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Reported on titansradio:
Steve McNair and his agent will discuss his next move in a meeting this weekend.
But will something happen before next week's Fantasy Sports Monthly deadline? "I'm laidback and just waiting on Bus to call me and tell me what's my next step," McNair said.
I say, let Reese talk the ratbirds into a conditional 5th rounder. It'd be better than dragging the whole team through this fiasco. It would be stupid for the Titans to cut some vet olinemen just to keep the one that the olinemen protect. Sell your proven shields to buy a decent gun? Logical? no... The olinemen have a bigger job than McNair. Without them, the passing AND running game can't work... This is not making me mad because there is still talk of Mac staying. It is making me mad because this is a simple business decision that makes sense to only go one way. Again, this is my opinion. Of course, there are going to be the diehard McNair fans (the ones who know nothing about the business side of the NFL) that boo the Titans until opening game. However, I think it will pay off in the long run. I am a diehard McNair fan, but his contract/expected contract is a cancer to the developement of the rest of the team right now. Yes, it probably was Reese's and the FO's fault in the first place that the salary cap is in this much havoc, but the best they can do right now is try and fix it.
TitanJeff said:
This isn't just for Sox but I would like other opinions.

I just don't follow the logic as to why some think dragging this thing out to late-July or August will somehow get the Ravens to pony up a higher draft pick.

Let me ask first who thinks McNair is will rework his deal with the Titans at this point?

I don't think that if the Titans put the same deal on the table as the Ravens offered if he'd sign because there is more potential to play beyond '06 in Baltimore than here. I think it'll take even more money. I think the chances he reworks is now very low.

Reese said at one time he'd keep McNair and his $10 mil but has since said the team would not. Keeping him at his current number just won't happen.

So with a new deal and playing out his current one out the window, that leaves only trade or release.

Now, the second question. Is it more or less likely that the Ravens will give up a pick now or in late-July or August? If the Titans are not going to sign him to a new deal and he won't be allowed to play out under his current one, why the heck would the Ravens give up MORE closer to the time McNair is the MOST likely to be released?

The only reason the Ravens would give up anything would be to get him to camp sooner and keep the Titans from trading him to another team even if one was out there who want him.

It also appears idiotic to me the Titans would risk the following in the process:

1. Accept the injury liability from workouts, OTAs and possibly into Training Camp.
2. Be forced to cut quality vets by keeping McNair so the team can sign the rookies.
3. Take the Titans out of any possibility to sign free agents and fill holes. The money saved by releasing McNair doesn't have as many opportunities in August as it would in June and July.
4. Disrupt the team with McNair attending OTAs and possibly Training Camp. Can you imagine the circus if this thing isn't settled before Training Camp?

So someone explain to me what incentive the Ravens have to give up a HIGHER pick in late-July or August because I don't see it. If anything, his value declines the longer the trade is left on the table.

The only long shot that makes sense is that Reese hopes that the Ravens interest will die as they look at other options leaving a bare market and McNair little choice but to sign a deal with the Titans.

To question #1:

I think it's still possible. Not probable, but still possible, provided Bus doesn't get in the way. It's pretty obvious (imo, anyway) which way his opinion swings, if for no other reason than the way he's handled the press through the whole ordeal.

To question #2:

I think it's to the Titan's advantage to hold out. The longer the Ravens do without #9 in training camp, the worse their win/loss percentage gets. Simply tendering Mac without a fight at this point is just retarded; hell, if they planned to do that they should have made the deal in April.

To question #3: (although there was really none, but a bunch of stuff to which I'd like to respond)


Liability for an injury is a non-issue. It's not in Cook's self-interest for #9 to sustain one. Even if the guy lost a leg, he'd never admit it, and if anyone has proven the ability to play injured, it's Steve.


Good point.


The holes that can be filled by quality players already have. There is nobody worth the price still available.


Another good point. Whatever rapport Billy has established with his receivers will go down the toilet if #9 is thrown in the mix this late in the game.

