mention, we're more talented than we've been in a while so I'd think we'll have to improve. If this team is as methodically boring as last years team, he's in deep poopy!
Merrill Hodge is a joke and so is Jim Miller on Sirius. All i've heard from those guys is Vince is allready a bust.... He will be good in about four years.. blah blah.... and Fisher is gone after this year. That is total uninformed bs speculation from two former Steelers. I actually heard Jim Miller say that we would be below the Texans in the division and David Carr was going to put up big numbers, we'll see.
All small market teams get the Dangerfield treatment this time of year. It is all about how great the Iggles/Giants/Patties/Fish/Boyz/squeelers/Packers/Raiderz/9ers are gonna be.

Small market teams have to prove it on the field before they get any respect from the media - the dolts - and even then they will cut them to chum as soon as things start going down.

Just the way it is.

A power outage in NY,NY is a national story, not because it warrents it but because the national media is HQed in NY,NY so it MUST be a national story.
Hodge is a clown but Fisher better be on the hot seat after the last two seasons. Blame injuries for '04 and the cap purge in '05 but there was no excuse for some of the stuff we saw last season.

I think Reese is as much on the hot seat as Fisher. Though you can never predict injuries, you can go back to '01 and see a long list of players who didn't pan out. If the '04 draft class shows something more this season, opinions will change fast.

Please. Schwartz is the only one on the hot seat this year. If he can't put together a run stopping defense with this crew, he ain't fit to coach Pop Warner ball.
Well, we've said schwartz should be on the hot seat for what, three seasons now? It's never seemed to put any pressure on him...

It's sad how little ESPN can follow the smaller market teams. I think this team has built a lot of faith pretty quickly in Fisher and Reese, and that's why they both got a pass for two seasons. I think this is a season where we have to see improvement or one of them is gone. I also think Fisher is aware that things are going to require more from him this season, and I expect to see a more disciplined team. I think they'll both be on the way out, or should, if we don't see any leaps from drafted players, and we don't see the team coming together and playing hard in the last 4 games.
Is there any argument that Fisher is one of the very best coaches in the league?

If you argee with that, then no matter what the record of the last two (or next year, three) seasons, it would be foolish to give another team (with more talent or maturity) the weapon of a great coach.

Blaming Fisher is like blaming any figurhead when things go wrong.
There is alway somone asking "who is responsible for this" rather than asking "what will make things better."

Hacks play the blame game, professionals don't.

But, maybe Bud Adams is a hack, I don't really know.
That's true to a point. Did you see the last few games of the season? It seemed like no one was trying. That's the coach's job. If he can't make a team play for him, even if they aren't going to make the playoffs, then he may not be one of the very best coaches in the league. I think that he is, but if this season ends like the last one I'll lose quite a bit of my faith. How long would you follow Fisher?
Ok, if not Fisher, then who? Who out there is better that could be available next year?


Two off years do not a bad coach make.

/yoda off
Why would there be a hot seat. He's got no team. The Pro Bowlers are all gone. He's had success. And now the team is in transition with two studs ready to go on the sideline. He's got nothing to lose. I don't see him being held accountable for anything until he is asked to open up the offense for Vince Young. Then he will be held accountable. But you are still looking at about 4 years before we get to that point. He's in perfect position to hang on here for quite some time. He's proven that he can open up the offense and succeed to. So he's bought himself quite a bit of time in my opinion. The only thig that could bring him down is someone like a Jimmy Johnson. Someone who has even more credentials.
Last season we went 4-12 against one of the easiest schedules in the league. You don't blame any of that on the coaching? I don't think we could've broken even, but that team could have gone 6-10 easily with a little more additude and a little more discipline. We broke down. That shouldn't entirely be on the players. I'll give him a pass, but he needs to start showing progress.
GoTitans3801 said:
That's true to a point. Did you see the last few games of the season? It seemed like no one was trying. That's the coach's job. If he can't make a team play for him, even if they aren't going to make the playoffs, then he may not be one of the very best coaches in the league. I think that he is, but if this season ends like the last one I'll lose quite a bit of my faith. How long would you follow Fisher?

Now that we're out of cap hell, Fisher (and Reese) have taken steps to clean up the locker room. Our FA acquistions and releases and moving the training camp to a new location should further help instill a "Fisher-like" attitude. There was little Fisher could do over the past 2 years to weed out the bad personnel because we didn't have adequate replacements.

I'll eat my keyboard if we see poor effort out of the team this year.
The only reason the fans have hope is because we finished 4-12. And Hope is what sustains a coaching job more than anything else. You can be 12-4, every year, and if you have no hope of going any further, coach will be fired. The oilers have proven that time and again. Ironically Fisher probably saved his job by finishing 4-12. He got White and Young. Hope. That will buy him quite a bit of time. There is no doubt a coach can be fired if his team quits on him, but in Fisher's case, all he has to do is say that because of this "Young" will start next game. That buys him another 4 years in my opinion.
Riverman, I agree and that's what I'm hoping for, but if we don't see more additude and effort this year, wouldn't you question fisher? That's all I'm saying, is that I would.

Phi, you have far more patience than I do. We've had two bad years, I won't give a coach 4 more. Not any coach, if they have bad results 6 years in a row, that's insane. If you mean 6 years to get to the superbowl, of course, there's no time limit there, if the team makes progress, that's fine. The point is that we need to see some kind of significant progress this season. We need to see what the coaching is doing with the talent that we have. If you think the fan base will support fisher for four more years without success, you're wrong.
TitanJeff said:
Hodge is a clown but Fisher better be on the hot seat after the last two seasons. Blame injuries for '04 and the cap purge in '05 but there was no excuse for some of the stuff we saw last season.

I think Reese is as much on the hot seat as Fisher. Though you can never predict injuries, you can go back to '01 and see a long list of players who didn't pan out. If the '04 draft class shows something more this season, opinions will change fast.

I agree that Hodge is a clown - almost sounds like one of used car advertisement voices - I expect to hear an echo when he speaks!!:)) And yea, '04 was the most injury riddled year I can remember. A couple of those games, we couldn't field a full squad!! And don't remind me about that crap we saw last year...that was HORRIBLE! I still get grief from the guys around here about PacMan's prowess in the tackling game...pffftt!

Although Jeff, I think Reese has done a farily good job in the draft. Since 2001, well over half were or are either starters, Special Teamers, or saw significant time as backups. Many have moved on to successful stints with other teams too.

Cut Fisher? There are alot of teams out there that are hoping that happens. The teams that have to play against HIS team, and teams that need a good coach.
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