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i heard he didnt really spit on the guy

the story i got was that he was still eating a big mac and half of it fell out when he got hit.
let's sensationalize this some more as if it hasn't been enough. :whoop:
I'd like to go on as if nothing happened.

You don't know what kind of sick thing Nickey may have said.
I'd rather not speculate.
The whole issue is unhealthy.


It's sad. It happened. It's a shame.

move on. that's about all I ever had to say about this in the first place. if you can't laugh at Broken Record's skoal ad, in light of the fact he himself can no longer use that product for medical reasons, so don't say he's warped... anyone else that can't find the upside or whatever and wants to wallow in puke mess... you would have to be wound too tight not to.

What he did was bad but I'm sure everyone has done something worse so just get off that high horse because I think it just died. :deadhorse:

Brown gets more work to "prove" himself.
LenDale won't get hurt.

Let's just F$%#@#! cut LenDale. :whoop:

that will solve it!
twoseven said:
News 2 reported lendale white wont play against the saints. gee i wonder why ? imo he needs to sit for about a month.
I'm sorry.. my last post was not enough. I need to take your bs opinion and grap it by the horns because you sound like you are using houston texturd logic. How in the heck is sitting him for a month going to get him or our RB unit in shape to be ready for NYJ in week one and beyond. What is the heck is that going to accomplish? There is a saying for that spiteful reasoning...

It's called "cutting off your nose to spite your face" ... that is the most moronic suggestion to Fisher short of trading Vince Young for a 5th in next years draft. That is just how stupid that sounds. Not to make an enemy, no, but I just want to put down a non-team metality opinion... I bet you would tell me if the DB was Pacman it would be ok because Pacman is a worthless murdering ganster? whatever dude. I want this team to get better and to win and if that means they act out and be stupid and have to be punished and run suicides... so be it.

White sitting out preseason is a horrible idea. Dropping a spot in the rotation in the first preaseason game is not that big of a deal. It's like grounding a 12 year old. Yes, spiting is a 12-year old move. move on.
So, LenDale spitting on a guy is supposed to make us better? Does it make any difference what someone SAID to him? He spit in a teammate's face. That's inexcusable. Sitting him out for the rest of preseason isn't that bad of an idea. He needs to learn a lesson early. We don't need crap like this going on during the season or in the future. (IF he did in fact spit in the guy's face)
riding the pine for the first preseason game sounds about right too me.

LW gets punished about appropiate for the offense IMHO, especially considering Nickey will probably suit up for the game. LW needs to appologize to Nicky and the whole team for his behavior, but even so this type of thing never leaves the player and LWs loss of whatever cache will really be his punishment.
Good. He needs to sit for that bull****. You don't spit in the face of the opposition, let alone your own people. He earned the ***-whooping too. But that needs to be as far as it goes, doesn't matter what Nickey said to him (Don't be nieve to think that White just spat in his face, DN probably said some foul **** to him). Still, he needs to be punished...
Did the report specifically say it was because of the spitting, an injury or that he wasn't ready?

Personally, I don't like the idea that I am paying regular season prices to watch a glorified scrimmage and won't get to see our second-round pick because of a discipline issue if that is the case.

Fisher should fine him and make him run until he's puking stuff he ate last Thanksgiving but don't punish the fans by not allowing him to play.
TitanJeff said:
Did the report specifically say it was because of the spitting, an injury or that he wasn't ready?

Personally, I don't like the idea that I am paying regular season prices to watch a glorified scrimmage and won't get to see our second-round pick because of a discipline issue if that is the case.

Fisher should fine him and make him run until he's puking stuff he ate last Thanksgiving but don't punish the fans by not allowing him to play.
All they said was that they have just learned that White will not play saturday night, didnt give any reason. I just figured it was for spitting. I agree with you on the ticket price for a preseason game but disagree he should play. If it were up to me he would do all the things you mentioned plus sit for about 3 games.
I think one game will suffice. I think any more than that does the team a disservice. This is the sort of thing you want to deal with and get behind you, thus the theme of my posts on the subject... move on. I agree with Jeff about the preseason ticket thing but ultimately this is Jeff Fisher's call. twoseven, do you remember last year how far behind everyone said Pacman Jones was for his holdout and lack of training camp and preseason action? Is that what you want for LenDale? You want his whole learning curve thrown off completely? Rookie running backs can contribute early in the season. If the Titans are going to have any shot at all to win 10 games they must get a fast start. Also, punishment that runs the course of a month and has reprecussions that carry over into the season make the whole incident bigger than it should be. Every Titan should IMO be doing their best to forget about it.

Make Lendale run 10k at dawn everymorning for a week. (6 am)

that is a fine punishment.
If you think we are going to win 10 games this year your dreaming. I could care less about his learning curve but if i did care it would start with spitting on team members.
What i dont get is that i cant find anything about him not playing on the internet. I wonder if News 2 is correct about this.
this is football man, spitting aint the worse thing in the world, and if you think that sitting out a young prominsing RB for four games is good for us and our future than its good that you aren't a coach, I personally think that he shouldn't be sitting out for this game- they should have just fined him, and Nickey had to do something for him to spit on him, and think of the people, fans, and media who have been anticapating this, if true I am shocked by Fisher- I think if Fisher did this at the last minute like it is after just saying yesterday that each of our RB's will get a quarter each than he made a bad move
No, I don't think we are going to have that much success but that is immaterial to the issue at hand. These guys have to go out there and play like they have the potential to go to the post season regardless of the odds. You should care about his learning curve because learning is the cornerstone of discipline. Making the dude sit the entire preseason will derail his budding career which hasn't even had a chance to take off yet. What he did was wrong, don't misunderstand me on that. Spitting is not cool but I don't know if you are recognizing that punishing a guy over a course of a month, during a formative period only protracts the situation. Have you thought about what that might do to the remainder of White's camp? When he knows he will not play his incentive to kick *** goes down. It drags down the whole team.

He will likely play tonight anyways. This story reeks of manufacture.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
No, I don't think we are going to have that much success but that is immaterial to the issue at hand. These guys have to go out there and play like they have the potential to go to the post season regardless of the odds. You should care about his learning curve because learning is the cornerstone of discipline. Making the dude sit the entire preseason will derail his budding career which hasn't even had a chance to take off yet. What he did was wrong, don't misunderstand me on that. Spitting is not cool but I don't know if you are recognizing that punishing a guy over a course of a month, during a formative period only protracts the situation. Have you thought about what that might do to the remainder of White's camp? When he knows he will not play his incentive to kick *** goes down. It drags down the whole team.

He will likely play tonight anyways. This story reeks of manufacture.
I guess we just dont think alike, I would rather have a team with morals. Good role models for kids and so on......... and maybe not win as many games. and you dont care what kind of people we have on the team as long as we win. as far as the story goes i didnt manufacture it, news 2 said it last night.
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