What it all boils down to at this point, (imho) is whether it's better to release him now or later.

I think "later", but that's just my $.02
Great article Jeff...and a great discussion following, one of my favorite threads to read through lately...thanks all...

I don't think it was right how the Titans locked out McNair. And I don't buy the injury-risk talk, UNLESS I add in the fact that Reese had already made up his mind that McNair was not returning. Anybody can get injured and there are alot of people on contract. And I don't think that McNairs large contract made him different, what made him different was that Reese already made up his mind he was not returning.

I agree with Jeff that releasing any Olineman is stupid.

Now it seems that I am in the minority on this opinion, but I am in favor of throwing Vince out there from game 1. I lost all confidence in Volek last season (by the end I had myself convinced that Mauck was a better option at QB). I love Vince, his game, his confidence, and his leadership and truly believe he has what it takes to win as a rookie.

As for the next step with McNair, release him now. I am all for avoiding McNair coming in to the complex and getting emotions all stirred up in the locker room. Then sign the rookies, while not being cheap with Vince. And if any money is left over, sign a CB (like Ty Law!).

We need to get this McNair situation behind us...and it can't be fast enough for me...

This is a decent muncher...I just hope I don't give anyone indigestion!

I'll try and spell this out a little more clearly...

Your argument is that McNair won't play under his current contract, McNair won't redo his contract with us, we don't want McNair's injury Liability and we have rookies to sign in a month or so and we don't wanna have to cut backups and vets to keep McNair at his current salary.

If you take the above paragraph as FACT and that none of that will change, I see how you come up with release or trade Mac9 ASAP.

However, in my response, I laid out what we SHOULD do, not what Reese or anyone else wants to do. I understand Mac wants a new contract and a chance to start for 3 years. I understand Reese doesn't want Mac at his current cap #.

Too bad!

Your way out makes sense, but it's not the best move for the team. Similarly, releasing 5 or 6 of our starters a couple of years back was the easy out...but not the best thing for the team...but I digress.

Before rambling on further I'll address your concerns...

#1 - Do we REALLY care that much about the injury liability? Sure Mac9 is 'fragile' for a QB, but he's also a TOUGH man (not the second coming of Chris Chandler). More importantly, what are the odds he incures a season ending injury working out with the team? Extremely small. Without looking...can you name the last 5 QB's to suffer a season-ending injury working out at their team's facility? Can you name ONE? I can't. The likelyhood of McNair injuring himself for the season while working out is negligible. Yes it's possible, but it's also MORE probable that an OLman and a DLman are lost for the season in practice. There are much bigger risks we take that hold our season in the balance. In fact, it's probably more likely for you to get into a car accident than for McNair to have a season ending injury while working out at the facility. That's why they get the different color jersey's and stuff! Reese locked McNair out because he wants to force McNair to take a lesser deal. This was a dumb move on so many levels it's not funny! Bottom line, the risk is negligible.

#2/#3 - the reality is, if we're rebuilding for the future, they can start cutting some of the fat now. If we're playing for now without wrecking the VY era cap-wise, we have to start cutting the fat either way. As far as holding McNair not allowing us to sign free agents, that money wouldn't be used for that either way unless we're still gonna make the same cuts. Either we cut the guys either way so the argument is between keeping McNair and what free agents we could sign with that money...or the argument is between keeping McNair and some backups who won't be here when the team is ready to take a shot at the Super Bowl. For example, if we let go of McNair and keep the vets and use McNair's money for the rookies, we're not gonna win with Volek at the helm (at least I don't think we will this year), so why keep Sirmon? If we're gunning for a .500 record, why not start Tulloch or Reynalds in the middle? Sirmon won't be here in 5 years either way. Bottom line, we can keep McNair at his current contract by making some tough cuts. I wouldn't cut Pillar though since OL is a priority for any short term success (unless he gets beat out by Bell).

