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SUMMARY: With the ruling by the arbitrator who heard the NFL Players Association grievance against the Tennessee Titans, Steve McNair's contract was deemed violated when he was barred from working out with the team.

Regardless of which side of the issue you stand, the Titans must allow McNair and his $23.46 million salary cap liability issue back to Baptist Sports Park.

Over the last couple of months, we've all witnessed the ugly side of the game as the arguments fell on both sides of the issue.

What do you think about this article? Post your comments below.
With the liability issue is so important to the Titans, Reese should invite McNair's agent Bus Cook to Baptist Sports Park for a final set of negotiations in exchange for keeping his client away from workouts for one week. In exchange, if those negotiations don't lead to a new contract for McNair by set date between now and the next team OTAs on June 13, the Titans would trade/release him.

I dont think your dream scenario is going to work Jeff. What incentive would Bus Cook have to actually negotiate with the Titans unless they match the money that the Ravens have already offered?
Well, it gets his client released/traded in a week instead of dragging out for another six weeks.

I see this more are a public relations effort than anything else though Reese admitted last week the two hadn't negotiated over two hours and he still felt McNair wanted to remain in Tennessee.

Maybe he was just blowing smoke but I can't imagine Reese hasn't been holding back something while all this played out the last two months.

I remember a gathering of Eddie, Lamont, Reese & Co right before the end. I hope the same could happen here.
I couldnt disagree more with this scenario. While I agree with a lot of what you said Jeff I dont believe we should release him in a week under any circumstances. We should do nothing to help a team that we have to play and never do anything to helps the Ravens. With this abitration out of the way some other team might be interested in McNair ans increase his trade value. I hope we are able to work something out with his contract and he stays I know thats more emotion than anything else but I think we could be better than anyone thinks with McNair at QB. Our offense will be better even with Volek playing. The oline will be better with the addition of Mawae(his body rested last year he will probably be better physically than he has been in a few years) and Roos will be much better in his 2nd year, Bell should be fully recovered adding competion at the guard and tackle positions. Running game will be better with Brown behind an improved oline and Henry will play much better. The receivers will be much better the young guys will be better and Givens will open things up for other guys. The defense will be better at both corners and at lb and hopefully the dline will improve. With Steve we may go further than anyone predicts.
fltitan said:
I couldnt disagree more with this scenario. While I agree with a lot of what you said Jeff I dont believe we should release him in a week under any circumstances.
You'd have the Titans accept the risk on McNair injuring himself?
Notice option #3 in Jeff's article:
3. The Titans accept the risk of the $23.46 cap liability and pay the $10 mil to play out the 2006 season. This would mean players like LB Peter Sirmon and G Zach Piller, among others, are cut to free up the money needed to sign the rookies. Though Floyd Reese said the team was willing to do this in March, that was before a number of free agents were signed and has to be extremely unlikely.

That is also the worst case scenario IF McNair were to get hurt while he is "working out". We would have to cut Pillar, Sirmon and maybe some additional dead weight. I can see the Titans strategy in not wanting McNair to work out before considering they really didn't want him to get hurt and were trying to pressure him to take a lower deal. But with the ruling I say open the door and let Mac work out. Mac will not feel warm and fuzzy and will not show up for the most part anyway and if he does Mac knows he stands to lose any chance he might have at playing in the playoffs again in his career if he gets injured. Thus, the odds are pretty darn good in the Titans favor. Imagine working out at a teams facitlity knowing you probally will not be around at the start of the season. That is a real motivator? Mac could then be released if a deal is not made just before training camp starts.

The other option is to pay Mac his 1.0 million bonus now with the agreement he will not work out until training camp starts (at the Titans facility, he could still workout on his own at his own risk) while the Titans try to work a trade or renogotiation. Because Mac is being compensated for not working out there is no issue with the CBA.
Soxcat said:
The other option is to pay Mac his 1.0 million bonus now with the agreement he will not work out until training camp starts (at the Titans facility, he could still workout on his own at his own risk) while the Titans try to work a trade or renogotiation.
A mil to NOT work out. That would shake things up a bit.

Let's think about this from the other side. If I am the Ratbirds, I know McNair is going to be released by mid-July. Though I would like for him to begin learning the offense now, am I more or less inclined to trade for him just a couple of weeks before I know he's going to be released?

I would think any trade opportunities will need to be settled within the next few days or the Ratbirds will just wait this out as the Titans feel more and more pressure to release him.
McNair has much more to lose if hes injured. Hes not going to take any chances of ending his career now with an injury. Baltimore will pay him more this year than the 9m we will have to pay him if hes injured. You can be sure that Cook as made it clear to him that he cant take any chances. This entire workout fiasco was put in motion by Cook to force the Titans to ante up or release him and it didnt work. I cant imagine Steve will even show up to work out he will go back to Mississippi and work with his personal trainer just like he always does. Now is not the time to blink if they want him let them give us the 4 with a conditonal 3 and if not let them explain to Cook and McNair why they dont think hes worth it. Now is not the time to panic.
fltitan said:
McNair has much more to lose if hes injured. Hes not going to take any chances of ending his career now with an injury.
Honestly, what risk did McNair have for injury to begin with? Some say that isn't an issue because a risk, however remote, remains.

