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I liked some of the new field "curtains" but there are just too much LP Field logos everywhere.

Also, the scoreboards are a disgrace. Sound only comes out of one end. The graphics are a joke. It's beginning to look like the big Nashville Sounds scoreboard as far as quality. Same old clips, contests, etc. :drool:

I'm finding the entire experience surrounding the games very lacking. Hopefully, they'll have something better in place by the beginning of the regular season.
I agree with all you said. I got tired of hearing about Liquid Propane Field. I thought I saw Hank Hill running
They've covered up parts of the scoreboards making the other horrible parts more obvious.

There's a huge banner in the South Endzone of Bud Adams holding up the 1999 AFC Championship Trophy, and on the other side, there's a huge banner of Bruce Matthews.

Lot's of LP this and that everywhere. Even the dorky commercials on the terrible scoreboards are LP. They need to use some of that LP money and get some new scoreboards, they are a disgrace. I'm also very tired of Speedy or whatever his name is yelling at the top of his lungs during guess the temperature game ect... Gosh, get rid of Hope Hines. I would rather hear nothing and see nothing during time outs. It's getting really irritating.

Other than that, I enjoyed the LP Field experience :ha:
Titanium said:
They've covered up parts of the scoreboards making the other horrible parts more obvious.

Someone told me at the game that these covered up pieces are sent out being repaired, I agree though. We need new ones in a bad way, Maybe next year.
The money for the naming rights goes to Bud, he doesn't have to use it to improve the stadium. LP is just trying to get their big monies worth, and overdoing it, I guess.
I also notices the name LP plastered over every inch of the stadium, but hey, that's what they are paying for...

The scoreboards and PA system were pathetic. And that new LP cartoon with the Dudley Do-Right music and tone was idiotic, even worse than all the old stuff we've been seeing for years...
Ewker said:
I agree with all you said. I got tired of hearing about Liquid Propane Field. I thought I saw Hank Hill running
We might as well get used to it, Thats why they spent millions on the naming rights. I honestly dont blame then either. If i just spent that kind of money i would want my logo plastered everywhere also.
NOW , a rumor going around lastnight at the game was the Titan logo on the field at the 50 yard line is going to be replaced with the LP Field logo. This will be taking it overboard IMO. if it happens.
liquified petroleum gas is propane. there were way too many lp logos, it was ridiculous. Didn't Bud Adams have to pay out of his pocket to get the guarenteed money together for Vince Young? Did Young just pocket 25 million dollars by putting pen to paper or what? I can tolerate this whoreism if it brings us the kind of talent we need to seriously compete again in this league. Some of the Titans play on the feild was far more disgusting than anything lousiana pacific tacked to the wall with concrete anchor nails.

The scoreboards were laughable. They were tarps with sponser verbage on them. I couldn't help but make stadium patheticism remarks about whether Alltell or LP employed better use of tarps.

Alltell has to cover the seats of the fans that don't care cause they can't sell a psl or Tennessee who is so ashamed of their 9-23 over the past two seasons that they have taken to covering the scoreboards with tarps.

:ha: that reminds me... the homer scoreboard operator shortchanged the Saints a point and it took nearly a series before anyone noticed it. that is how bad the scoreboard is.. it's such an eyesore.

I didn't even mention the appearent damage to the tv screens. they seemed to have an UFO... like the kind seen over Mexico City in every reply.

I like the way they dressed up the stadium. Having some color on the club and upperdeck is nice. The LP logo is everywhere, but it doesnt bother me.

twoseven is correct, the missing sections of the scoreboards are being replaced, though I thought that would have been done by now. I HATE the graphics they were using on the big section of the scoreboard, they're tough to read.

And I'm with SK on the LP cartoon... ridiculous.

