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Think about this for a minute...

What will happen when they point a camera at Pacman
and ask him what he thinks of all of this? (McNair-lockout/trade)

Pac needs to learn from Steve on how to handle adversity especially when it comes to the media. I realize I'm asking for a miracle here, but Steve has handled his own situation very professionally.

I'm sure if Pac has anything to say, it won't have an ounce of professionalism to it.
I unfortunately agree with Titanium 100%. I too would love to see the miracle that would be pac handling reporters like #9 did.
ok Cherry Valence...

I'm a cool guy too Elf, but if news cameras showed up at a jobsite I am the last person the owner of my firm would want to see comment on the situation. It is not always good "PR" to tell the real like the Theory does if you know what I am saying. That is one thing I happen to like about Pacman. I like his jawwing at times sorta... It just depends on what or whom he is commenting about. If I was Reese I would forbid him from speaking to the media. That's not the cool guy hat I'm wearing... that is the front office hat. Do you feel me? If Pacman spoke on television about what he really thought of all of this it would be a nightmare from a PR standpoint. I like a strong, silent Pacman. That's pretty much it sweet cheeks. You forget, I have met Pacman face to face through the chain link. I told him just how great I thought he was and how I'm in his corner and all that. I could tell by his smile that his heart is made of gold.

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leafs a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.


Stay Gold Pacman...stay gold...

Yes, yes... let the hate take over. Give in to me. I own your soul. It belongs to me! Stare into my gaze. Feel the hate. Embrace it!!! OWN IT!!!
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