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twoseven said:
and where are you from again ?
what difference does that make? Aussies are not much different than Americans. We have very simular westernized cultures with Brittish empire roots. The idea that White should miss all that time from an incident that happened in 110 degree heat is crazy talk. When your response is "where are you from again?" even though it is not directed at me... it's just like you spat on Gunny. That's a hard post to respect yet you argue from atop the moral high horse. Smacks of hypocrisy IMHO.
I don't care if he sits out an exhibition game. And the punishment (this part anyway) does fit the crime. As long as he plays in the real ones...
twoseven said:
I guess we just dont think alike, I would rather have a team with morals. Good role models for kids and so on......... and maybe not win as many games. and you dont care what kind of people we have on the team as long as we win. as far as the story goes i didnt manufacture it, news 2 said it last night.
Have you ever done anything that you lamented or regretted? Have you ever felt like you yelled too loud at your kid or girlfriend or whatever... your MOM for you COPPA users out there... Dude, he had a mental lapse and did something really stupid. He needs to learn not suffer. The team needs to learn... not suffer? We have NO CHANCE of winning ten games right? So if we can only win eight I'd rather just win six because they let guys like Tank Williams drink and drive. We made a damn mistake when we didn't cut McNair for alcohol and weapons charges. We should cut Calico for being a sexual deviant not to mention exhibitionist. (Might just need cut him anyways)
Gunny said:
It's a football team, not a church group. Sports aim to win, not babysit the entire american childhood rearing process
Too many parents let the TV do that... by the way 27... all you said the News station reported was that he would not play. You have NO SOURCE link that says why and you yourself have admitted that you are going on your own stone cold assumptions. If that is not the defintion of a manufactured story... (seeing that you have a conclusion for why) what? when? where? ok ok ok . why? hmmm... let me whip up a batch of why real quick. Don't mess with me. I've got to much energy for you.

SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
what difference does that make? Aussies are not much different than Americans. We have very simular westernized cultures with Brittish empire roots. The idea that White should miss all that time from an incident that happened in 110 degree heat is crazy talk. When your response is "where are you from again?" even though it is not directed at me... it's just like you spat on Gunny. That's a hard post to respect yet you argue from atop the moral high horse. Smacks of hypocrisy IMHO.
Just wondering what he knew about "the entire american childhood rearing process". thats all. So now you say it was ok for him to spit on someone because it was 110 degrees out ? the reply wasnt to smack gunny. I was just wondering if he was an American living in Aust. or a native.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Have you ever done anything that you lamented or regretted? Have you ever felt like you yelled too loud at your kid or girlfriend or whatever... your MOM for you COPPA users out there... Dude, he had a mental lapse and did something really stupid. He needs to learn not suffer. The team needs to learn... not suffer? We have NO CHANCE of winning ten games right? So if we can only win eight I'd rather just win six because they let guys like Tank Williams drink and drive. We made a damn mistake when we didn't cut McNair for alcohol and weapons charges. We should cut Calico for being a sexual deviant not to mention exhibitionist. (Might just need cut him anyways)

Too many parents let the TV do that... by the way 27... all you said the News station reported was that he would not play. You have NO SOURCE link that says why and you yourself have admitted that you are going on your own stone cold assumptions. If that is not the defintion of a manufactured story... (seeing that you have a conclusion for why) what? when? where? ok ok ok . why? hmmm... let me whip up a batch of why real quick. Don't mess with me. I've got to much energy for you.

330, im not here to argue with ya. you just act like i made the story up because i dont have a link to go with it. I also heard it again this morning from News 2. So dont act like im the one starting a big rumor. Your right, I dont have a clue if its true or not but i know what i heard on the news TWICE ! Besides dont waste your energy on me, save it until gametime.
gee... you don't seem to come here much for a guy that has technically been on this forum longer. I wasn't saying that you were smacking Gunny I was just pointing out how disrespectful you were being in general with that remark, or gesture if you will. So let's just let that go. It ain't the heart of the matter. It only pertained to America as Lendale pertains to the americal role model ideal.

I never said it was "ok". I was very clear about how it is wrong. I'm just saying... people have gone to war and cut off ears. Does it matter that I have never been in the military?

last time... you are getting thick.

1. Spiiting is wrong.

2. Discipline is in order.

3. sitting the very first preseason game is enough.

4. Fisher's dog house would be an automatic. He needs to do his extra wind sprints. Lots of winds sprints.

5. **** happens. Heat does things to guys.

6. Rookies can be immature and lose their heads.

7. I asked you if you have ever done anything wrong before that you wish you could take back. I address your posts very well and cover your concerns before I hand you your ***.

8. You put words in my mouth.

9. You shift the topic to US aussie relations. very gay.

10. I would never trade a .500 season for 6-10 because I think the coach should do stupid things.

11. don't lie on the forum when you admit you went on your own imagination. That just makes you appear as if you are a rising 7th grader.