Also the new halftime contest sucks. Not to mention it was horribly run last nite... the first guy got at least 35 seconds, he deserved to be booed.
Hoffa said:
The money for the naming rights goes to Bud, he doesn't have to use it to improve the stadium. LP is just trying to get their big monies worth, and overdoing it, I guess.
Isnt the city of Nashville supposed to be maintaining stadium ? Besides the naming rights deal just happened a short while ago and it takes alot of time to get all these things done. Im sure the scoreboards will be fixed by the time regular season starts. They are just old, no parts anymore. I work with this kind of stuff everyday and understand what they are going through. You buy something that is very very expensive and ten years later when it starts giving trouble and you have to work on it there are no parts or even the company might not exist anymore. Its not that easy as just saying "send it out to be fixed".
The Stadium is owned by Cumberland Stadium Inc or something like that. The Titans are Tennessee Football, Inc ... something like that. They have some kind of dual arrangement. I don't think Nashville the City itself has a huge obligation to the place. That is why they went out initially and got Adelphia Commications but we all know what happened there. Now Cumberland gets to keep the Adelphia money and sell the rights again... double dip the chip so to speak... I do know that the screens were made by SONY, but I doubt there os much in the way of parts.
The money for the naming rights goes into Buds pocket. That was part of the original deal. He can do what he wants with that money.
I didn't mind the LP logos. That's what they pay for. I actually thought all the new banners added some color and dressed it up. I like the big banners of Mathews, George, Wychek, and even Bud. I thought the place looked good.
(I park on the downtown side and walk over the bridge, so I have no idea what the "front" of the place looks like from the parking lot.)

Every stadium is going to have the sponsorship logos everywhere. What most of us see of other stadiums is on tv, and you don't see that stuff on the tube.

Yes! The scoreboards are pathetic, and the sound as well. Did the sound come from both ends in the past? I ask because it really shouldn' least the music and promos anyway (not necessarily the announcements). Two sets of speakers facing each other from each end cause phase an delay problems. Still, the one end sounded horrible....and again, the same old same old. I believe the Titans hire a production company for that stuff. They need a new one.

This doesn't fall under the new look, but....the new FCC rules have the radio broadcast delayed this year. I'm sure it is the old 7 seconds but it seemed like more. Sitting in the seats and listening to the radio broadcast like I normally do, drove me insane last night.
I thought i heard that the GEC was getting new scoreboards this year and LP Field would get new ones next year. Something about the Titans front office withdrew the money request this year for scoreboards and are planning on turning that request back in for next years budget. That way Nashville wouldnt be hit with such a high number in 1 year and both places would get what they want. Im pretty sure Nashville has to foot the bill here not Bud.
They renamed it LP Field? Really? I never would've known. It was so subtle!

(I might've been okay with the signage everywhere, but when they started having animated LP characters on the scoreboard during TV timeouts, I'd finally had enough....)

The scoreboards are in sorry shape. If I didn't know better, I'd think they sabotaged some of those "bulbs we can't get replacements for" (supposedly the main argument they made to the Council to get the upgrade approved) in order to prod the Metro Sports Council into making sure the upgrade funds are definitely approved for next year.

Looked like some kid tossed a rock or two at the jumbotron in the south endzone, and where it broke, there was only bright white light coming through.

Also, I think I'd take the "1999 AFC Champions banner" off the endzone wall(s). I don't mind a little banner tucked among the upper decks somewhere, but that's just too prominent and seems like they're trying too hard to relive ancient (in NFL terms) history.
nendzone said:
. . . Loked like some kid tossed a rock or two at the jumbotron in the south endzone, and where it broke, there was only bright white light coming through. . . .
There was also a bright white spot/hole onthe north end zone jumbotron.
Trailer Park Stadium

I don't know about ya'll, but our stadium looks like its 15 years old.
Does Bud own a lawn mower?
A little grass seed here and there would cover up those muddy areas.
Hedge trimmers cost what, $15.oo?
There are some places in Nashville that sell flowers. The idea is, is to remove the weeds from the planters and install said flowers. Or, atleast trim the weeds and try to fool some of us into believing they're flowers.
The black drapes on the scoreboard looked classy.
What did those big LP Field logos cost, $1.05? If you paid more, you got ripped. My Titans decorated car drew more attention than the stadium!
I did like the new huge banners Bud installed on the sides of the building of some of our best players from the past, and I happened to notice that one looked a lot like Bud Adams himself. Way to go Bud!
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