#4 - tell me what circus there is if the Titans hold a press conference welcoming Steve back with open arms and announce he'll be our starting QB for this season and play under his current contract? They've just answered any question that can be asked. It also sends the message to the Ravens that if they want him, they have to ante up. If they don't, we're quite happy to have him lead our team when we face them this season! :) Then Jeff Fisher takes the stand and waxes poetic for 30 minutes about how great Steve has a highlight reel of great it'll be for him to mento VY and ride off into the sunset as a get the point. Clearly McNair doesn't want to bash the Titans since publicly he's leaving the dirty work to his agent. McNair's not gonna say anything bad about the situation. And if he's smart, he'll act like the Ravens and this mess never existed. It's the ONLY way he'd get traded for max value which is what satisfies EVERYONE'S desire (Mac can start and get a new contract, Titans get rid of the injury liability and trade McNair for max value, and the Ravens get the QB they want in time for him to learn the offense and be the difference maker they'll be paying him to be).

But all of this hinges not on what Reese wants, but what he's willing to do. Despite the cap number and injury factor, McNair gives this team it's best chance to win and winning is what these guys are paid to do. Reese should have an acceptable gameplan for McNair staying with his current cap number. If should have a plan for what to do if McNair is cut or traded. This is what he's PAID to do and what he failed at in so many previous instances (Runyan, EG, Carter/rolle/mason/ect). Hopefully he's learned something from all those situations and that is to have a good contingincy plan for anyway this things breaks. Even better, manipulate the situation so our best contingincy happens. So far, he's manipulating this into the worst possible situation (trading McNair for a 5th rnd pick or cutting him AND embarassing the organization and harming our reputation).

Look at it this way...YOU are Floyd are your options...which would you choose and why?

Option 1 - keep McNair and make some tough cuts to sign the rookies. The upside is, we would field our best team now and have started cutting the fat for the future. If the OL and D come around (aftering adding some free agents), we have a shot at the postseason. McNair can also mentor VY making everyone feel good. This is also our best chance at letting VY develop at HIS pace and for Reese and Fisher to still be at there respective jobs when the VY era begins. Downside is higher expectations with McNair starting and a real concern that the OL may not be good enough, that could get McNair hurt, and the defense will never crack the top 10 with Schwartz as DC.

Option 2 - trade McNair for a 5th or whatever we can get. And then...
----------A - use McNair's money to sign Collins to start and sign the rookies with some cuts. Upside is Collins is not as injury prone as McNair and saves us 4mill off McNair's cap hit (a guess). Downside, Collins is MUCH less mobile than McNair so we could see Volek in the drivers seat anyway, we still don't have much depth to battle an injury bug. We also are not as good as we could be...especially if Collins gets injuried because of a porous OL. This could lead us to spending almost as much as keeping McNair but leave us MORE vulnerable to QB injuries AND give us less talent on the field.
----------B - use McNair's money to sign Ty Law, start Volek at QB and still make the same cuts as option 1 to sign the rookies. The upside is that we should have the best covering secondary in the NFL which COULD lead our D into a top 10 status. The downside is we still have no depth AND Volek is no McNair as a starter. And if Volek goes down, who's starting next...Mauck? Me??? At least if we kept McNair and Volek we'd have a backup (who some of you think SHOULD start). While the D would arguably get better, the offense would get worse and still leave us with little to no depth...even worse depth at the most important position on the field - QB!
----------C - use McNair's money to sign the rookies and start Volek and look for any cheap vets after June 1. Upside is we have a little cap room and better depth. The downside is Volek is our starting QB for the season. Will Adams accept dishing out millions to the rookies while staring .500 in the best? Will Fisher and Reese last under this situation? Me thinks not. But if this is us rebuilding...then they should rebuild!

So you can see...which option are you arguing for and why?

Any option which relies on VY becoming McNair in his prime holds a 1000 fold - more risk than keeping McNair would. Rookie QB's bust out of this league at a pridigious rate. As mwentioned earlier, vet QB's don't injure themselves for the season working out at the team's training facility.

