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I've seen three movies in the past week at the cinemas

Couples Retreat - 7/10. Quite funny.

The Time Travellers Wife - 7/10 - interesting, but the ending was flat.

New Moon - 4/10 - don't ask....[

I had to see both with my girlfriend. 4 stars for New Moon is generous my friend.
I've seen three movies in the past week at the cinemas

Couples Retreat - 7/10. Quite funny.

The Time Travellers Wife - 7/10 - interesting, but the ending was flat.

New Moon - 4/10 - don't ask....[

I had to see both with my girlfriend. 4 stars for New Moon is generous my friend.

Well the chick I saw it with is hot, so it added 3.5 stars to it.

I thought the Time Travellers Wife would be a total chick flick, but it was pretty decent and I liked the concept.
Saw Slither for the first time last night finally. Surprisingly, I wasn't moved much. It's one of those comedy/horrors that wasn't that funny to me, and wasn't scary at all. By no means bad, it just didn't impress me all that much. Maybe I wasn't in the mood.


I like it,not enough B movies made IMO. Not great but Fillion made it worth while.:yes:
Harry Brown

Michael Caine in a dark tale of violence and the quality of life facing older people in british slums.

Caine is on top form in a brilliant and moving performance.

If it gets marketed in the US as a new take on Death Wish it will be sadly miss sold. It's grim and it's violent and paints an all too real picture.

9/10 :thumb::thumb:
Bruno was absolutely hilarious; however, i can't in good conscious recommend it to anyone because i don't know how comfortable you would be with the material. i'm not easily offended at all and am very politically incorrect when it comes to my interaction with people, so i was fine with it.

Just saw Pirates of the Carribean III, and it may be the worst sequel ever. That movie was absolutely terrible, and this is from someone who loved the first two and thoroughly enjoyed transformers 2. There were maybe two or three slightly funny jokes, and the plot was definitely the worst thing I've EVER seen. There were at least six or seven times in there where something happened for absolutely no logical reason, and without explanation, other than it had to happen to bring things together. The "multiple Johnnys" were awful, the other pirate captains were a complete joke, and Keith Richard's cameo was both abrupt and inadequately explained. Ugh, I can't even bring myself to go into more detail.

I spent the entire time just amazed that they managed to make the movie that bad.

Can anyone defend this movie?

Can anyone think of a worse sequel? I really don't think that there is one that I can think of, and I know there are some horribly bad sequels out there.
The Road -- Shoulda been called "The Cannibals" :S

..First, I didn't read the book and only saw one or two previews, but I liked the plot and the look it had, and I like Mortensen. But meh. Was waiting the whole movie for something big to happen. It just kinda lingered, was really slow and the ending was so abrupt and unsatisfying. Dunno what I was expecting, but I know it was more than what I got. There was one moment near the end that was touching, but didn't negate the rest of the movie.

Technically The Road culminated in as positive of an ending as could possibly happen given the circumstances. Had they gone the route of Will Smith Am Legend and shown them come upon some happy commune where everything was "all better" it would have been a total pisser. I think the film delivered greatly in letting you live in the moment of a realistic feeling dying earth scenario. A who's who of HBO's greatest actors (Omar, Dillahunt etc.) making brief appearances didn't hurt. If the point of this movie was despair they nailed it.
Just saw Pirates of the Carribean III, and it may be the worst sequel ever. That movie was absolutely terrible, and this is from someone who loved the first two and thoroughly enjoyed transformers 2. There were maybe two or three slightly funny jokes, and the plot was definitely the worst thing I've EVER seen. There were at least six or seven times in there where something happened for absolutely no logical reason, and without explanation, other than it had to happen to bring things together. The "multiple Johnnys" were awful, the other pirate captains were a complete joke, and Keith Richard's cameo was both abrupt and inadequately explained. Ugh, I can't even bring myself to go into more detail.

I spent the entire time just amazed that they managed to make the movie that bad.

Can anyone defend this movie?

Can anyone think of a worse sequel? I really don't think that there is one that I can think of, and I know there are some horribly bad sequels out there.

