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Well, after lurking here for a while, I thought I should finally post something now that my beloved Grizzlies are done...

On McNair, I hate to see him go, but the 23 million cap number is a deal breaker. I agree we hold out as long as possible. Then at the 11th hour we agree to a 5th round draft choice.

With McNairs money we need to sign our rookies and then sign Ty Law and an offensive lineman (if money allows). I would start Law over Hill.

We need to give Vince Young what he wants and get him in camp on time. This is one of the most important moves to be made.

I would go with Volek, Young, and Mauck as our QB's. No need to get Collins or someone else. I would also play Young if Volek looks bad after the first couple of games.

On our new improved D, I love it. I love it that KVB is here to stay. I love the Thorton and Hope signings. I would start the NC St rookie at middle backer, not Sirmon.

As for our RB situation, I think it could get ugly with all 3 (LDW, Brown, and Henry) all wanting touches. I'd start Brown though. I hope we can ride all 3 of them and really get our running game going.

I think our WR will perform better than most 'experts' think.

I also think we need to sign JF to an extension before the season starts.

And lastly, I wish the Titans would play a freaking preseason game in memphis for us other Tennessee fans. I game versus the Rams would get a lot of attention in Memphis.

Can't wait for the season to start. And I'm glad we sucked last year, that means we will play at 1pm a bunch, which is best for me.
zackmann said:
And lastly, I wish the Titans would play a freaking preseason game in memphis for us other Tennessee fans. I game versus the Rams would get a lot of attention in Memphis.


1) It would mean they couldnt hit the 65,000 season ticket holders up for that game.

2) Memphis didnt exactly support the team the year they did play there.
nigel said:
2) Memphis didnt exactly support the team the year they did play there.

You hit the nail on the head exactly. The way they treated the then TN Oilers they dont deserve the titans even coming down to sign autographs.:banned: :suspect:
I wasn't living in Memphis at the time, but from what I hear most people where upset they weren't going to be in Memphis for good, thus didn't want to go.

Bad excuse though, I would have been there...

However, I can see how they didn't get the people there on a regular basis. The Grizzlies averaged around 15,000 a game, when the FedEx Forum can hold around 18,000. We only had 1 or 2 sell outs this entire year (out of 43 games). The last playoff game only had around 14 or 15,000.

But I think the Liberty Bowl would be packed for a one-night only event. Especially if the Rams were involved.
GoT said:
well we know they can draw 50,000+ stinkin' squeeler fans in Memphis.
zackmann said:
And lastly, I wish the Titans would play a freaking preseason game in memphis for us other Tennessee fans. I game versus the Rams would get a lot of attention in Memphis.
:rotfl: You know, that was an excellent post and nearly the entire body of it I was in strong agreement with. I am convinced that you have been reading this forum for some time... but you should have left that preseason thing out... maybe started another thread at another time... I was going elsewhere with my comment until I read that. I hope further comments are about other aspects of the post and turns into a real discussion, although it does have a very wide focus. Just the same, welcome... glad you came... oh yeah, Steve McNair can... j/k :ha:

As a season ticket holder :)) I would not mind a preseason game being played away like that. As nigel pointed out... That's $70 back in my pocket. (SECTION 330 :brow: cheap, cheap, cheap) That's $70 that I can spend on lithium and ativans.

Who was your draft choice NBA man?
Meaning, who did you want the Titans to select at #3?
I guess I forgot to intro myself as well.

Long time Titan/Oiler fan on the West Coast. Hard to hear anything but BS about the Raiders out here.

I am obviously opinionated about the players as my post show but don't get me wrong if they wear the blue and white they are alright in my book.
Up until recently I didn't keep up with much NCAA football. The only team I watched and kept track of were the Vols. However, I did watch the Rose Bowl. When, at the end of the game, they had the final stats of VY, I said "we need a young guy like that on the Titans." BAM! Done deal! Good job, FO. and no, this isn't entirely on-topic, but I thought that I'd share that. Welcome to the place for Titans' fans, zackmann. :ravens: :banana:
Thanks for the welcome SEC 330 and Sukrillux...

I only put the preseason bit in b/c going to Nashville for a game has never been workable for me, but if there was a preseason game at the Liberty Bowl, I would be in heaven...I guess I wasn't expecting a Memphis backlash.

As for the draft...I was strongly in the Vince Young camp. The way I see it he stepped up during the biggest games of his career. But not only did his play go to a higher level in certain games, he was able to get his teammates to follow. And he has such a great body physically, he made Leinart look like a skinny little JV player.

And I was really impressed we were able to get LenDale White with the Eagles giving us another draft pick to take him. Reese must have been like, "if you must twist my arm". Young, White and Tulloch seem to be a pretty good draft. I only wish we had gotten an O-lineman. We got the best 2 players in the National Championship game. Pretty good.

I will not be upset if Young ends up starting most of the games this season. And even with him starting, I think we will be improved.

But just like last year, even if we only win 2 games next year, I hope they are against the Colts. Down with the Colts!!!!!!
I think the closest Memphis will ever get to the Titans is if the University of Memphis invited them to use the campus as a site for training camp (as TSU and now Austin Peay have done) - and during that tenure someone like the Falcons or Rams stop by for a scrimmage at the Liberty Bowl

I do not forsee the NFL holding Pre-Season games at non-participant stadiums other than Mexico, Tokyo and Canton
BlazingArrow#9 said:
...Long time Titan/Oiler fan on the West Coast. Hard to hear anything but BS about the Raiders out here.....

I'm feelin' you Blazalicious. These Raiders fans out here care entirely too much about their lame bad boy image and not nearly enough about winnin'. They could learn a little somthing from the A's.

Welcome Zackmann. I just joined last week so you can learn absolutely nothing from me. Except... that I have different opinions than you.

A. I sure as hell wouldn't start Vince two games into the season. Weather we like it or not(not), the kid needs a little time on the pine. I do agree he's gonna be friggin' awesome though and I thank god everyday we didn't draft Matt Hilton.

2. Law is an overpriced old man. Why pay top money for a guy starting to lose a step? I thought the point of this offseason was to get faster on D?! True he had a good year last year but 10 MIL GOOD? Please.

III. Do you really think Tulloch has proven himself better than Sirmon? Why?
Dangermode said:
2. Law is an overpriced old man. Why pay top money for a guy starting to lose a step? I thought the point of this offseason was to get faster on D?! True he had a good year last year but 10 MIL GOOD? Please.

actually double-digit INT's normally require double-digit pay
if Ty was still in his mid 20's he'd probably be signed somewhere already
We do not want Young to be another Alex Smith for the 9ers. We are way better then the 9ers but look what rushing there QB got. He was boo'ed for his play he could not step on the field w/ out the comments and he got injured.

The mind of the QB is fragile. If Young starts throwing up INT and the team starts to loose under him the comments will start and everyone will be saying we should not have rushed him.
ty law may have lost a step, but he is savvy enough he can lose 2 steps and still get 10 int's in a season. I'll take that...ty law had more int's by himself last year than the whole titans team had combined. I wouldn't put too much weight behind the argument that he is too old or a step slow. He may be over priced, but he still has produced.

As for having a rookie QB start, it seems to depend on who the QB is and who the team is around the QB. For every Alex Smith, there seems to be a Big Ben.

I think VY has the mental toughness to overcome some rookie mistakes.

As for our MLB, I feel Sirmon is a too slow and hasn't produced. It's not that Tulloch has proven to me he is better than Sirmon, it's that Sirmon has proven to me that he shouldn't start. Let's give the rookie a chance. That's all.
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