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I've been reading reviews trying to decide on whether or not I should see it. The reviews are so extreme that it's hard to tell. Some people say it was awesome and scared the shyt out of them to the point where they weren't able to sleep when they got home...while other people say it was an absolutely terrible movie, wasn't scary, and a complete waste of time.

I can't quite get a read on it.

Don't waste your time or money. It wasn't scary at all. I kept looking at my watch.
Argh..just watched Trick 'R Treat since people in here were raving about it..

I'm not a huge horror fan so maybe that was the problem..but I felt very meh while watching it. The whole werewolf stuff killed the whole movie up til that point. The Wilkins & Son served what purpose ?

The only part I liked was when it focused on the old man, i did like when he said "you gotta be f'ing kidding me" because thats what I was thinking :)

I dunno how you guys gave it 10s, wasn't that mindblowing or even entertaining to be honest :hmm:

Not being a huge horror fan might be part of it as would being a young'n...
23 is a young'n now? Lovely. It was pretty cliche to me, I didn't see anything that seperated itself from any other horror flicks ..mind telling me what was special about it?

ahh, 23 is a still just a pup..

I don't think I could say it better than what KamikaZ already has. Trick r Treat effectively lives inside that moment of what Halloween used to be when I was a kid. Very few movies have done that - even in the day.
I get it that that would mean absolutely squat to the Transformers/PS3 generation. Kids today are getting shotgunned in the face with "extreme" entertainment so the more subtle values of a flick like Trick r Treat would have little impact to them.
Oh, come on, Cruds, you don't have to say it like that.

I'm all for nostalgia, but let's not make it more than what it is. By definition, nostalgia is the longing for a past that never existed. Through your memory, you make it better. As a kid, if you'd had some of the choices that people of later generations had, you might have chosen them rather than some of your old favorites.

I enjoy your viewpoint and hearing about the movies, books, concerts, etc... that you like, whether or not I would enjoy them, but let's not take it too far to where you're looking down your nose at "these kids today." Subtlety and nuance can in fact be enjoyed by those of all generations, it's just that few of any generation actually do.

One of the major appeal factors of that movie is that it evokes imagery, tone, and themes that were major parts of halloween, but aren't as much anymore. That appreciation is subtle, yes, but it's also inaccesible for anyone under a certain age (not sure what that is though). Someone not having the proper context within which to enjoy a film isn't a judgment on their ability or taste, but rather on what they've had exposure to. I doubt you'd understand most culturally significant films of other countries on the same level that they do, but that doesn't make you stupid, it's just not realistic to expect it to mean the same thing to you as it would to them.
Oh, come on, Cruds, you don't have to say it like that.

I'm all for nostalgia, but let's not make it more than what it is. By definition, nostalgia is the longing for a past that never existed. Through your memory, you make it better. As a kid, if you'd had some of the choices that people of later generations had, you might have chosen them rather than some of your old favorites.

I enjoy your viewpoint and hearing about the movies, books, concerts, etc... that you like, whether or not I would enjoy them, but let's not take it too far to where you're looking down your nose at "these kids today." Subtlety and nuance can in fact be enjoyed by those of all generations, it's just that few of any generation actually do.

One of the major appeal factors of that movie is that it evokes imagery, tone, and themes that were major parts of halloween, but aren't as much anymore. That appreciation is subtle, yes, but it's also inaccesible for anyone under a certain age (not sure what that is though). Someone not having the proper context within which to enjoy a film isn't a judgment on their ability or taste, but rather on what they've had exposure to. I doubt you'd understand most culturally significant films of other countries on the same level that they do, but that doesn't make you stupid, it's just not realistic to expect it to mean the same thing to you as it would to them.

WTF? I never said anyone was stupid.
Don't know where you're getting that. Your comment about accessibility to anyone under a certain age is exactly the point I was making.
ahh, 23 is a still just a pup..

I don't think I could say it better than what KamikaZ already has. Trick r Treat effectively lives inside that moment of what Halloween used to be when I was a kid. Very few movies have done that - even in the day.
I get it that that would mean absolutely squat to the Transformers/PS3 generation. Kids today are getting shotgunned in the face with "extreme" entertainment so the more subtle values of a flick like Trick r Treat would have little impact to them.

I understand your point (I think) most horror movies today are more about the disgusting gore (see Saw, Hostel) rather then the psychological horror you saw in the old school horror movies.

Taking it back with this one. One of my favorite '80s horror films. A darkly humored and extremely gory interpretation of a rather mediocre (by his standards) H.P. Lovecraft short, this one is great fun. Combs has one of my favorite horror acting performances of all time in these films - he's just a surly, know-it-all, pompously insane scientist who wants to bring back dead people (consequences be damned!).

If you haven't seen it, and are a fan of campier, violent horrors, check it out for sure. I'll probably have a Phantasm or Re-Animator marathon before Halloween strikes.
^ I met Combs years ago in Florida - around the time he was filming Love & a 45.. Much nicer guy than you'd expect from such an intense actor. Good call w Reanimator - great 80's fun.
Perfect double feature with The Return of The Living Dead...
Yeah, most horror movies nowadays are either loud noises/cheap scares or torture/porn. I miss the days of the build up and leaving the true horrors to our imagination. We are so desensitized movies don't affect us like they used to.

So I was sooooo pumped when I saw they were making a new Freddy movie. I was curious about how they would approach a reboot. With much anticipation I watched the trailer and saw the scariest thing ever.................Producer Michael Bay. Back to cut the balls off more of my childhood. I'm expecting too much CGI, loud noises and other stupid crap to accommodate for my generation's lack of an attention span. Freddy was all about the build up and great organic effects. It's a shame if they ruin my favorite horror franchise.
To be fair, Bay also was named producer on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th remakes, which IMO, had some entertaining moments and were acceptable (I actually think the Friday the 13th series is a complete borefest).
Three worthy watches from Ghost House..

The Thaw..

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
The Children

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
WTF? I never said anyone was stupid.
Don't know where you're getting that. Your comment about accessibility to anyone under a certain age is exactly the point I was making.

You didn't directly say it, and I wasn't sure if it was what you intended. However, your last paragraph did sound that way, mostly in the suggestion that young people can't appreciate the subtlety of those films. That can be taken the wrong way. I'm glad you didn't mean it that way though.
The Children

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

This a remake of the classic B-horror, The Children?
You didn't directly say it, and I wasn't sure if it was what you intended. However, your last paragraph did sound that way, mostly in the suggestion that young people can't appreciate the subtlety of those films.

My meaning was that they are assaulted by a barrage of extreme action and just don't have the experience with subtlety so when it's present it has little impact...
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