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That almost looks like a number 9.
Sketchy. Raiders just brought in brooks for that same reason, and have been talking about him all offseason, plus they have the young guy (Walter?) that they're pretty high on. Cleveland has Frye, who's looked good enough that they have no reason to bring in McNair. Skins have brunell, if they want a QB, they'll want a younger one. Chicago should at least be giving grossman another full season for a chance, they don't place enough priority on QB to pay for Mac when they already have him and the second year guy that started for them most of last season as backup. Jets have a lot of money tied up at QB already, no way they can afford to add in Mcnair. I don't honestly know a whole lot about this offseason for QBs in Buffalo and Tampa, but I think they're sticking with Losman and Simms for next season, respectively, and at least both have backups already.

Baltimore is the only team with enough need, interest, and cash to really put up what Mcnair and the Titans are looking for. Who knows, maybe one of those, or another team, has kept their cards close and will emerge, but it's unlikely at best.
Raiders are really looking for anything right now. I have even heard the rumors starting (well it is making the news around here anyways) that they maybe moving to LA again. Raiders fans are sick of the QB situation and if you talk to Raiders fans they genreally respect McNair. If they want to run which they need to because what is left of the fan support is starting to die around here. It would not suprise me at all to see him there. They have been looking for someone decent since the had to put Toi in.

Cleveland fans say they like Frye and I think they do but the Couch problems they had in the past and the troubles at the position I am sure they are looking to get a vet in there for Frye. It could only improve his game.

Brunell is a goat in Washington. This is his chance or they boot him next season. They have made some huge pickups adn are looking to start there run and I do not see the coaches putting there trust in Brunell the play calling just does not support that view.

Penington should be all I have to say for the Jets. But a guy who just threw his first ball in almost a year the other day is not really a sure bet. Especially with the injury being a re-injured rotator cuff.

Chicago maybe but allot of people agree that grosman is not the answer. Is McNair? Maybe not but he would be a better answer.

Bills and Tampa I just threw out there cuz there QBs suck and McNair would improve there team but I am not sure if that is the direction they will go.

Like I said any of these teams I could see. Will they show interest maybe not but McNair would improve there team and some are itchy on the QB situation.
Nice article Jeff!

However, I disagree with several of your points. As a fan, I agree with them! We feel like we know McNair - respect him both on and off the field - and don't want to see an ungly end ala Eddie George.

But you have to look at this from Reese's perspective...his job is to do what's best for the team. He's not gonna give McNair his million dollar bonus to leave on better terms? That HURTS the Titans as a team rather than helps.

From a business perspective, they should either keep McNair, trade him for max value or release him at the last possible second...especially since we know he'd go to a team we'll play this season! It's not gonna make the fans feel better, but that's the business side.

And while everyone looks at the offense, it's the defense that really holds the key to this debate. If the Titans think they'll have a top 10 D this year, then it makes sense to keep him and take a shot at the post-season. Yes we'll have to cut some vets (like Sirmon) and that will hurt, but Sirmon and whomever else won't be here anyway 5 years from now when they are ready for another SuperBowl run if they get rid of McNair. If the D is not ready for dominance, they should trade/cut McNair and move on since even if McNair stayed healthy and played well, we can't win a SB without a top 10 D.

As far as upping the ante, McNair loses value to the Ravens the longer he's not on their team. Do they want to spend $10mil on a guy who won't know the offense for a while, could very well get hurt and miss the whole season, and just last year talked about retiring. It is very much in the Ravens best interest for this to get done sooner rather than later. If they're smart, they won't do anything for a week or two to see how the Titans are gonna play it. If the Titans were so concerned about McNair as to ban him from working out, they will wanna see if this forces the Titans to accept their low ball offer or just release him. If the Titans stand firm and welcome Steve back with open arms and announce he'll be their starting QB for this season, the Ravens will feel the heat to up the ante. Boller had his shot last year...they NEED McNair now.

It is also NOT in McNair's interest to have a season ending injury in training camp. First, no team will offer him that kind of money next year coming off that type of injury and his career would probably be over. Second, he'll lose any chance to start again...which is supposedly what this is all about. Lastly, he'll lose any chance at a nice hefty signing bonus.

It is in McNairs best interest to workout with the team and be CAREFUL. Come back as the team leader he's always been and put this mess behind him. If he does that, I think Reese will then get an acceptable trade offer from the Ravens and McNair will end up where he wants to before the start of the season...Baltimore.

