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fun movie
I'm not sure if its been mentioned just yet in this thread or not but anyways if you watched Donnie Darko I'm sure you will enjoy this one. Its from the same director and its titled Southland Tales. Great movie star packed and for it not being a huge blockbuster which it deserved I'm giving it a 10/10. A movie you have to pay constant attention to and some of you might not even get it the first time much like some didn't get Donnie Darko the first time around. This film is packed with stars or ones that have had their careers fall off since the 80's and 90's but still a great movie.
I don't see Donnie Darko being a movie you like more (or less) over time. You either like it or hate it.. Thats S. Darko was a piece of crap though...

Watched Whip It over the weekend and really enjoyed it.. Coulda done without the love story angle, but really dug the Roller Derby stuff. Kristin Wiig rules..
Saw Invention of Lying. I'm a big Gervais fan, and this didn't disappoint. A good movie that should push a few to think, but not too much- which is a good approach I think. What if it all began as one simple lie?
Dunno if there are any Herschel G. Lewis fans here but the 2nd sequel to Two Thousand Maniacs comes out this spring- 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams. I'll have a score credit for mixing and performing on the main theme.
yeah man, I must have been in the right frame of mind, because I got into it
and "plain stupid" was exactly the intent I think
sometimes those are fun
in contrast, I watched your I Sell the Dead afterwards and feel asleep
it happens, sometimes you get into something one minute and hate it the next
I should warn then: if you're rocking Crank II and really diggin it then there is little to no chance that I Sell the Dead will do anything for you..
The Crazies

I usually hate the idea of remakes, because they usually don't improve the original subject material. I love b-movies, but Romero's original was ripe for a re-make; a classic example of good ideas that weren't executed well at all (re: bad budget, bad acting, bad script). Enter 2010's The Crazies, and you get a very solid horror remake that is extremely rare in the current climate.

The direction and writing cohesion is strong; characters, for the most part, make logical decisions. All are genuinely likable, with subtle humor and decent decision-making (something I really hate in most modern horrors is that characters make bone-head decisions just for the sake of situational "scares"). There is a good deal of jumps and just plain creepiness and tense atmosphere throughout, and the direction is handled quite impressively (I can't believe this guy did Sahara, I guess he was stuck in the wrong genre). I can't recall a recent horror that has as much intense situations, one after another after another. It was all handled quite expertly.

Only complaints is that I would have liked to see more "crazy" deaths by the infected. Don't get me wrong, there was some gore and some genuinely scary moments/situations, but I'm sure some were left on the cutting room floor.
Also, the music was a bit heavy handed for certain scare scenes (if you see it, you'll know what I mean).

haha - yeah, with the original The Crazies ol George bit off way more than he could chew. Half way through it's no more than a hostile government takeover vs townsfolk with the "the crazies" as no more a small side note. Always wondered if that house towards the end was the original Night of the Living Dead house..
I'm not sure if its been mentioned just yet in this thread or not but anyways if you watched Donnie Darko I'm sure you will enjoy this one.
I watched Donnie Darko last night for the first time, and I'm not sure I got it.
So, he went through a worm hole and avoided his death, only to not go through it later so he would die but his girlfriend would live?

Weird movie. But it holds up visually after 20 years, it doesn't look dated or 80's at all. Good music.
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