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The Boy In Striped Pyjamas: 8/10. Very sad but good. About a German boy who befriends a Jewish boy who is in a Nazi camp. Worth the watch.

[Avvie rant]

Okay, check this out..

I ams SOOOO F"ING DONE with the GD Holocaust. Done with it. :irked:

I am not watching any more depressing Holocaust movies, engaging in Holocaust discussions, looking at Holocaust pictures, etc, etc. I am sick to death of beating this dead horse with the intention of proving just how horrible we are. It's pointless because history shows we haven't learned much from it anyway.

It was BAD. Got it. Really, I do. I totally understand that it was bad.

The last Holocaust film I have and will ever see is The Pianist, and I am not ever going to sit in front of a screen and subject myself to any more anguish and misery like that again.

This goes for any 'Man's Inhumanity Towards Man' film. Hotel Ruwanda ruined my night... the lady got no tail for making me sit through that one. If any film is going to feature people dying, it better be because a superhot Size 5 athletic chick is brandishing lots and lots of high-powered weaponry at them.

Done with the Holocaust. No more.

[/Avvie Rant]
"An Unfinished Life", with Robert Redford, Jennifer Lopez,and Morgan Freeman is very good. It came out in 2005, but I saw it for the first time last night. Beautiful scenery, good story, great acting...
Saw District 9 over the weekend, and really enjoyed it.

I think it really helped the film that it wasn't flashy looking, and the actors were all no-names. While the previews provided a background, the story definitely took a turn that I wasn't expecting, and I enjoyed it.

Very curious to see if they end up making a sequel. Could be good, could be a terrible dropoff. I'd only see it if Jackson stayed on board.

That was probably the best movie that I've seen this year though, all around.
[Avvie rant]

Okay, check this out..

I ams SOOOO F"ING DONE with the GD Holocaust. Done with it. :irked:

I am not watching any more depressing Holocaust movies, engaging in Holocaust discussions, looking at Holocaust pictures, etc, etc. I am sick to death of beating this dead horse with the intention of proving just how horrible we are. It's pointless because history shows we haven't learned much from it anyway.

It was BAD. Got it. Really, I do. I totally understand that it was bad.

The last Holocaust film I have and will ever see is The Pianist, and I am not ever going to sit in front of a screen and subject myself to any more anguish and misery like that again.

This goes for any 'Man's Inhumanity Towards Man' film. Hotel Ruwanda ruined my night... the lady got no tail for making me sit through that one. If any film is going to feature people dying, it better be because a superhot Size 5 athletic chick is brandishing lots and lots of high-powered weaponry at them.

Done with the Holocaust. No more.

[/Avvie Rant]

:ha: Didn't mean to ruffle the feathers.
I recently sat through Schindler's List
I've been wanting to see this film for years and finally sat through it
really good film, really good acting (for the most part), really sad story
being a huge movie watcher i have been constantly picked on by friends for not having seen pulp fiction and reservoir dogs.

So finally got to watching them, and don't kill me when i say this:p but...

reservoir dogs: surprisingly disapointing, but still a good movie. 7/10

pulp fiction on the other hand, brilliant! 10/10
Yeah, but being different doesn't mean it's actually good. That whole pretentious style is annoying to me, and people always take the bait. Movies with no soul or direction but pretend to have a point... just cant do it. Plus if you watch it today it just hasn't aged well.
Oh it's got witty moments, and "creative dialogue", but in the end that's it. Just an empty movie that spins it's wheels.
Crank 2: High Voltage

I'll admit the first one is a guilty pleasure of mine. i didn't have high hopes for the second one, but even then i was a little let down. it just went on and on with no real point. it seemed like something me and friends could have come up with some saturday night after partaking in the smokey smokey.
Zombieland was AMAZING. I'm not gonna give anything away but it features one of the best cameos ever.

They don't obey Romero rules but I was still pleased with it. I did my senior paper on zombies, I consider myself an somewhat of an expert. Zombies suddenly got popular again. They are making a film adaptation of the book World War Z and Romero is coming out with part 2 of his new trilogy Survival of the Dead.

I'm pumped.
Zombieland was fun. 7.5/10. Nothing amazing like a lot of people are saying, but it was a fun flick.

I think Michael Cera would've been better suited for the role since Eisenberg was basically imitating him. I kinda found that annoying.
Eh, I think Tallahassee will be to Woody what ASH was to Bruce Campbell. It was a good comedy. I overcame the silliness of running zombies and managed to enjoy the rule breakers.
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