Sledge said:
I think we should all get used to the fact that our starting QB in 2006 will be Kerry Collins

Give Volek more credit than that. Sure Collins has been the starter for teams, but what have those teams done? Not much. I have a good feeling about Volek, though. If McNair ends up leaving TN, I could see Volek as a starter. He's 6 years pro and has been learning behind McNair for all of those 6 years. That's got to mean something. Of course, he will not go down in history as the best QB or be put in the HOF, but he will do fine. Plus, all of the things that McNair has taught him over the years will then be taught to VY. People say that if Steve leaves, the Titans will need a vet to fill the void. I say that Volek is that vet. He gave up a starting job a year or so ago to stay with the Titans. I say that it's the Titans' turn to give him a starting job. His confidence is through the roof now. A year ago, I would have said "release Billy for his own good so that he can go out and get a starting job." He's got one now. If the Titans start cutting other vets to make room for Mac, they will regret it by the 4th or 5th game, when Steve get's hurt due to an overwhelming amount of sacks and we are at 1-4. I'm not wanting to see Steve go, but I fear that his salary will be a burden on our now well rounded team. If there were no salary cap, I'd be saying keep Steve as long as you can! That's my opinion...
Sukrillux said:
Sure Collins has been the starter for teams, but what have those teams done? Not much.

He took a team to a SB ...

Do not think that in an endorsement for the guy at all. I have put it in other post but if the Faiders can do better at QB so can we. Collins is a dirt word in the SF Bay Area. Oakland fans hate him and w/ good cause.
Gut said:
But you have to look at this from Reese's perspective...his job is to do what's best for the team. He's not gonna give McNair his million dollar bonus to leave on better terms? That HURTS the Titans as a team rather than helps.
I don't follow you. I never suggested Reese give McNair a bonus. That isn't due until September and this should all be resolved well before then. At the end of this negotiation, McNair is either extended under a new contract, traded or released. The $1 mil will likely never come into play.

From a business perspective, they should either keep McNair, trade him for max value or release him at the last possible second...especially since we know he'd go to a team we'll play this season! It's not gonna make the fans feel better, but that's the business side.
Keep McNair? They are unwilling to pay his $10 mil this season.

Trade him? I think this is where this is going but Reese wants to hold out for better then a fifth-round pick. Meanwhile, the team accepts an avoidable risk.

Release him late? If it doesn't happen in time to sign the rookies, you have to let Sirmon/Piller and others go. And Reese can't do a lot with any extra money when he has some talent available on the waiver wire as long as McNair remains on the roster. And, that risk continues as long as McNair is in camp.

And while everyone looks at the offense, it's the defense that really holds the key to this debate. If the Titans think they'll have a top 10 D this year, then it makes sense to keep him and take a shot at the post-season.
I feel McNair gives the Titans the best shot at a playoff run in '06. The key is the OL and defense, IMO. But I agree with you here.

It is also NOT in McNair's interest to have a season ending injury in training camp. First, no team will offer him that kind of money next year coming off that type of injury and his career would probably be over.
Right. But the risk remains though neither side wants them and esculates once OTAs and training camp begin. Which, according to the Titans, is why they locked him out in the first place and would keep him out until he reworked his deal, was traded or was released.

It is in McNairs best interest to workout with the team and be CAREFUL. Come back as the team leader he's always been and put this mess behind him. If he does that, I think Reese will then get an acceptable trade offer from the Ravens and McNair will end up where he wants to before the start of the season...Baltimore.
I don't think we really disagree much at all here. The entire basis for the one-week negotiation is if the Titans are truely concerned about the liability issues. If the lockout was all about Bud just sending a message, then fine. If there is a real concern, you find a way to avoid it.
The Titans are still in the drivers seat because even if they were forced to keep McNair at his current deal they could (which means an unlikely injury isn't the end of the world). Thats why they can call McNair/Cook's and the Raven's bluff, open the doors for McNair to come back and continue to work on negotiations. If the Ravens really want Mac they need to come up with a draft pick. The Titans don't have to be pressured into a one week negotiation.
Soxcat said:
The Titans don't have to be pressured into a one week negotiation.
Of course not. It all boils down to how much of a "risk" the Titans are willing to take.

