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It seems like we either sign two " has beens" or three " never was" types.

In the rare case we do hire a good player, they either seem to get hurt, uninspired with no resemblance of past performances or the HC dont know how to use them correctly.

this guy said it perfect....he may not be cheap(i think he is unless he is senile and hands the keys to the stadium to a player) but some of the big names that i feel would help us the past couple years we dont even bring them in for a visit, some have looked great with new teams and some we got lucky that we didnt sign them...
Signing a bunch of random pro Bowlers is overrated, I like what Green bay and Pittsburgh do. They'll sign 1 FA and let their draft picks develop.

ahhhhhhh, isn't that what we do now? How is that working for yea?
Sure there are set strategies any team should adhere to and I'll agree most of the successful teams draft well, develop well and make good choices on who they keep and let go. But the Falcons did what would be unheard of and stupid when they traded a massive number of picks away for Jones in the draft and they did sign a pro bowl caliber CB in Samuel and that actually worked well for them.

Bottom line is the strategy is sound in TN what hasn't worked well is the coaching, the choice of draft picks and oh, don't forget we haven't had a legit starting caliber QB in about a decade. People wet all over themselves for years and still do at how wonderful the Pats organization is. They walk on water. Well really? They stumbled on a 6th round pick that ended up being one of the best QBs of all time is what they did. They are a perinnial playoff team year in and year out because of that one guy (the one year he was hurt the awesome organization didn't even make the playoffs). Same with the Packers really. They have been blessed to have top notch QB play as well with Rodgers coming on the heals of Favre. Imagine either the Pats, Steelers or Pack drafting VY and were they would be now.
Oh, I forgot to make the most imortant point about FA. If you have a real bad problem at one position why not address it with a real good FA assuming one is available? Take that total hell hole of a weakness and stick a guy in there who can play at a pro-bowl level and you get the most bang for your buck. The biggest example of that was Denver. We spent good money for Hutch and sure it might have cost a few mil more a year to get a real good, younger OG so yes, that is what we should have done. You solve that problem for years. So right now if there is a real top notch level SS out there I say pay the man even if you have to pay a little more than you want. Solve the problem. Then use any draft picks you might have burned trying to fix that problem somewhere else.
Didn't think this was thread worthy, but certainly worth 1 little post.

I guess Schulters may be an assistant here pretty soon.

Probably a the "Quality Control" position. Hey, why not.

Also, the senior bowl always has tons of out of work coaches looking to catch on somewhere.
this guy said it perfect....he may not be cheap(i think he is unless he is senile and hands the keys to the stadium to a player) but some of the big names that i feel would help us the past couple years we dont even bring them in for a visit, some have looked great with new teams and some we got lucky that we didnt sign them...
The Titans have shown in the past what looked like taking the cheap way out. But lately seem to at least explore the possibility. I think a big part of the problem is they have bad luck or incapable of identifying talent.
There are starters on this team that would be a joke and travesty to certain other NFL teams.

There should be a way to hire players and penalize them for poor performance.Unions have handcuffed the way these folks are payed.

I know you could use incentives, but it would take good luck to talk an agent into signing a contract that payed only for performance.

I know there is a lot more to contracts and players, I just want to gripe tonight.
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