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Though there is a scene in 28 Days Later in a dark tunnel.
28 Weeks Later definitely could have been better...

28 Weeks Later was better....

Saw four movies recently that I want to comment on:

The Fourth Kind. 4/4 Stars. It helps I watched this alone, late at night, with the right paranoia producing inhibitor. Seriously freaked me out. Aliens are scary.

Das Experiment. 2.5/4 Stars. German film. Full frontal male and female nudity, although not sexual. Here is synopsis.

The movie is based on the infamous "Stanford Prison Experiment" conducted in 1971. A makeshift prison is set up in a research lab, complete with cells, bars and surveillance cameras. For two weeks 20 male participants are hired to play prisoners and guards. The 'prisoners' are locked up and have to follow seemingly mild rules, and the 'guards' are told simply to retain order without using physical violence. Everybody is free to quit at any time, thereby forfeiting payment. In the beginning the mood between both groups is insecure and rather emphatic. But soon quarrels arise and the wardens employ ever more drastic sanctions to confirm their authority.

I can't say this movie was good, but it was interesting and I was curious how it would turn out. Found it much better than "Blindness" but similar in style.

Extract. 1.5/4 Stars. Comedy with Mila Kunis (that 70s show) and Jason Batemen (Arrested Development). By Mike Judge (Beavis & Butthead, Office Space). Kunis is very sexy, and I find both Batemen and her funny, but this movie just didn't really work. Ben Affleck is in the movie and terrible like normal, he is very out of place for the character he is supposed to portray. I dunno, most of this movie just didn't work.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno. 3/4 Stars. Seth Rogan, Katie Morgan (porn star), and the cast of clerks. I found this hilarious, but if you don't like Clerks, Clerks2, Mallrats, or anything by Kevin Smith you should avoid.
Inception - 10/10

Raped TDK in the face.

It was a wonderful, brilliant film. The reviews aren't lying. It's Nolan's best film yet. Great cast, great acting. Flawless all the way through... and the ending was great IMO... although some are not to thrilled with it.

This was the biggest mind fudge I've ever seen. Try watching Memento, The Matrix, plus several other thrillers at once. That's what this would be like. No way to really describe it.

Wow the gay hacker's delight really did set the site back quite a bit... it's been 2 weeks since I posted my midnight screening (short) review of Inception.

The Crazies (2010 remake) - 6.5/10

I never did see the original, so I don't know how this compares to it. I'm sure a modern version of this sort of movie would be much different from one filmed almost 40 years ago.

I was expecting it to be a little bit better from some of the reviews I've heard. There were a couple of "WTF, why the hell would you do that" moments that pissed me off... The ending wasn't good.

I did jump a few times and there were several creepy moments. I'm not sure you could do too much more with a movie like this.

I'd say it's worth watching once.
Well I am TDY for work so I went and saw a few movies this weekend. First

Inception - Good movie, great to watch, but damn if it was hard to pick it all up. Then end had the whole audience on threads and needles waiting to see what the TOP did. I am going to have to watch it one more time...8.5/10

Dinner for Schmucks - Hilarious. Not as funny as the Hang over, but had some scences that I died laughing at. 8/10
It's better than the previews would indicate. It's not a great movie though, but there are certain parts that are hilarious. It can be excruciating at times, because Carrell is just so frustratingly idiotic. Galifinakis and Rudd (two of the funnier guys working today) are criminally underused, Rudd just basically stands around because he isn't allowed to really do much except be exasperated. The dinner itself is really funny though.
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It's better than the previews would indicate. It's not a great movie though, but there are certain parts that are hilarious. It can be excruciating at times, because Carrell is just so frustratingly idiotic. Galifinakis and Rudd (two of the funnier guys working today) are criminally underused, Rudd just basically stands around because he isn't allowed to really do much except be exasperated. The dinner itself is really funny though.

Agreed, we were sitting there wondering if there was going to be a dinner for a few. I thought the crazy ex was hilarious too.
It's better than the previews would indicate. It's not a great movie though, but there are certain parts that are hilarious. It can be excruciating at times, because Carrell is just so frustratingly idiotic. Galifinakis and Rudd (two of the funnier guys working today) are criminally underused, Rudd just basically stands around because he isn't allowed to really do much except be exasperated. The dinner itself is really funny though.

I don't know about how much better it is.. I was genuinely excited to see it and came away less than satisfied. Carrell kind of got of my nerves to be honest. Rudd didn't really do much in the entire movie. It was way too stretched out, like an hour+ of buildup to the dinner that lasted ~10-15mins and then it was over. Galifinakis was great though, when he started laughing uncontrollably and turning red I was cracking up, probably best part of the whole movie.
Saw How to train your Dragon the other day. very good movie
loved the "Toothless" character, great personality
will be a first day BluRay purchase
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