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I'm actually revolted by the idea of an Alien prequel, even if Ridley Scott is directing. Half the fun of these films (Predator, Alien/Aliens) is not adding or evolving the mythos, but letting there be some mystery to how things happen.

We don't need to know exactly HOW the Solaco got to where it did. Imagination is enough to know it got overrun with aliens and crashed.
I'm actually revolted by the idea of an Alien prequel, even if Ridley Scott is directing. Half the fun of these films (Predator, Alien/Aliens) is not adding or evolving the mythos, but letting there be some mystery to how things happen.

We don't need to know exactly HOW the Solaco got to where it did. Imagination is enough to know it got overrun with aliens and crashed.

My favorite aspect to the Alien films is that each film is totally different - in style - to the others.
I'm actually revolted by the idea of an Alien prequel, even if Ridley Scott is directing. Half the fun of these films (Predator, Alien/Aliens) is not adding or evolving the mythos, but letting there be some mystery to how things happen.

We don't need to know exactly HOW the Solaco got to where it did. Imagination is enough to know it got overrun with aliens and crashed.

I'm in agreement with that - but if Scott can come up with anything close to the quality of Alien then carte blanche. The once great franchise has been crap for years now.

BTW, saw Brooklyn's Finest last night. Nothing you haven't seen before here, but it was nice to see at least three favorite ex-Wire actors in the film. It was pretty depressing last seeing Omar getting humiliated by Viggo Mortensen's character in The Road..
Okay, on Alien...
The original film could stand fine on it's own without all that because the premise was very, very simple: There's a helluva big snake in the house, we can't find it and we have no weapons or help. Ridley Scott made it work by playing the suspense card well and often with lots of dark corners, shadows and an aloof pet cat.

OOOH! PLURAL! More aliens!! This time we have guns!! Enjoyable for the popcorn masses but, okay, now we desperately need to write in a complex evil corporation subtext in here... which of course just means more and more sequels.
BTW, if you enjoyed this, then you will also enjoy Pandorum...
I'm definitely of the Alien is superior to Aliens school (for a number of reasons) but Pandorum isn't quite at Aliens level.. I'd put Pandorum definitely above Jason X and closer to Event Horizon, maybe Sunshine..
I'm definitely of the Alien is superior to Aliens school (for a number of reasons) but Pandorum isn't quite at Aliens level.. I'd put Pandorum definitely above Jason X and closer to Event Horizon, maybe Sunshine..

Never saw Pandorum, but I don't see how it could come close to Event Horizon or Sunshine.

The Alien Anthology is coming to blu-ray around X-Mas. I'll wait 'til the price drops and pick it up. It's been so freaking long since I've seen any of the Alien movies. I remember watching them when I was like 8 or 9... I watched a ton of films I had no business seeing at that young of an age.

BTW, saw Brooklyn's Finest last night. Nothing you haven't seen before here, but it was nice to see at least three favorite ex-Wire actors in the film. It was pretty depressing last seeing Omar getting humiliated by Viggo Mortensen's character in The Road..

I want to see both Brooklyn's Finest and The Road. However, I've heard mixed reviews on The Road. Some really like it, some say it's worth one watch only, and some say it's horrible and way too depressing. What'd you think?
Yeah, I wasn't trying to put them on the same level per se, but in the same general storyline category...

I'm definitely of the Alien is superior to Aliens school (for a number of reasons) but Pandorum isn't quite at Aliens level.. I'd put Pandorum definitely above Jason X and closer to Event Horizon, maybe Sunshine..

I loved Aliens, Hicks and Hudson are great characters. Bill Paxtons finest hour.

The team of marines are well developed so that there is more to the movie than just the Aliens on a bigger scale.

Every movie in the franchise after that went downhill.
Predators - Huge fan of this franchise, that is Predator 1 and 2, so I was very skeptical, practically going into the theater with a frown and my arms crossed. That said, I thought this was excellent for what it was. It's arguably the most polished of all the films, definitely the most well-acted. I thought it was reasonably well-written in terms of plot, although some of the dialogue felt corny, and not in the fun 80/90s action movie way. I liked Brody in the role more than I expected, and I thought Goggins, Braga, and the rest of the cast was solid. The Predators I thought were a little more unseen than in installments past (although I didn't mind the re-designs for the "Super" Predators). I also thought there were WAY too many homages to films not even IN the franchise (references to Scarface, Aliens, Alien, etc.), but I liked the nods to the original Predator. I also thought the beginning of the film (i.e. the jungle portions) were the strongest, with a sag in the middle, and then a pretty enjoyable conclusion.

