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V for Vendetta; it's a few years old but still a great movie IMO. I love the character V, the guy is awesome plus Natalie Portman makes even more worth the while.
The Devil's Rejects

I don't mean to sound like a puss, but I seriously hate these dark, evil movies. What the hell is wrong with people who come up with this stuff??? I know it's Rob Zombie and he obviously has issues, but good God... this was just over the top and satanic in many ways.


These movies don't scare me one bit or keep me on the edge of my seat. I guarantee that I will never see an actual "scary" movie. I have yet to come across a good horror film.
^ Satanic? While I preferred H1000C way more, Devil's Rejects has its moments - not to mention the best collection of cool 70's and 80's star cameos since From Dusk Till Dawn..
Ha, we'll see..
Start with Universal classics and move on to Hammer, Bava, etc until you get to more current stuff. Jaws or The Exorcist didn't scare you?

Jaws was supposed to be scary?

The Exorcist is considered by my mom to be the scariest movie of all time... watched it, didn't flinch, didn't bother me one bit. Dumb movie IMO.

I don't know who/what Hammer or Bava is/are.
17 Again - 3/10

Mutant Chronicles --- Ummm....heck no. 2/10

Gonna watch I love you man tonight. Hopefully better than the last two.
The Devil's Rejects
I guarantee that I will never see an actual "scary" movie. I have yet to come across a good horror film.[/QUOTE

Ha, we'll see..
Start with Universal classics and move on to Hammer, Bava, etc until you get to more current stuff. Jaws or The Exorcist didn't scare you?

I think it's because a lot of older stuff is so aged that if you watch it today they just come off as ridiculous and cheesey.
I can see how The Exorcist was scary when it released and years after- but now most kids would crack up laughing while watching it because it does look pretty silly today.

Same with Friday the 13th, Halloween, etc. When I was a kid they were scary. Now I can't help but laugh at how ridiculously lame they are.
I'm going to see District 9 tommorow. Expect a full-length review to anyone who's interested, because there's now a ton of hype.

I saw it today, loved it. i'll copy what i wrote in the d9 thread :

Just got back from seeing it, exceeded my expectations 10 fold, and this was the first movie in a while I'd been hyped to go and see. The story was fantastic and not something you could see from a mile away. The action was awesome, and downright hilarious at times. The guy playing Vickus was great, such a great character. Obviously going to be a District 10, and I can't wait for it!

The ONLY downside was the excessive use of the F bomb, but since it was done by a guy with an accent, it wasn't too bad

Automatically in one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time, was that good.

10/10 woot :D
District 9: (Warning: Long Review)

Before even starting, this film had carried enormous hype. When certain reviewers were saying District 9 was the best Sci-Fi/Action film since Cameron's Aliens, one's expectations couldn't help but be high. Bottom-line, while I have to view the film a few more times before I declare it a classic, what I saw tonight showed me a film worthy of all the praise and expectations bestowed by so many.

First of all, I want to give kudos to the F/X team behind this film. I was absolutely floored when I heard the original budget for the movie was $30 million. The special effects were as impressive as anything I've seen, and when considering a relatively low budget, the effects were jaw-dropping.

Everything about this film worked. The lead actor (I can't even recall his name, he is that unknown) was positively superb. While some are saying the mockumentary style of the early portions were gimmicky, I thought it was brilliant; there was a decent amount of backstory to show, and I found the format more than adaquete. Certain pieces were breathtaking, and every single actor seemed to know his/her place within the film. It's rare to see that sort of cohesiveness.

I could go on and on about what I think makes this movie so special. Instead, I will leave with one thought; Go, run, to see this film. Even those not enthralled with the sci-fi elements will enjoy the action, and those looking for deeper allegories will probably find it. Engaging characters, jaw-dropping set pieces, and superlative special effects leaves a film worthy of anyone willing to take the trip.

Ah screw it. This is as good a sci-fi/action film as I've seen in years!
Grade: A+
District 9

Didn't live up to the hype for me... imdb has it rated #35 all time. Yea... no.

I definitely liked some of the movie and enjoyed the special effects and awesome weapons that make for some badass deaths. :)


All in all, it's good. But wow the hype, IMO, is a little ridiculous.
a reviewer brought up a good point in regards to the relocation outside of the city ..... why didn't they just put them all back in their ship?

Possible Spoilers

Couple of things:

1) The whole reason they took them off the ship to begin with was because they had no leadership, food, and the ship was a disaster area.

2) They want to keep them on Earth for personal gains, like weaponry, technology..basically just to keep control of them. If they put them back on the ship the aliens could somehow leave never to return and the humans would have lost out on who knows what.

3) The humans didn't search the ship good best I can gather, if they put them back on the ship it's possible now that the aliens are healthy again that they could wage war with weaponry on the ship.
District 9: (Warning: Long Review)

Before even starting, this film had carried enormous hype. When certain reviewers were saying District 9 was the best Sci-Fi/Action film since Cameron's Aliens, one's expectations couldn't help but be high. Bottom-line, while I have to view the film a few more times before I declare it a classic, what I saw tonight showed me a film worthy of all the praise and expectations bestowed by so many.

First of all, I want to give kudos to the F/X team behind this film. I was absolutely floored when I heard the original budget for the movie was $30 million. The special effects were as impressive as anything I've seen, and when considering a relatively low budget, the effects were jaw-dropping.

Everything about this film worked. The lead actor (I can't even recall his name, he is that unknown) was positively superb. While some are saying the mockumentary style of the early portions were gimmicky, I thought it was brilliant; there was a decent amount of backstory to show, and I found the format more than adaquete. Certain pieces were breathtaking, and every single actor seemed to know his/her place within the film. It's rare to see that sort of cohesiveness.

I could go on and on about what I think makes this movie so special. Instead, I will leave with one thought; Go, run, to see this film. Even those not enthralled with the sci-fi elements will enjoy the action, and those looking for deeper allegories will probably find it. Engaging characters, jaw-dropping set pieces, and superlative special effects leaves a film worthy of anyone willing to take the trip.

Ah screw it. This is as good a sci-fi/action film as I've seen in years!
Grade: A+

agree 100%
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