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SUMMARY: NFL Players Association general counsel Richard Berthelsen said yesterday said the cross-examination of Steve McNair was lengthy in yesterday's grievance hearing at Baptist Sports Park. "Our case was pretty brief, what made it long was the cross examination. But Steve did say what he's always said: He would love to be a Tennessee Titan and retire in that uniform, but yet it seems like the club is not allowing him to perform and that is why we're all here." Berthelsen said that both sides were respectful during seven-and-a-half hour hearing. "It was mainly irrelevant things, like, 'You weren't here much in the past, were you? So why do you want to be here now?," said Berthelsen, who indicated the Titans' biggest arguments centered on their concerns with his contract and the salary cap. Berthelsen said the union won a similar case nearly 20 years ago, when the Oakland Raiders banned RB Steve Smith from working out at their complex because they were looking to trade him. The arbitrator will try to make a decision by June 1.

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Didn't this same thing happen to Tim Couch in 2004 with Cleveland right after they signed Garcia? Does anyone know what the outcomes were from the NFLPA for both Smith and Couch? Considering that Couch played for the Packers in '04 it seems like things went the Brown's way, but I was just wondering what the consquences were.
Poor MAC, I'm starting to feel sorry for him like he's some kind of Kid getting no respect in an older persons world! :sad2:
LazyManJackson said:
Tim Couch was a terrible bust, theres a difference

How does one player being a bust affect an arbitrators decision on whether a player can work out with his team? Not sure that is relevant. Do only good players get that benefit?
LazyManJackson said:
Tim Couch was a terrible bust, theres a difference

Possibly a difference in talent, but regardless of whether or not he was a bust, he was under contract with the Browns when they locked him out, and it was no small coinicidence that they had just signed a new QB and were seeking a trade. It sounds pretty identical to me from a business standpoint.
As I recall, the Browns made it clear that they didn't want Couch...they notified him that if he wasn't traded, he would be released on June 1, then locked him out until then.
Seven hours of, "You haven't worked out for 11 years, and now it's a problem for you?". Must have been comfortable in the room.
I think now it's more about the length of the contract than the pay. Sure, getting $3 million more to play elsewhere is nice, but I think the length is what has McNair all torn up. With Young now getting all the attention here, McNair will be viewed as the "over-the-hill" QB with a short shelf life. McNair could have possibly been playing the innocent card by saying something like "(I) would love to be a Tennessee Titan and retire in that uniform, but yet it seems like the club is not allowing (me) to perform and that is why we're all here." I don't know if he said that or just indicated that he would love to retire a Titan. However, what else would he have said when asked? "I would like to go to Baltimore since the Titans don't like me anymore."?!? That wouldn't have been a very "fan friendly" statement to make. I would love to have McNair back, but I fear that he will be more of a burden financially than a help on the field. I could be wrong, but I am going off of 2-3 unspectacular, consecutive seasons. That's my opinion.
Listening to alot of people, it seems to be that most only see the GAME. They do not see the BUSINESS. The only ''game' that exsists in the NFL is the one on TV or at the Coliseum. Other than that, it's ALL business.
If you can not afford top notch players, (see Titans roster 2005), you aren't going to win games. It really didn't have much to do with the players since we did have a full roster in 2005. It has everything to do with the fact that we could not afford to keep the good players we had.
Would I take a pay cut to stay at my present job? Me thinks not!
Would I leave my present job to take the same one at a higher salary? Sure, who wouldn't?
Would I leave my job to receive more job security and a slight salary increase? Again, who wouldn't?
Would NFL players think any different than us?
Most of the GAME depends on how well your team manages money/finance business sense.
If your team has money but decides not to spend any of it like the Bengals did for 10 years, how do you expect to beat teams that do?
This, the NFL, is 95% buisness to support the 5% game we all get to watch on TV.
fitantitans said:
Listening to alot of people, it seems to be that most only see the GAME. They do not see the BUSINESS. The only ''game' that exsists in the NFL is the one on TV or at the Coliseum. Other than that, it's ALL business.
If you can not afford top notch players, (see Titans roster 2005), you aren't going to win games. It really didn't have much to do with the players since we did have a full roster in 2005. It has everything to do with the fact that we could not afford to keep the good players we had.
Keep in mind that Bud Adams wrote a boat-load of bonus checks for years to keep the team competitive. He was laying out a lot of money and the returns were deminishing.
fitantitans said:
Would I take a pay cut to stay at my present job? Me thinks not!
Would I leave my present job to take the same one at a higher salary? Sure, who wouldn't?
Would I leave my job to receive more job security and a slight salary increase? Again, who wouldn't?
Would NFL players think any different than us? .....

Actually I would consider staying at my present job if I was in the last couple of years of my career, had diminished in my skill level but had a high regard for my employer and really wanted to end my career at that employer. If McNair takes the lower salary (a paltry 5 million or so!) and concludes his career in Nashville he gets to retire a Titan and be entrenched as one of the great Titans of all time. If he pulls the Eddie George, leaves for a few more bucks his reputation is diminished and if he doesn't perform well or gets hurt will be looked at as another idiot player that thought he was more valuable than he was (look at how EG turned out). Anyone who watched McNair play over the last couple of years could see clearly he is not the same Mac who won the MVP, is at the end of his career and should make a better decision to play for less money, with better players around him and give it one last shot and go out a true hero instead of a goat.
Soxcat, I to believe that if he goes to Baltimore, it would not be the best move he's ever made. In the long run, I think he'll make more money here in Tennessee than he will any place else. If there's life after the NFL for Steve, it's here in Nashville, just ask Eddie.
Soxcat said:
Actually I would consider staying at my present job if I was in the last couple of years of my career, had diminished in my skill level but had a high regard for my employer and really wanted to end my career at that employer. If McNair takes the lower salary (a paltry 5 million or so!) and concludes his career in Nashville he gets to retire a Titan and be entrenched as one of the great Titans of all time. If he pulls the Eddie George, leaves for a few more bucks his reputation is diminished and if he doesn't perform well or gets hurt will be looked at as another idiot player that thought he was more valuable than he was (look at how EG turned out). Anyone who watched McNair play over the last couple of years could see clearly he is not the same Mac who won the MVP, is at the end of his career and should make a better decision to play for less money, with better players around him and give it one last shot and go out a true hero instead of a goat.
I'm in agreement with Soxcat.
Plus.........add in there...AND I HAD ALREADY MADE MULTIPLE MILLIONS in the said job.
I know there was that report that Baltimore was going to pay him $12 mill, is that true? Or is that Bus Cook posturing? I can't believe the Ravens would do that. Have they seen something the past couple of years we haven't ? I like Mac as much as the next guy, but his skills have erroded greatly over the last couple of years.

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