Can't really disagree with any of that.
Just saw Pirates of the Carribean III, and it may be the worst sequel ever. That movie was absolutely terrible, and this is from someone who loved the first two and thoroughly enjoyed transformers 2. There were maybe two or three slightly funny jokes, and the plot was definitely the worst thing I've EVER seen. There were at least six or seven times in there where something happened for absolutely no logical reason, and without explanation, other than it had to happen to bring things together. The "multiple Johnnys" were awful, the other pirate captains were a complete joke, and Keith Richard's cameo was both abrupt and inadequately explained. Ugh, I can't even bring myself to go into more detail.

I spent the entire time just amazed that they managed to make the movie that bad.

Can anyone defend this movie?

Can anyone think of a worse sequel? I really don't think that there is one that I can think of, and I know there are some horribly bad sequels out there.

HAHA ... spot on.

I liked how they featured the Kraken as this awe inspiring sea monster in the 2nd movie and then killed him off like it was nothing. It was almost like he contracted some sort of sea borne illness and they let him go peacefully. The movie was truly terrible and I was like you, tremendously disappointed. I can't remember where I saw they were in talks to make a 4th.
Today i watched the dvd's of Brothers, Whiteout , The Lovely Bones and Armored.

Brothers is pretty good but dont expect much action, mostly just about how bad a guy gets screwed up mentally after he becomes a POW. The Wife and Kids could have been more excited on his return but the director failed to deliver an actual human reaction. 6/10

Whiteout is a very weak attempt of a horror movie set in the cold Antarctica. seems like they focused on the snow and cold more than the story. a guy running around with a Ski Mask and Snow Goggles isnt scary. they failed hard if they were trying to make the next scary villain. lol 5/10

(this isnt even in theaters yet)The Lovely Bones is ok, it does get weird at times when they girl is shown in a world like heaven. I never read the book so i dont know how much the film holds true to the book. Mark Wahlberg seems out of place in the role of the father and the movie just seems to miss parts they shouldnt miss to make it seem like a normal family and neighborhood. 5/10

Armored is just your standard so called action flick about a group of Armored truck drivers setting up a plot to steal 42 million $ from their own trucks but the new guy wants no part of the plan. so you can pretty much guess what goes down. Matt Dillon does a pretty good acting job though but overall the movie was weak and will be forgotten quickly. 5/10

Tonight im going to watch The Big Fan,Stepfather and The Box. i'll let you know how they are and give you my rating.
Ok i watched the Big Fan,Stepfather and The Box.

The Big Fan was suppose to be a comedy but it doesnt make you laugh at all. It's about a hardcore fan that has no life besides loving the New York Giants, i thought some time during the movie he would get a life, find a women and move away from home. but the movie goes nowhere. it's just a guy being a fan at the start of the movie and him being a fan at the end. 3/10

The Box, had some hype behind it but you'll be wanting to go do something else 1/4 way through the film which is set in the 70's. the beginning makes you think it'll get interesting but it completely gets strange and leaves you scratching you head of why they even made such a movie. you know how the movie From Dusk the Dawn caught you off guard and went completely in another direction? Well this movie does the same thing but it just gets worse and really stinks imo. 2/10 go watch it for your self.

Stepfather, this was a pretty decent thriller ...the Stepfather does a good acting job and the oldest sons girlfriend has a nice booty in a Bikini. for a thriller i think the story could have been 5-8 minutes shorter with 5-8 more minutes of action. The Murder scenes were pretty weak, but i guess they didnt want it to gross people out. Overall its worth a rental but nothing amazing. 7/10

Ill be watching the Hurt Locker, Up In the Air and Smokin Aces 2 soon. i'll let you know what i think of them.
Pirates are cool.

Which brings me to this:

The Blindside... It was good, but nothing special. One of those movies you forget about only 10 minutes after watching it. It does make you have a greater respect for Michael Oher though, until you realize he never escaped the ghetto because he plays for Baltimore, and that Ray Lewis is probably the one that killed his old friend.

It's a good story, just seems like one that didn't go much further than the "Oh yeah, that guy? He was homeless and then made it in football" chatter that everyone mentioned before it was made.

7/10 Worth a watch, but a bit too average Lifetime Original-like to me.
Wow, I watched "Worlds Greatest Dad" with Robin Williams last night. A dark comedy. What a performance by Williams.

It came out in 2009, I didn't hear about it, but it's on Netflix streaming movies. Glad I saw it, another example of how awesome Netflix is.
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