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Good posts, and you're getting some good points across, but let me see if I can clarify.

True, McNair has better options in Baltimore, if he plays out his contract. However, much of your arguments are comparing that full contract to the one year left on his that he had. The team wanted to resign him to a two year deal, maybe three. Yes, it would have been less than what the ravens paid him, but hey, I for one think that he's being drastically overpaid. Maybe he will play out all five years, but I doubt it. I'm trying to compare the most realistic options of what would have played out if he'd stayed with what has yet to play out in baltimore. I think he would have stayed, been the starter this year, and then started part of 2007, maybe all of it if he's playing well. If he's playing well in baltimore, he'll play for several years.
Then it comes down to how long he will continue to play well. I don't think he has 5 years left in him. I think after two years, he'll be struggling, and will be replaced in baltimore. If he can play out 5 years, GREAT for him, I really won't be bitter. If he's right, and he's still got it, I really don't begrudge him that. On a side note, I'm not trying to represent everyone bashing McNair, and agree with you that we've had some overly bitter posters. I'm just trying to defend the rational fan who's disappointed that Steve left, and am trying to make a reasonable argument that I think he should have stayed.
I know this isn't well organized, and apologize. Next, no one would turn down 15 million dollars. True. Just True. You said he's worth 20 million right now, and RT mentioned that he's young. Good points, he is young. He's made MUCH more than 20 million though. Starkiller, can you estimate what he's been paid by the titans over 11 years? I don't think I can even guess. I do know that the 13.5 million cap hit we're taking is all money that he's been paid, and just a small portion of it. Will either you or RT argue that he isn't set for life, with plenty of money to leave to his kids, if he uses it reasonably? If the Titans had given him another offer for two years, it's not turning down 15 million. It might be turning down ten, IF he played out his entire contract. My bet is he won't make the last two years, which takes about 7-8 million off of his 20 million dollar contract. That means he made maybe 13 million, take away whatever the amount of the contract the titans probably would have given him for two years, and I think that's a number that someone could walk away from.

Now we get to why. Why would you choose to stay with a team that you played with for 11 years? A team you've played with, fought against rivalries with, and lived with, for over a decade. As you're implying, of course anyone would walk away from that, from their city, their home, and a significant little chunk of their identity, to go to one of their RIVALS. Does anyone remember the entire intro to that last ravens playoff game? It was all Ray and Steve, talking trash about each other. Maybe it's all for show. Steve does have several friends on the ravens, and I know that helps. But still, does he not feel a little tug at his heart? Really?

Ok, back to the titans. Classless move by shutting the door on him. You still didn't respond to the fact that it's not rare. The "insult" factor was just posturing. If you're the same person arguing that it's just good business for Steve to take the money in Baltimore, why isn't it acceptable business for the Titans to say he can't practice until they work out his contract? You can't have it both ways.

I'm sure I'll think of more later, but in closing for now. Harsh words have been said, which I don't agree with and can't vouch for, but I will say it's not all the Titans' fault that he's gone. He had a realistic option to stay here if that's what he had wanted. I just feel that as a fan, I have the right to be disappointed in his choice and complain about it.
jaydog said:
You face the facts, he would have been absolutely stupid to stay here.

You fairweather fans only whine about the not practicing when they were losing.

The facts are this...staying here would have been the dumbest thing he could have ever done, financially, career-wise, and healthwise. Good luck to Billy and Vince. It's their time.

:thumb: :thumb:
jaydog said:
Everything you said is literally opinion and not based on facts. ...The injury was so bad & painful that before the surgery he was considering retirement.

I just love it when someone says what I said was nothing but my opinion, The immediately follows it with at statement that is pure speculation.
You know the stupidest things that get repeated day in and day out on these forums are the ones that say. What you just said is nothing but opinion. I mean come on, if i wanted straight statistics and facts I wouldn't be here. I'd buy a sports almanac. I'm here to discuss my opinion and so are you.

The other STUPID thing that gets repeated OVER AND OVER AND OVER is " You're not a true fan" or "you Fair weathered fans" Give me a GD break and knock of that stupid banter PLEASE.

I think most of us here are true fans wether we're pissed at McNair or the FO or not. so can we get beyond that BS please? very few NON true fans would spend this much time on here when they could easily be doing something a lot cooler (Not that there's anything wrong with this, but face it we're some eat up people to spend this much time talking about the Titans)

Trent green was great in 2002 and 2003 but stunk in 2001. He had 17tds with 24 ints and a passing rating of 71. Culpepper had a similar situation but 2002 was his bad year.
RollTide said:
Trent green was great in 2002 and 2003 but stunk in 2001. He had 17tds with 24 ints and a passing rating of 71. Culpepper had a similar situation but 2002 was his bad year.

must have been 2002 - 2005
flamehead2 said:
very few NON true fans would spend this much time on here when they could easily be doing something a lot cooler (Not that there's anything wrong with this, but face it we're some eat up people to spend this much time talking about the Titans)

:flame: :lol: IMO :lol: :flame:
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