12. I'm going to SPIT now. :spit:
twoseven said:
330, im not here to argue with ya. you just act like i made the story up because i dont have a link to go with it. I also heard it again this morning from News 2. So dont act like im the one starting a big rumor. Your right, I dont have a clue if its true or not but i know what i heard on the news TWICE ! Besides dont waste your energy on me, save it until gametime.
Just said that you saw he was sitting and assumed it was for the spit... you told Jeff they gave no reason... you assumed... you have likely assumed correctly... I never questioned the authincity of your account of watching television.. I don't really doubt that you are correct in your assumption in fact.

All they said was that they have just learned that White will not play saturday night, didnt give any reason. I just figured it was for spitting. I agree with you on the ticket price for a preseason game but disagree he should play. If it were up to me he would do all the things you mentioned plus sit for about 3 games.

your punishment is overkill. your source is iffy.

then what the heck is this?

as the story goes i didnt manufacture it, news 2 said it last night.

Said what? Sit for Spit? FOR SPIT? They said that?
Here's my take on this (Which probably means nothing). Tempers are going to flare in this hot humid atmosphere down south. I don't agree with what white did but sitting him out of the saints game makes ABSOLUTELY no since. WE NEED HIM ON THE FIELD GETTING AS MUCH PRACTICE AS HE CAN. As Gunny stated earlier, this is pro football, not a church outing.
Exactly. The only one being punished here are the fans who REALLY want to see him on the field tearin' it up. He gets paid whether he sits or plays right?! Figure out a different way to punish him and get his big *** self on the field so we can see what he can do.
Sitting him out a game probably hurts him more than anything else. He was looking forward to seeing action in his very 1st NFL game.

someone mentioned what if the DB had been Jones instead of Nickey. It wouldn't have mattered to me. I am not a Jones fan but he would have had every right to go after White just like Nickey did. Yeah a shocker I would have defended Jones this time :)
No one knows th whole story, but hopefully Fish does (that is if he's sitting for the spitting). If Lendale's in the wrong, and spitting in someone's face has always been very wrong from where I come from, then sitting him is the right thing IMO.

I do wonder if Nickey deserves any punishment. I guess getting cut will be it :banned:
Bobo said:
No one knows th whole story, but hopefully Fish does (that is if he's sitting for the spitting). If Lendale's in the wrong, and spitting in someone's face has always been very wrong from where I come from, then sitting him is the right thing IMO.

I do wonder if Nickey deserves any punishment. I guess getting cut will be it :banned:

considering Fisher apologized to Nickey for blaming him first, there will be no punishment
Sitting LW for one preseason games seems fit.

It's not going to sideline his career to miss one preseason game.

Fisher cannot allow a rookie to disrupt the teams chemistry, like last year. He said zero tolerance for crap like that, and that's what he has to do to keep some kind of order.

The issue of paying fans wanting to see what they paid for is another issue. We shouldn't have to pay regular season prices for preseason anyway, since starters don't play but a fraction of the game.

And it doesn't matter who the reciptiant of the spit was, there would be the same reaction.
i wouldn'[t mind seeing Jeff pull a u-turn in the 4th qtr and send him in

sit him throughout the higlight timeframe and put him in against the 3rd/4th/already-cut teams

make hijm sweat it out a little, then throw him a bone

we'll see if he dresses or not - if he does there's a chance he'll get some reps
I agree with you Hoffa in way. He needs to be punished for what he did but like other people said on this forum, Is nickey innocent in this. If spitting is the only bad thing done here, Then I don't think white needs to be benched. There has been way more drama than this in the NFL in the past. BUT..... if it leads to something more drastic than spitting, then yes, bench him or turn him lose because we DEFINETLY DO NOT NEED THIS KIND OF CRAP ON A TEAM TRYING TO BUILD A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH OTHER. To me, that was one of the things that hurt us bad last year. No one seemed to care.
I think the thing that shocked me most about this story was that Donnie Nickey is still on the team. :lol:

Bipolar said:
5. **** happens. Heat does things to guys.

Anybody who has ever played football here in Tennessee knows this is the absolute truth. It has been hotter than **** these last two weeks. I think it would be ridiculous to suspend White for more than one game. He needs to get his reps so he'll be ready to play come September.
For whatever it is worth, I've been told by two reliable sources that Pac and Lendale were rountinely out past curfew at camp in Clarksville. These were the only two that presented any problems with curfew. In fact, I am somewhat surprised that this information never made it to the press.

The Tennessean is reporting that Lendale may sit out tonight's game.

Fisher's job is on the line this year. He needs to get control from the beginning. If it means sitting Lendale for this game, then so be it. Yeah, I wanted to see him, but Fisher has got to get the players' attention.
I am sure Thunder wants to show lightning what he can do in the NFL. One game and no one sits next to him on the bench just leave him there alone and let him brew on it. He can come in second team in the next game. He should learn his lesson.
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