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Oh, and comic/Marvel fans, be sure to stay after for the credits if you have some time. There's a very short teaser involving a certain future Marvel adaptation.
Iron Man 2 - 8/10

I basically agree with everything KamikaZ said.

Mickey Rourke's fingernails are nasty. WTF. Get a manicure or something, dude (as gay as it sounds)... and quit pumping up with the HGH and roids. :yes:

I also noticed in the scene where Rockwell and Rourke meet for the first time, Rockwell's hands are super tanned... orange hands.
just watched The Way of the Gun.

Most excellent movie. No Country For Old Men meets Pulp Fiction. 99% certain the final scene was filmed at the same location as the Mexican whorehouse in From Dusk Till Dawn.
I got the Losers and Kick @ss the other night.

I thought Losers would be the better movie, but you would be wrong.

Losers tries to be a cool movie but some of the things are over the top and it's not as witty has it tried to be. but it's still a good action popcorn flick and has some good parts. 7/10

Kick @ss looks to be a geeky movie about some kid wanting to be a super hero. but 5 minutes into the movie you see why it's rated R, strong language , lots of blood and a lot of bullets to the face. none of the movie went over the top which makes it even cooler. the marketing really screwed this movie up, people have the wrong image of it but if you actually watch it you'll like it a lot. I think it's better than Spider man,Iron man,Transformers etc.. because it's darker and not over the top. a classic imo. 9/10
Enjoyed Iron Man II. Not a great movie, but entertaining. Rockwell and Rourke really do both do great jobs, and are really entertaining. Oddly enough, the movie is driven so much more by their performances and RD Jr.'s than it is by the action scenes.

I'm actively deciding not to go any deeper into it. Yeah, I know, they want me to believe that in a day or two's time he built a giant machine by himself and discovered and created a new element, somehow by shooting a lazer across a room. Ridiculous, but let's accept that and move on.
Yeah, I know, they want me to believe that in a day or two's time he built a giant machine by himself and discovered and created a new element, somehow by shooting a lazer across a room. Ridiculous, but let's accept that and move on.

I felt that way about the first movie when Stark is in the basement building his suit, and when he finishes there is an entire infrastructure in the floor to help him put it on. This same infrastructure is in the Stark Expo. Who built that, exactly? Sure is some precision machining...
DAYWALKERS pretty decent modern vampire genre flick. Though it seems like a bunch of this movie was probably left on the editing room floor I still wanted to see more.. Decent premise - would make a solid Showtime type series..

THEM another tense French "alone in the woods" horror.. Solid, scary stuff.. Femme lead Olivia Bonamy is a real head-turner too.. Wonder if she'll end up in any American flicks.

LEGION worthless waste of 2 hours. "Angels" performing wire-fu karate and shooting each other up with machine guns. Just aweful...
Robin Hood - 7.5/10

It's not exactly my type of movie. I just wish they would have made the movie R so there could have been more action, but for a PG13 movie, the action was solid. I don't think it's going to live up to the hype, but it's worth watching, I'd say.
Meadowoods - Horrible, just horrible. Movies made on a $15 budget can be good. Just don't allow 17 year old actors who can't form a cohesive sentence to improv a script. Do not waste your 99 cents at the Redbox machine on this...

Wind Chill - blah ghost story.. You'll be wishing it was over when they roll the opening credits..

Crazy Heart - You know what this about already. Jeff Bridges does a great job. Good flick all the way around..
Law Abiding Citizen - Very entertaining. I liked it a lot. Of course if you think about it, you could find a million things wrong, but I loved it.

Rooting for the "bad guy" is always fun.
Dread - solid "8 Films" entry based on the Clive Barker short. College kids prepare a film study on fear and dread. Some disturbing moments..

Blood Creek - total piece of trash. Link from Prison Break battles a Satanic Nazi Mummy. Possibly the worst Joel Schumaker flick yet..
Finally got Netflix so catching up on some older films.

No Country for Old Men - It's "Fargo" South in some ways (law enforcement officer with character, psycho thug) but I thought it was better (and I loved "Fargo").

I'll admit I sat there a while after it ended to allow the final scene to sink in. I don't quite understand why a movie which was very in-your-face for most of it goes heavy symbolism at the end. I can understand how it left a few folks scratching their heads and feeling it didn't live up to the rest of the movie.

Sherlock Holmes - Look, if you're going to do such an over-the-top character rewrite, don't make the lead character Sherlock Holmes; make him some no-name who idolizes Sherlock Holmes. Or something.

Basically, it was CSI: London 1890 meets Absolutely Fabulous!, what with all the quick witty banter flying by so fast that you can't understand a word of what's being said, or why. It's fitting that RDJ plays the lead, because Guy Ritchie's version of Holmes is nearly indistinguishable from Iron Man's Tony Stark. And Jude Law's Dr. Watson as a completely reluctant and resentful wingman? Puleeze.

MacGruber - 7/10

I thought it was pretty funny, but inanely stupid at the same time. You can't go in and try to take everything seriously. You'll want to leave after about 15 minutes if you go in with that attitude. It's extremely vulgar and over the top. There was also an extremely awkward sex scene... probably the most awkward sex scene of all time.
The Losers

stylish but cliched action film. It's a shame because the cast who make up the team work well together.

story is ridiulous. If not for Chris Evans character I'd have turned it off.

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