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"Split": good concept; good story; great performance by James MacAvoy. Cons: Maddening reliance on tropes and an utter lack of urgency from the, throwing bricks at the screen type maddening.
Get Out. I enjoyed it quite a bit. But it didn't really live up to all the hype for me. And I'll just say it, I think the whole "evil white people" aspect is a significant factor in why it was so lauded. I feel like it had some issues that people would be been calling out in any other film.
Get Out. I enjoyed it quite a bit. But it didn't really live up to all the hype for me. And I'll just say it, I think the whole "evil white people" aspect is a significant factor in why it was so lauded. I feel like it had some issues that people would be been calling out in any other film.
Really without ever watching it this is basically what I assumed it to be
*crickets* and excuses
This is actually a perfect opportunity for the "discussion" he so badly wanted. Because I honestly would like to hear why people lost their **** over this movie. Again, aside from the whole big bad whitey angle which I'm sure self-described "woke" white people ate up with a spoon. Putting all that aside and judging it solely on its merits as a horror movie, I just didn't think it was all that special. Barely even a horror movie tbh. And like I said, there were problems that I think would've been called out in any other movie. If M. Night Shyamalan had made this exact same movie I believe a lot of those same folks who fell all over themselves praising it would've been shitting all over it.

I don't mean to make it out like I didn't like the movie. It was a solid 3.5/5 for me. I just couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed after the nonstop hype all year.
This is actually a perfect opportunity for the "discussion" he so badly wanted. Because I honestly would like to hear why people lost their **** over this movie. Again, aside from the whole big bad whitey angle which I'm sure self-described "woke" white people ate up with a spoon. Putting all that aside and judging it solely on its merits as a horror movie, I just didn't think it was all that special. Barely even a horror movie tbh. And like I said, there were problems that I think would've been called out in any other movie. If M. Night Shyamalan had made this exact same movie I believe a lot of those same folks who fell all over themselves praising it would've been ****ting all over it.

I don't mean to make it out like I didn't like the movie. It was a solid 3.5/5 for me. I just couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed after the nonstop hype all year.

I thought it was an original concept. Yes, race played a factor in it, but in a comical, satirical way in my eyes. I always enjoy movies that can be weird, creepy, and funny at the same time. Not many like that out there. But Get Out was exactly that for me. It wasn't necessarily horror, but it was strange in a funny, entertaining way.

If anyone actually watched it thinking that white people are evil - well they can go f*ck themselves because that's some full retard nonsense... but people (who complain about racism) love to talk bad about opposing races, which is blatant racism. And that makes those people blind hypocritical c*nts.

I haven't followed the hype closely enough... so I'm not aware of the racial talk from the movie. I hope that's not a legitimate issue... because that would make me not enjoy the movie as much if I knew racists were rejoicing that it portrayed whites as evil.
I thought it was an original concept. Yes, race played a factor in it, but in a comical, satirical way in my eyes. I always enjoy movies that can be weird, creepy, and funny at the same time. Not many like that out there. But Get Out was exactly that for me. It wasn't necessarily horror, but it was strange in a funny, entertaining way.

If anyone actually watched it thinking that white people are evil - well they can go f*ck themselves because that's some full retard nonsense... but people (who complain about racism) love to talk bad about opposing races, which is blatant racism. And that makes those people blind hypocritical c*nts.

I haven't followed the hype closely enough... so I'm not aware of the racial talk from the movie. I hope that's not a legitimate issue... because that would make me not enjoy the movie as much if I knew racists were rejoicing that it portrayed whites as evil.
Like I said, it's a good movie. I just don't think it warranted the hype. Hard for me to believe the race commentary aspect didn't play a major role in the hype though. Because it just wasn't that great of a movie (imo at least). I would go deeper into it but trying to not get into taboo territory.
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