So put yourself in Floyd Reese's shoes and decide what you'd do...not what you think Floyd WILL do because those may be completely opposing ideas.

Hope that clear's up some of the confusion...

Gut professional athlete who has made it as far as McNair has, is gonna let his agent decide where, how and when he's going to finish his career. Nothing Cook has done was without McNair's knowledge or he would have been fired! He wasn't, so McNair is fully aware of what's going on and letting Cook and Reese haggle over this.

McNair is savvy enough to know not to spout off about the Titans in the press. A friend of mine's dad runs a pr firm that's specialty is teaching professional athletes/actors/ect how to answer questions from the media.

McNair doesn't get a free pass for saying his agent is handling all of this.

Gut said: professional athlete who has made it as far as McNair has, is gonna let his agent decide where, how and when he's going to finish his career. Nothing Cook has done was without McNair's knowledge or he would have been fired! He wasn't, so McNair is fully aware of what's going on and letting Cook and Reese haggle over this.

McNair is savvy enough to know not to spout off about the Titans in the press. A friend of mine's dad runs a pr firm that's specialty is teaching professional athletes/actors/ect how to answer questions from the media.

McNair doesn't get a free pass for saying his agent is handling all of this.


I realize that. but i think it's significant that according to that article mcnair said he was leaving it up to his agent as to where he would be playing. IMO it has a bearing as to how he feels about ME (The titans fan).
There's been a lot of hoopla on both sides of the issue of how much of this should fall on Macs shoulders and that particular statement IMO seems to indicate that he is more at fault than some would believe.
Bonky said:
I think it's still possible. Not probable, but still possible, provided Bus doesn't get in the way. It's pretty obvious (imo, anyway) which way his opinion swings, if for no other reason than the way he's handled the press through the whole ordeal.
Bus is his agent and will be a part of this. Don't think this is a "good cop/bad cop" thing. Remember who works for who.

I think it's to the Titan's advantage to hold out. The longer the Ravens do without #9 in training camp, the worse their win/loss percentage gets. Simply tendering Mac without a fight at this point is just retarded; hell, if they planned to do that they should have made the deal in April.
It may shake out that the offer the Ravens made then will be the best offer Reese will receive. But without the arbitrators ruling, why give him up for less when you think you can do better?

Liability for an injury is a non-issue. It's not in Cook's self-interest for #9 to sustain one. Even if the guy lost a leg, he'd never admit it, and if anyone has proven the ability to play injured, it's Steve.
It's unlikely I am in a car accident driving two blocks to the grocery but I wear a seat belt anyway. Why? Because you usually avoid risks when you can. Apparently, the liability was a big enough issue to lock McNair away from BSP. It's easy for us to say it's a "non-issue" when we are not the ones accepting the risk.

The holes that can be filled by quality players already have. There is nobody worth the price still available.
Maybe not presently but there are always a few vets which are out there and you can bet prices will begin to drop. Reese is known for filling holes with bargain vets once he's had the chance to evaluate the talent during training camp.

What it all boils down to at this point, (imho) is whether it's better to release him now or later.
We'll see. If all hope is lost that McNair is a Titan, I hope they can get something for him. I wonder if Reese has gotten any phone calls from other teams.
Gut said:
This is a decent muncher...I just hope I don't give anyone indigestion!
I took a couple of Tums and jumped right into it. I won't address every point but will hit on a few.

If you take the above paragraph as FACT and that none of that will change, I see how you come up with release or trade Mac9 ASAP.
Which is what I did. I may assume a little in the process but I try to rely on Reese's own quotes (which is always a risk). Bottom line, I am no longer optimistic McNair will be a Titan in '06 and release and trade are the only two options. It's just a matter of when and how.

However, in my response, I laid out what we SHOULD do, not what Reese or anyone else wants to do.
I see. Well, I would love for McNair to remain too. I just don't believe it anymore.