Overall, this is a solid film, one I would add to my collection as an action/sci-fi fan.


For me this is Predator 2

I hated the 2nd movie. Glover was good but Busey and Ruben Bladeds annoyed the crap out of me and ruined it. There should never have been a second movie without Arnold.
Never saw Pandorum, but I don't see how it could come close to Event Horizon or Sunshine.

I want to see both Brooklyn's Finest and The Road. However, I've heard mixed reviews on The Road. Some really like it, some say it's worth one watch only, and some say it's horrible and way too depressing. What'd you think?

Pandorum feels alot like Event Horizon with a bit of a Road Warrior goofiness to it. I think The Road is a solid movie - but very bleak. I have a soft spot for anything post-apocolyptic and this one is painfully PA. Multiple random appearances by ex-HBO actors is a bit of a bonus for anyone into that sort of thing..
I thought Pandorum was cool except for Ben Foster (dude is NOT a leading man...) and the horrendous design of the creatures. Otherwise, it was okay.
I finally watched the A Team, It was pretty good but unlike the series they used bad words and actually killed people. Mr T was pretty much a softy in this movie, nothing like the TV show they could have at least let him wear a dozen gold necklaces!!! Murdock was my favorite during the movie. Jessica Biel was good on the eyes, but i wish they had shown more of her skin and less of Faces abs since they got away from the tv show anyways.. I'd like to see her join them for the Sequal and become a naughty girl. And yes there will be a Sequal! over all it was funny, fun and plenty of Acton. even the bad guys were funny, and fun to watch. 7.5/10

I also landed a copy of Grown Ups over the weekend. Every time that many stars get together for 1 movie it's never as good as you'd think it would be. It was still funny but a lot of the 1 liners were just thrown in to gets laughs. especially the 1 liners from the kids. Seems like the movie was made just to insert stand up comedy jokes. A few things were original though like the Car radiator scene, thats fun to watch. Jokes about the grandmas toe was over done by Chris Rock. The two hot daughters and one ugly daughter was pretty funny. Over All it's a fun movie, but dont expect to laugh like you would during 40 Year Old Virgin or Step brothers. 6/10
28 Days Later - 3/10

I simply despised it which is a shame because I've heard good things about it, and I truly wanted to like it. It wasn't scary, it wasn't suspenseful, it wasn't entertaining, and I've filmed simple short-films for media classes that look phenomenally better. I watched this in blu-ray too. I realize the equipment used in this film wasn't high quality or anything, but get better equipment dammit!

Cillian Murphy looked like Joe Flacco throughout the movie which didn't help either.
28 Days Later was pretty far off the grid from your typical theatrical release. Shot 100% digitally, it has its own look and vibe no doubt. There are things I really like about this movie (score and the entire first portion where Jim is awake and alone) and things that piss me off about it (cutting directly to the aftermath and the whole army bit at the end), but either was I still think it was strong enough to debate and definitely worthy of re-watching.. Some great long-lived quotes from this flick as well - "These raithins are thtill moitht.."
I think 28 days later was probably the best scary movie that I've seen in at least ten years. I agree with Cruds about the first parts of it possibly being the best. When he's alone and it's quiet, it's amazing.
I watched Death At A Funeral last night, thats a funny movie! The Toilet scene was my favorite part. Dude that takes the Acid pill was a trip! good movie imo, 8/10
I've been trying to give the horror genre a chance here lately, but nothing scares me. I don't think it's going to happen. I'm about to give up.
I've been trying to give the horror genre a chance here lately, but nothing scares me. I don't think it's going to happen. I'm about to give up.

Hell, I'm rarely scared by a horror movie anymore - you just love them or you don't. It's a culture (and I'm not talking about Twilight) and there are things about certain ones that just speak to the legit horror fan. Sometimes it's the wild ride, but more often than not it's something else. I mean your average Joe is gonna see a flick like Sleepaway Camp or Night of the Demons and lambaste it as pure crap - but I love those flicks and watch em every summer.. can't get enough of it..
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