In early April, it was apparently enough to lock him out.
Yea but they had nothing to lose buy doing the lockout either. If they had known they couldn't legally lock Mac out in April I doubt they would have released him in April. They might have traded him sooner but no way they panic and release him to keep him away from the facility.
I think it is more saving face if the Titans wish.

They said they locked McNair out because they were afraid that he was going to get injured and they did not want to risk the cap impact.

Now McNair is able to return. The "risk of injury" is still there. So to go along w/ what the Titans have professed as there main reason for not wanting him to practice, the risk of injury, they either need to settle it before or right around when he comes in, release him or trade him.

Now we all know that is lode of BS and that there is allot more to it but if they want to go by what the Titans have been telling the media they should do it in the first weekish or obviously they were not all that concerned about him getting injured and this was just a strong arm policy to force McNair into a new contract.
This is just my thoughts running wild, if FR cut a vet tomorrow (not Mcnair) would the ravens rethink their position of being in the catbirds seat?
Soxcat said:
Yea but they had nothing to lose buy doing the lockout either.
Nothing to lose? It wasn't so much the lockout itself as how it was handled which was a direct result of the lockout. I think it ended any hope McNair might accept a lesser offer if there ever was one. I also think it made the franchise look like a classless organization. I expect the move will haunt the team anytime they want a player to "suck it up" and play hurt, asks a player to take a pay cut or get a free agent when that player can get the same offer elsewhere.

If they had known they couldn't legally lock Mac out in April I doubt they would have released him in April.
"We have no choice but to protect the club and its future from the possibility of having a significant amount of our salary cap at risk in a single player should he sustain a major injury. This is entirely a risk management problem."

I doubt they would have released him either but after drafting Young, their position may have changed now that they have.

That "risk management problem" hasn't gone anywhere.
''They talk about that,'' McNair said. ''Me personally, (I) don't get into negotiations, don't get into the process of where I'm going to go and where I'm not. I let Bus handle that. I'm laidback and just waiting on Bus to call me and tell me what's my next step.''

Taken from here's the link

Mcnair makes it plain. His agent is making ALL of the descisions.
This isn't just for Sox but I would like other opinions.

I just don't follow the logic as to why some think dragging this thing out to late-July or August will somehow get the Ravens to pony up a higher draft pick.

Let me ask first who thinks McNair is will rework his deal with the Titans at this point?

I don't think that if the Titans put the same deal on the table as the Ravens offered if he'd sign because there is more potential to play beyond '06 in Baltimore than here. I think it'll take even more money. I think the chances he reworks is now very low.

Reese said at one time he'd keep McNair and his $10 mil but has since said the team would not. Keeping him at his current number just won't happen.

So with a new deal and playing out his current one out the window, that leaves only trade or release.

Now, the second question. Is it more or less likely that the Ravens will give up a pick now or in late-July or August? If the Titans are not going to sign him to a new deal and he won't be allowed to play out under his current one, why the heck would the Ravens give up MORE closer to the time McNair is the MOST likely to be released?

The only reason the Ravens would give up anything would be to get him to camp sooner and keep the Titans from trading him to another team even if one was out there who want him.

It also appears idiotic to me the Titans would risk the following in the process:

1. Accept the injury liability from workouts, OTAs and possibly into Training Camp.
2. Be forced to cut quality vets by keeping McNair so the team can sign the rookies.
3. Take the Titans out of any possibility to sign free agents and fill holes. The money saved by releasing McNair doesn't have as many opportunities in August as it would in June and July.
4. Disrupt the team with McNair attending OTAs and possibly Training Camp. Can you imagine the circus if this thing isn't settled before Training Camp?

So someone explain to me what incentive the Ravens have to give up a HIGHER pick in late-July or August because I don't see it. If anything, his value declines the longer the trade is left on the table.

The only long shot that makes sense is that Reese hopes that the Ravens interest will die as they look at other options leaving a bare market and McNair little choice but to sign a deal with the Titans.
TitanJeff said:
So someone explain to me what incentive the Ravens have to give up a HIGHER pick in late-July or August because I don't see it. If anything, his value declines the longer the trade is left on the table.

The incentive would be if FR isn't playing around when he says we are willing to keep Mac. The Ravens have to hope that Mac wants out. If he does, then anything the Titans offer will not be enough.

Lots of people say FR is holding the cards, but I disagree. It's clear Mac is holding the cards. Will he redo his contract or will he force FR's hand. The question is does Mac really want to stay? If he does something will be worked out. If not he will have to be traded or released.
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