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Titans have issued a statement about what happened with McNair and Cook yesterday. They said all the right right things and hopefully now both sides will get on with the contract. I would like to see a 2 yr deal with an option for a third year, Steve gives us the best chance of winning this year.Year 2 start the best qb if thats Steve so be it and if not he works with the new qb. The deal has to be fair to both sides and 9 million a year isnt fair to the Titans but if we have to overpay him 10% to15% to have him 2 or 3 years I believe its worth it for reasons other than just what he does on the field . He is a great leader and has a lot of intangibles that might help the team for several years after he leaves. The statement can be read at the Tennessean or
Ok... Maybe we might consider this... Maybe Bud Adams has lost his mind. Honestly, maybe he thinks we are better off without Steve McNair... Maybe he is out to cheese him off so bad that Steve will just go away. I honestly can't make any sense of this... Maybe Adams is sick of waiting year after year and decade after decade... Maybe he's just gone Jerry Jones on us... I'm not saying I like it... It ain't right, that's for sure, but it's just how it looks. Maybe he's so stressed out by the whole McNair situation that he just thinks a rookie qb will turn things around overnight like Vick, P.Manning, or B. Rothlisburger... I don't know... just my two cents for the moment.
MsTitan said:
Why is it McNair's fault that the Titans agreed to pay him 9 million dollars. If they knew they did not want to pay him they should haven't signed the agreement. If they they thought they would have wanted to too and have now changed their minds then that sounds like a bad business decisions. McNair was cool with original agreement. He restructed to help the Titans. This contract was signed years ago. McNair is only trying to play out his cnotract. What is wrong with that?

First I agree with your point. In another thread I stated that McNair deserves the 9m his contract calls for this year.

Unfourtunatly for McNair I think the 1m bonus money does not fall till Sept or something, and all the cool kids will already have their starting QB jobs by then.

Where I find fault with McNair, as I did with EG, is his failure to realize the situation between himself and the Titans and work within those paramaters. McNair should be willing to throw away his current contract and get something signed more reflective of his CURRENT value to the Titans and also his future value to the Titans, which is declining by the day IMHO
homerxsimpson said:
If the shoe was on the other foot, and McNair had tried to pull a TO and refuse to workout until his contract was settled, these same people would be having seizures.

Not true at all. I personally supported Pacman during his holdout, and took a lot of flak for it.
That statement said nothing. Plenty of teams (see Colts) have had a big chunk of their salary cap tied up in their starting QB.

If the FO think that it's time for McNair to move on and that our best chance of being successful is with someone else under centre, then so be it. Let's trade him and improve the team.

But, it seems we approach these situations without having a well thought out plan. Sure, things are going to change, but this is a bit like the George and Godfrey incidents.

We drag the situation out and by the time all parties realise a deal isn't going to be done, all other teams have filled their rosters and spent their cap money and we get no compensation for good players.

Bite the bullet - one way or the other.
Carpy said:
If the FO think that it's time for McNair to move on and that our best chance of being successful is with someone else under centre, then so be it. Let's trade him and improve the team.

No team in their right mind will trade for him with his current contract. Maybe that's why the FO is desperately trying to change it...?
Vigsted said:
No team in their right mind will trade for him with his current contract. Maybe that's why the FO is desperately trying to change it...?
It's been posted by others that they trade and re-write stuff routinely...
I don't know.
GoT said:
McNair should be willing to throw away his current contract and get something signed more reflective of his CURRENT value to the Titans and also his future value to the Titans, which is declining by the day IMHO

Just because he doesn't throw it out doesn't mean he is wrong or it's his fault. The Titans signed the contract, they need to honor it or release him, PERIOD. If McNair decides to restructure, great. But not doing so doesn't make him the bad guy. The two parties had an agreement and that is the bottomline. I personally think the Titans should have to honor it no matter what. I think they said that he would play through this season and they should be obligated to keep him. At this point, they just need to release him so he can find a new team and draft their QB of the future.

What incentive does McNair have to restructure? Remember a guy by the name of Randall Godfrey and Neil O'Donnell. McNair's current contract is the only thing protecting him. If he was counting so much against the cap they would have already cut him.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Ok... Maybe we might consider this... Maybe Bud Adams has lost his mind. Honestly, maybe he thinks we are better off without Steve McNair... Maybe he is out to cheese him off so bad that Steve will just go away.

If I was a betting man I would bet on this theory.
MsTitan, is your real name Mechelle? Seriously, I dont understand how anyone can think that all football contracts should be honored as written no matter what. Steve's contract was specifically written to force a renogitiation this year, both he and Bus Cook knew that when they signed it. And now they want to put on this "why should he take a paycut" front?

I love Mac, and I want him to be our Quarterback for at least the next two seasons. But there is no way he is worth $9 million dollars this year.
MsTitan said:
Just because he doesn't throw it out doesn't mean he is wrong or it's his fault. The Titans signed the contract, they need to honor it or release him, PERIOD. If McNair decides to restructure, great. But not doing so doesn't make him the bad guy. The two parties had an agreement and that is the bottomline. I personally think the Titans should have to honor it no matter what. I think they said that he would play through this season and they should be obligated to keep him. At this point, they just need to release him so he can find a new team and draft their QB of the future.

What incentive does McNair have to restructure? Remember a guy by the name of Randall Godfrey and Neil O'Donnell. McNair's current contract is the only thing protecting him. If he was counting so much against the cap they would have already cut him.

I would agree with you in a different world. The thing is the NFL pays based on promises, (the draft for example) and Mc Nair's promises are growing fainth. It's a shame really, and I'd really like Mc Nair to go out in style.
MsTitan said:
Just because he doesn't throw it out doesn't mean he is wrong or it's his fault. The Titans signed the contract, they need to honor it or release him, PERIOD. If McNair decides to restructure, great. But not doing so doesn't make him the bad guy. The two parties had an agreement and that is the bottomline. I personally think the Titans should have to honor it no matter what. I think they said that he would play through this season and they should be obligated to keep him. At this point, they just need to release him so he can find a new team and draft their QB of the future.

What incentive does McNair have to restructure? Remember a guy by the name of Randall Godfrey and Neil O'Donnell. McNair's current contract is the only thing protecting him. If he was counting so much against the cap they would have already cut him.

McNairs contract of 9m is what is creating the issue. divide that 9m in half or a third and there is no issue.

Just out of curisoty what makes McNair so special that his NON-guranteed money should be guaranteed?

My personal opinion is pay him the 9m as a SB on a 3-4 year deal with vet minimum bases and bonuses if he takes a starters number of snaps in a given year. would probably make him earning 12m or so over the contract, plus he would get his 9m NOW - the big baby:winker:
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