Do we REALLY care that much about the injury liability?
If you base it on what the Titans have said and done so far, it's a major issue. But if it isn't, then the window for trading/releasing McNair isn't immediate either.

the reality is, if we're rebuilding for the future, they can start cutting some of the fat now.
I don't know who you consider "fat" but I see your point. The two candidates you hear mentioned among those who would need to be cut are Sirmon and Piller. I think both could be replaced but I think you have to weigh the total package. Are the Titans better with McNair or Sirmon, Piller, Player A, Player B and Player C and look at those players who would step in in their place. It's hard to know until you have all the pieces to evaluate.

tell me what circus there is if the Titans hold a press conference welcoming Steve back with open arms and announce he'll be our starting QB for this season and play under his current contract?
I was going with the scenario that the issue remained unresolved going into Training Camp. If the Titans commit to him and make that announcement, then you look at damage control. But Reese has said this would not happen.

It's the ONLY way he'd get traded for max value which is what satisfies EVERYONE'S desire (Mac can start and get a new contract, Titans get rid of the injury liability and trade McNair for max value, and the Ravens get the QB they want in time for him to learn the offense and be the difference maker they'll be paying him to be).
Once the Titans commit to McNair, I don't see them trading him. But I also don't think the Titans will commit to his current contract.

Reese should have an acceptable gameplan for McNair staying with his current cap number.
He does. Now that he's brought in the free agents, it calls for cutting other players. That doesn't make his plan the best option though.

Even better, manipulate the situation so our best contingincy happens. So far, he's manipulating this into the worst possible situation (trading McNair for a 5th rnd pick or cutting him AND embarassing the organization and harming our reputation).
I agree. But I don't see dragging this on as doing anything to make the situation any better for all the reasons previously stated.

I did read this today.

“I haven’t talked to Bus yet, but I’m sure we’ll try to get in touch. What we’ve said is that we’d like to sit down and have a face-to-face and see what happens,” Reese said.

This is a good place to start.
Reese brought in the free agents for 2 reasons.

First, they are an improvement over what we had. And if you have to cut backups to get better be it.

Secondly, with such a young team, he wants those vets to teach the young guys how to play and go about their business. Role models if you will.

But you also have to evaluate positions. QB is arguably the most important position on the field...on offense or defense. As has been stated many times, MLB is not that important. Sure you need a guy who can tackle and take on blocks, but he's on the field only half the time and doesn't have major coverage responsibilities. So the drop off between a McNair and Volek is very different between a Sirmon and Tulloch...for example.

I haven't examined the roster carefully cap wise in a few weeks, but I think Sirmon would be the only potential starter I'd cut and that's ONLY because I have a decent replacement and neither will play half then time. So I'd make the cuts and keep McNair unless Baltimore really ante'd up. And if they did, I'd have to decide if McNair was worth perhaps Collins and Ty Law...not whether or not he was worth the cuts. Without a decent starting QB, we won't win this year. Without a decent 5th CB, no one will notice unless we lose 2 CB's and even then only when we have to face 3 WR's...again about 50% playing time IF we lost 2 CB's above him.

I hope that illustrates my point...but I think you're on board with wanting to keep McNair.

As far as Reese and Cook meeting?

It's a start....but more likely the end and just a PR move. Cook has no reason to accept a lower deal from us when he knows Reese will trade or release McNair.

When they locked McNair out of BP I suspected that marked the beginning of the end of McNair with the Titans. A lot of times, the writings on the wall. We don't want it to be, but it's there.

If we're trying to figure out what will happen as opposed to what we think SHOULD happen, you can put money down that McNair won't be with this team when the season starts. Knowing Reese's track record with dumping talent due to cap concerns, Baltimore will wait him out and he'll show them his cards as he has done from day 1. If I were Baltimore, I'd call Reese's bluff (about delaying his release til July) and tell Reese the trade offer is only good til June13. Reese would have to either agree to whatever terms or release McNair or keep him.

