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hit that link and register. We need to get our ranks up. I expected to have 15 or so here and some are mailing it in. That's fine... It's only been a day or two since this thing took flight.

That is a referral link. We will have a system like that in place soon I believe. Hit that link and register. Have at them. They are hungry and confused. They don't quite know what to make of me. Google image search funny pictures of monkeys. Nothing pisses them off more than watching a troll smack about how much more fun it is to be a monkey than a slave horse.

Horses are working animals. They are slaves. By this logic, horses are the slave of man, bound to do whatever man deems...

(WU, when you read this please don't go off about the Broncos)

hahahahahahahaha.... funny, funny...

Listen up. Woolfolks Uncle is the #1 SR on this unit. Period.
Follow his lead and do as he does. Woolfolks Uncle is relentless and he will never stop once you tap his hate vein.

Learn from that Jedi Master.

Another Jedi Master is GoT...
dear God that man is a super-genius.
Imagine... now you have a forum to listen to GoT's rants live and uncut.

Imagine Eddie Murphy raw on the USA network...:hmm:
Not happening.

We need more members.

Please... as a favor, hit that link and build my referral count at Coltfreaks.
I put alot of energy into getting Jeff on board with this...
Just do me that. That and get in touch with some of these people who said they were in and tell them how you got here.(lounge thread)

Mrs. Bipolar is not amused at the hours I have put into to generating this buzz. I'd do it myself but frankly I'm exhausted. We need they people that declared in here...

none of this wet foot dry foot bs.

Do you have any idea what a tough sell that is on the surface?
If you read the thread in the lounge then you must get it.

ot: What is the deal with the slur "texicans" ???
We need to figure that out. I'm lost. I've seen it used on the cow board and I don't get it. Can anyone enlighten me further?
All members who have registered at Coltfruits please report.
I need to know how many Titans we have.

We must get T4Ten to join
We must get ManningChokes at

everyone who is in this group, please register at coltfreaks at your earliest convience. PM T4Ten and holla and encourage ManningChokes to join us in our private hater forum.

as a personal favor use my referral link in the Join The Fruits thread.:ha:

Once we have 15 memebers open enrollment is over and applications will be sorted out democraticaly by 2/3 majority vote.

At that time the original thread should be moved from the lounge to here.
We can vote on this but I think that thread says to much.
With 15, maybe more, we don't need to look for people at that point.

That could screw everything up. Less is more. I'm not saying we should cap it but 25 memebers or more? That's silly. I wouldn't want to boot anyone but it should be considered that maybe someone will join and not show up for months... I don't know about any of that. I doubt we will have a situation like that. Odds are very few memebers are going to join.

If I were to bet, I'd bet that we end up with 21 exactly on opening day.
That is optimistic. That size group would be ideal if we were able to kick around the smack tactics in private...

Also, that huge email did not go through the Colts pm system. They have a character limit of 2000, maybe more. That is a great place to squat and chatter, not to mention exchange urls in PM's...

He is Jedi level smack.
He got me started in image posting.

If it were not for he and his yawning hippo... then there was gunny with the Mr.E sleeps with dead cats... classic... ah...that was quality.

Anyhow, those two got me going down the golden brick road of hilarity....

I may over rule regardless but mainly I will abstain from voting.
Get caught up in the mayhem.

Nominate and recruite the sr's... but when we have 15 founding bashers...
we need to get democratic. Any thoughts?

You guys are a very quiet confederation.

Broken Record, I would like you to feed images... crazy images and tactics to the Young Guns...
All members who have registered at Coltfruits please report. (post)

All members who have registered at Patsforum please report. (post)
I've registered at the fruity colts site. Also, I'm happy to act in a consulting role regarding images. Anyone who wants to get into the imaging game should definitely sign up for a free account at if they haven't already.
does anyone have an opinion on that tactic/motion?

Broken Record said:
I've registered at the fruity colts site. Also, I'm happy to act in a consulting role regarding images. Anyone who wants to get into the imaging game should definitely sign up for a free account at if they haven't already.
also you could pm messages containing photobucket urls to smack memebers you see online. supply some ammo.

Here is one I can't wait to bust on those limey pom fish fans...
you are going to love this...


Ricky, Ricky, you so high, you so high... hey Ricky!!!

maybe someone should make a "srunit" photobucket... we all get the pass word and we all submit strange pictures, smilies, whatever...

we can never organize it because that would break thinks.

I second BR's motion... can we get a third?
i give the third for something but i like ur idea of everyone having that one so we all know where to go to get something and its at our disposal whenever we need it
GoT said:
GoT registered - moving Avatar as I am typing
found you while trolling... thanking W.U. that's awesome. Need to get this operation Paul Revere thing going. Gunny joined patriots planet... when givens was signed... when I did... Found him there. If we could just chat with pat fans in the colts forum as to why the colts and peyton suck so bad...

Imagine george costanza and the worlds colliding.(seinfeld)
Just outnumbering them talking about how they suck...

it's like operation meyhem or something.... (fight club)

smakin season! takes my mind off the draft.
I signed up to

You'll see me as Kelly Holcomb was here

Yeah, couldn't find a good enough name that wouldn't show my hatred...
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