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I think Michael Cera would've been better suited for the role since Eisenberg was basically imitating him. I kinda found that annoying.

Na... Eisenberg plays that same character every time out and I do believe he did it first as he was in that terrible Wes Craven werewolf movie with Christina Ricca, again playing that same character.. That flick came out a few years before anyone knew about Michael Cera..
Comparing Tallahassee to Ash is straight up blasphemy. Look, Zombieland was cool (the Bill Murray cameo being the best part), but c'mon now.
I'm not comparing him to Ash, I'm saying that's the equivalent for Woody. This will be his cult following character. I'll see a ton of them at Dragon Con next year haha.

Creeping-Cruds we should probably team up during the apocalypse. Some of my friends and myself are members of the Zombie Squad. It's like Monster Squad but with no Horace sadly.
Creeping-Cruds we should probably team up during the apocalypse. Some of my friends and myself are members of the Zombie Squad. It's like Monster Squad but with no Horace sadly.

No doubt! I'll provide the soundtrack..

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Angels & Demons - I read the book ages ago so I don't remember it but this actually wasn't that bad of a movie. It is better then the Da Vinci Code.


Trick 'r Treat..
How do I love this movie, let me count thee ways...
Best surprise of the season so far.
Fans of Creepshow style flicks will crap themselves over this.
Simply awesome.

Thanks for the ride lady!
Trick 'R Treat is a total throwback horror film, and in some ways, is BETTER than the classic anthology horrors. While a lot are comparing it to Creepshow series, I'd compare it more to a Pulp Fiction-style horror with multiple, seemingly separate stories that tie in together at certain parts.

The film isn't terrifyingly scary, nor is it a funny, slapstick horror like Drag Me To Hell. It is, however, a very dark (both in vision and humor) film that, at the very same time, just a blast to enjoy. This isn't a film that just takes place on Halloween, it is Halloween. Watching this, I remember why Halloween was my absolute favorite holiday as a kid. This is as good as a horror film I've seen in quite a long time.
How this went straight to DVD is...baffling in my mind - a true genre classic in every sense of the word.

Never been much for horror, but Trick 'R Treat was pretty friggin good. Very interesting and well written.

Also, the LittleBigPlanet monster was creepy as hell.

This isn't a film that just takes place on Halloween, it is Halloween. Watching this, I remember why Halloween was my absolute favorite holiday as a kid.

Exactly the way I felt - a true slice of real Halloween spirit. 90 minutes of living inside Halloween.
Made me wanna go out and buy 40 pumpkins...
Where The Wild Things Are

Fantastic movie. I took my two girls to see it tonight for our "date night". This is more of a movie about childhood than a kid's movie (I think Spike Jones said that, too). 5 minutes into the movie I knew I was going to like it, but I was worried that my 6 and 3 year olds wouldn't make it through the entire film. Well they did, and both liked it. My 6 year old cried out loud at the end of the film, and as we walked out, and as we drove home, and as she told her mom about the movie. It was that emotional of a movie. Yeah, I cried too.

Wolverine Origins:

I thought it was worth seeing in-spite of the fact the opening scene must have confused at least 80% of the moviegoers. The characters look exactly like their fathers, and so who could tell the difference, and damn that was confusing. So eventually I figure it out, but it still doesn't make sense because wolverine looks EXACTLY like his step dad, not his drunk daddy, and so which is it, who was his daddy? I still don't get it. But for the plot to work, the two must have been sons of the drunk father who was sleeping with the cheating wife.

I liked Hugh JAckman. He seems to carry the movie along nicely. I liked his relationship with Gambit a lot. That seemed to work. But Gambit's not liking him because of the same doggie tags that all military wear made no sense. The fat guy scene, not needed at all. It was bit much and added nothing to the movie except for some uncomfortableness. More Gambit preferred. More character developement for Gambit, Wolv, and Brother needed.

I did not like how the relationship appeared to define wolverine, and his desire to kill his brother. The turmoil was good, but then that veil ends when the wife is still alive, so the whole reason for rooting for wolverine seems to end. It's like the plot just lets go of itself and the tension is gone for the character. I feel like His chracter remains undefined to me because everything the Character was based on is gone. Too bad.

Laser kid. Cool.

Agent Zero pretty cool.

Too many characters to keep track of, but again, I liked it overall. The movie seems to carry itself from beginning to end. But I felt like some pieces were missing in the character development area. Action was pretty good too. I'd give it a B-. Just enough to get you to the end and asking questions about the characters.

The brothers defending each other, good, but wanting to kill each other, I dunno. Not much sense to me there either. After 200 years of knowing each other, You'd think they kinda figured each other out better.

Brother. Well done. Nice scowl. Good character. Relationship in general solid.

The Deadpool guy. I sorta like him. Ryan Reynolds cameo ok. Not great though. Ryan Reynolds is a bit like the Mummy guy, the comedy is not entirely comfortable in this type of movie. It's a bit un-easy. I liked him in that Comedy series, two guys a girl and a pizza, but after that, I have a hard time seeing him in action movies. He's not quite good ebough in my opinion to carry an action movie. But you can tell he wants to. But it's a no go. He has limitations.
Exactly the way I felt - a true slice of real Halloween spirit. 90 minutes of living inside Halloween.
Made me wanna go out and buy 40 pumpkins...

I've heard good things about it.

Dude, I love your sig. I got to meet Mike Nelson and some of the Rifftrax fellas. It was totally rad, we own every episode of MST3K.
if you liked the blair witch project you'll like paranormal activity. i, on the other hand, would like my $6 back.

I've been reading reviews trying to decide on whether or not I should see it. The reviews are so extreme that it's hard to tell. Some people say it was awesome and scared the shyt out of them to the point where they weren't able to sleep when they got home...while other people say it was an absolutely terrible movie, wasn't scary, and a complete waste of time.

I can't quite get a read on it.
Argh..just watched Trick 'R Treat since people in here were raving about it..

I'm not a huge horror fan so maybe that was the problem..but I felt very meh while watching it. The whole werewolf stuff killed the whole movie up til that point. The Wilkins & Son served what purpose ?

The only part I liked was when it focused on the old man, i did like when he said "you gotta be f'ing kidding me" because thats what I was thinking :)

I dunno how you guys gave it 10s, wasn't that mindblowing or even entertaining to be honest :hmm:
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