From Reese's background, he's gonna get rid of McNair one way or the other and since he'd rather have something instead of nothing, he'll trade Steve for a discounted draft pick.

And you're right, it'll happen probably in the next week...possibly 2.

This is...unfortunately...what I think WILL happen! Then we can haggle over Volek as starter, volek as starter with same cuts, volek as starter with no cuts, volek as starter with cuts but sign a big name free agent, ect.

What a great and insightful discussion this is and the best part is everyone has shown respect to others regardless of the differences of opinon(very unlike the Ravens forums). The only thing Ill comment on at this point is why wait until as late as possible to release him. First I believe the risk of injury hurts McNair much more than the Titans, if he shows up for workouts at all hes not going to do anything that might cause him even a minor injury. Secondly the later he gets to the Ravens the harder it will be for him to start the season at qb for them. The oc for the Ravens has said it would be hard for a qb to start the season if he didnt get there until July. So releasing him late gives us two advantages Billick will want him there asap his jobs on the line this year so we may get a better offer and if not Boller may start the season and lose some games or if he wins he it may be hard for Steve to just be handed the job. They believe Steve is the missing piece to get them back to the SB and dont want to get of to a bad start to their season. Call their bluff see if anyone eles is interested, see if they still want to pay him 11m if he isnt ready for the 1st few games or if the offer drops, worst case release him and miss an additional 5th round pick I think its worth the gamble.
I agree with Gut in that the probability of Mac getting hurt is so low that it makes no sense to hurry up and make a decision. The Titans hold the cards. Reese will make it look like Mac could be a Titan as long as he can and in reality the Titans could keep Mac if it came down to that. Reese wants some value for that postion in trade and he is going to hold out as long as possible. The lockout thing was based partly on the injury risk but there are a bunch of other factors that enter into it as well and they are all still on the table.
IMO the Titans never really wanted to work things out with Mac unless he was willing to work for much less than his current contract. They made that clear and that is still their postion. I'm sure if they had to do this thing over again they could have shopped Mac around when team like the Dolphins and New Orleans had yet to sign their QBs and possibly gotten a decent deal done before the draft. IMO they were stupid not to just take the deal with the Ravens on draft day. But now, with the possibility of getting nothing for Mac you can bet Reese will squeeze everything he can out of this situation to save face even if it means not letting the Ravens get McNair until training camp starts. It wouldn't surprise me if Reese cut some vets to make room for the rookie pay and hold on to Mac right until Sep 1.
Soxcat said:
But now, with the possibility of getting nothing for Mac you can bet Reese will squeeze everything he can out of this situation to save face even if it means not letting the Ravens get McNair until training camp starts. It wouldn't surprise me if Reese cut some vets to make room for the rookie pay and hold on to Mac right until Sep 1.
First, Reese didn't get anything for Kearse and now possibly McNair? Goot lawd!
Broken Record said:
Has there been any indication that Baltimore's offer of a 5th is still on the table?
According to Reese, it was a joke. He never said what the deal was. It was leaked out as a fifth. I don't think anyone with the Titans ever confirmed.

If I am the Ratbirds and really want McNair before their next camp, why not be willing to give up a pick in the 110 - 125 range? McNair isn't worth the 115th best player in next season's draft? Even if Reese asks for more if McNair meets certain numbers, you are talking about a late third which is the 85-95 range.

If I were McNair, I would be ticked the Ravens are not willing to give up the 90th pick to get him in camp.
Drew Rosenhaus could make the trade happen. Hell, he convinced the Chiefs to give up a 5th for Carlos Hall.

Bus Cook needs to facilitate it for the sake of his client...
That makes sense. The fact that Ozzie hasn't offered anything significant says to me that he thinks McNair will be his for free shortly.
actually things could get alot worse....

I think the Titans have to give Mcnair a physical before they allow him back into the facility.... what if the Titans Dr's fail him? What if ???

This thing could get alot uglier actually.
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