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I just hope Lendale learned his lesson. Next time he gets upset at a teammate, he should just take his helmet off and swing it at him while his back is turned.
Titantonic said:
Next time he gets upset at a teammate, he should just take his helmet off and swing it at him while his back is turned.
If someone spit on him first, I wouldn't blame him for doing just that.
Nickey didn't swing his helmet at him when he was spit on, he did it after the next play after cheap shotting White. I'm actually not defending White, I just think Nickey deserves the same punishment. His actions could have hurt more than just someone's pride.
GET OVER IT PEOPLE! **** happens! We need him on the field. These are big boys....take away his b-day, but let him get some reps in. He needs it, we as fans need it, the TENNESSEE TITANS NEED IT! I'm sure he regrets what he did. DROP IT, MOVE ON, lets try to shock some teams this year!
twoseven said:
I guess we just dont think alike, I would rather have a team with morals. Good role models for kids and so on......... and maybe not win as many games. and you dont care what kind of people we have on the team as long as we win. as far as the story goes i didnt manufacture it, news 2 said it last night.

wow, that just shows me that when it comes to the Titans winning isn't #1 on your mind- this is a FOOTBALL TEAM, PROFESSIONAL SPORTS, THE POINT IS TO WIN, OR YOUR TEAM IS NOT SUCCESSFUL- sure the sports arena could have more role models but that is not its purpose and yes kids are more persuaded by athletes but the #1 goal of the team is to win, players are people and some people are the best role models, now there are some role models kids can look for other- you just told me you rather not win the Super Bowl because you rather have a Boys Scout Team- if someone asked me who would I rather have Randy Moss or Drew Bennett- give Moss everytime, no sweat....
Titantonic said:
Nickey didn't swing his helmet at him when he was spit on, he did it after the next play after cheap shotting White.
I know how it went down, I read the article.

It's hot every year at camp. There are fights every year at camp. But never at camp have we had one player spit on a teammate. That crossed the line.

This has nothing to do with role models. Or child rearing practices or church. LW stepped over the line and violated the teams code of ethics. That should bring punishment, or else you have no disipline, like last year, and you have a season like last year.

He sits one preseason game. He (and the team) gets a message. His career will not be over because of it. The Titans season will not go down the drain because of it. The future of the franchise is not threatened because of it.
twoseven said:
Just wondering what he knew about "the entire american childhood rearing process". thats all. So now you say it was ok for him to spit on someone because it was 110 degrees out ? the reply wasnt to smack gunny. I was just wondering if he was an American living in Aust. or a native.

I want you to play football 2-3 hours a practice twice a day in 110 degree heat, I want you to constantly be getting hit, sometimes falling to the ground, while you are tired, dizzy, and bruised, also while wearing 20lb pads on top of that- Im doing it five days a week- do that and come back telling me that everyone or just you is happy go lucky, you get angry sometimes especially in the conditions and you let your anger get the best of you, Big Al gets in fights all the time, I guess nothing is wrong with that huh, we don't even know the full story with LenDale, sure spitting is wrong, but I say we fine him have a talk with him and let him play, he'll be alright, its not an excuse, but we shouldn't shorten the growth of the player or team this season for something like this
Dangermode said:
Exactly. The only one being punished here are the fans who REALLY want to see him on the field tearin' it up. He gets paid whether he sits or plays right?! Figure out a different way to punish him and get his big *** self on the field so we can see what he can do.

titansfan9 said:
I want you to play football 2-3 hours a practice twice a day in 110 degree heat,
They all do that every year, but LW is the only one to have spit on a teammate.
It's not about fighting, that happens every camp.
The team has a code of ethics, LW violated it, and Fisher has to set the punishment he thinks it deserves. I trust Fisher's judgemnent in this situation better than any poster here.

LW career WILL NOT be in jeporady because he sits tonights. His hammy probably needs the rest anyway.
titansfan9 said:
The fans get punished every preseason game, or mugged, because they pay full price to see the stars play one quarter in a meaningless game no one tries to really win, or cares who wins.

But that's the topic for another thread.
My British Perspective on things here.

Who cares?

1 Pre-season'll probably end up playing in some way or another anyway (perhaps) today
LazyManJackson said:
Who cares?

1 Pre-season'll probably end up playing in some way or another anyway (perhaps) today
They could just play him the entire second preseason game so his career won't be set back by years, which some here think his sitting tonight will do.
yeah I know, but thats harsh, and it is a punishment on the fans as well

which do you hate worse? being spit on in the chest, being punched in the face, or being cheap shotted from behind from a guy who is swinging his helment after you?
which do you hate worse? being spit on in the chest, being punched in the face, or being cheap shotted from behind from a guy who is swinging his helment after you?

if you didn't spit on someone you wouldn't have to worry about a helmet being swung at you
Ewker said:
is practicing football in the summer new? it happens every yr or maybe you just noticed that:))

I was really talking to a specific poster, I was talking to everyone, sorry for the confusion...
Ewker said:
if you didn't spit on someone you wouldn't have to worry about a helmet being swung at you

but thats where I say thats Nickey's problem, he didn't retalitate on the same play which I would have understood and I would have completely took his side if he had retaliated once White spit on him, but he did 30secs after, and not only that he wasn't in the play but came in from behind, swinging his helment- and he is the 3 year veteran Titan in the situation...
titansfan9 said:
which do you hate worse? being spit on in the chest, being punched in the face, or being cheap shotted from behind from a guy who is swinging his helment after you?
These questions must be rhetorical?

When players fight at camp, they throw punches, the fight is broken up, and they go on. No lingering news stories.
When a player spits on his teammate, a violation of team ethics, it brings lingering ill effects, like a cheap shot later, team divisions, unhealthy team chemistry. Lockerroom cancer grows.

That's why Fisher set this punishment, which I trust his judgement to be equal to the crime.
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