So what if the unexpected happens and McNair walks into a door at BSP? He loses and the Titans lose because they have to then cut vets to sign the rookies and go without McNair in '06.

Now is not the time to blink if they want him let them give us the 4 with a conditonal 3 and if not let them explain to Cook and McNair why they dont think hes worth it.
If the Ravens offer that, I think Reese takes it. But the longer this drags on, the less incentive the Ravens have to give up anything knowing McNair will be released in time.

You have to think there is something we don't know here. Maybe there's another team out there who might want McNair and they needed to wait until after June cuts to make a move. But something just doesn't jive in how this is playing out.
There is no loyality between McNair and the Titans. If there was then this would have been worked out a long time ago.

McNair got paid good money for his work while he was here whether he played or not.

Last year McNair was talking retirement due to all those injuries, now all of a sudden he thinks he can play for 3 more yrs as a starter

If Baltimore thinks he can still play then trade him for some draft pick. You can always find a good 4th or 5th round player
TitanJeff said:
But something just doesn't jive in how this is playing out.

I totally agree. If we thought we were going to lose him anyways which it seems we already are thinking, why not get a pick when we could have.

The only team I do not see a trade deal w/ is Baltimore. They know they have us and it is only a matter of time to wait it out. Now if another team wants to make a move on him I think those scummy birds push that pick up a round or two, if they truly want him or they get nothing.

The 5th round offer was a non competition offer. If no one else wants him we will take him now type of thing IMO.

There are a few teams out there other then the ravens that could really use a vet QB.
Very well written article Jeff.

Do you know how other teams treat their high-priced players? Do they let them work out at the team's facility or do they negate the risk of injury by asking them to go elsewhere? I was just thinking that it wasn't fair to Mac because we let him workout (with his high cap #) in the past... but I guess that's exactly what the arbitrator already touched on.
BlazingArrow#9 said:

There are a few teams out there other then the ravens that could really use a vet QB.

Not really. McNair wants to be the #1 guy and there really are not many teams where he could step right in and do that like at Baltimore. Even if he did find a team, like Cincy where Mac could play on a decent team for a year while Palmer gets healthy his stay would only be one year at the most and they would no longer need him. Baltimore is willing to give Mac the #1 job for the next couple of years which is why he wants that job.
TitanJeff said:
A mil to NOT work out. That would shake things up a bit.

Let's think about this from the other side. If I am the Ratbirds, I know McNair is going to be released by mid-July. Though I would like for him to begin learning the offense now, am I more or less inclined to trade for him just a couple of weeks before I know he's going to be released?

I would think any trade opportunities will need to be settled within the next few days or the Ratbirds will just wait this out as the Titans feel more and more pressure to release him.

There is a lot better chance of getting something in a trade under that scenario, where Mac is not released until mid July than in the scenario you proprosed Jeff. The 1.0 mil is a good will jesture that shows the Titans are somewhat serious about Mac staying.

With the liability issue is so important to the Titans, Reese should invite McNair's agent Bus Cook to Baptist Sports Park for a final set of negotiations in exchange for keeping his client away from workouts for one week. In exchange, if those negotiations don't lead to a new contract for McNair by set date between now and the next team OTAs on June 13, the Titans would release/trade him.

If your scenario is played out the Ravens have no doubt about waiting things out and all the renegotiations are is a dog and pony show. I see no way this dog and pony show makes things a whole lot better except both sides can smile and say they did the best they could when everyone knows the truth. McNair will still be seen as the QB who left for the money like EG was. As badly as the Titans may have dropped the ball on this whole issue nobody is going to care or remember the Titans part in this 3 years from now. What they will remember was McNair changed teams, sucked his last couple of years and went out like EG all so he could bag a few extra mil.
Soxcat said:
If your scenario is played out the Ravens have no doubt about waiting things out and all the renegotiations are is a dog and pony show.
Maybe. But it accomplishes a number of things which benefit both sides.

The Titans don't risk the liability and can get the issue settled, one way or the other, before June OTAs.

For McNair, he gets the Titans best offer sooner and know he'd be released or traded.

None of the above makes any sense if the Titans are not genuine in their concern about the injury risk. Otherwise, they have no incentive to do anything until they need the money.

I see no way this dog and pony show makes things a whole lot better except both sides can smile and say they did the best they could when everyone knows the truth.
The diehards who come to this forum know the truth. You'd be surprised how many out there think McNair will be earning $23.5 mil this season and don't have a clue as to why McNair was locked out. There are a lot of misconceptions out there and I believe a little damage control would go a long way for a team who is 9-23. But that's JMO.

McNair will still be seen as the QB who left for the money like EG was.
I don't believe that now. I think this is more about wanting the opportunity to start for another 2-3 years than it is money.

As badly as the Titans may have dropped the ball on this whole issue nobody is going to care or remember the Titans part in this 3 years from now.
Like Oilers fan forgot how Earl and Bum were treated?
I could see:
Bills, Raiders, Jets (possibly), Washington, Chicago, Cleveland, and Tampa all showing legitimate interest in McNair and he going there for more then one season as a start in almost any of those situations.

If even one of those teams shows interest McNair’s value goes way up from a #5 pick.
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