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Well now that it is done what about the future. We all know that "billy ball" is short term only, maybe if he stays healthy this season but next year it will be VY almost for sure. I suspect Billy will not want to return to the backup role especially if he performs at a resonable level. Which means a trade/release situation right? What happens then, I don't think Mauck will be around for this season much less next year. VY will need a backup, who is out there now or will be then that could fill that role.
Perahps Tommy Maddox, looks a good back up to me or Jay Fielder who I like. Other than those two I'm not sure...please don't say Kerry Collins cause I really really don't want him to be a Titan
Volek is under contract until 2007 and has a no-trade clause in his contract. That does not mean that we can't trade him, that just makes it harder to do so. If Billy takes us to the playoffs or even close to it, don't be surprised to see him back here in 2007 as a starter. McNair rode the bench for 3 years before taking over the QB spot.
If Volek does extremely well, the coaches might have to stick with him.
OK. Kerry Collins

Collins efficency ratings were not substantially different than McNair's last year and significantly better than Volek's.

In addition, Collins has started 145 NFL games, Volek only 10. I see nothing wrong with bringing Collins in and letting him compete with Volek for the starting job. The last thing we want to have to do is be forced to play VY before he is ready if Volek goes down.
Tommy Maddox? C'mon man...
If he ever walked onto LP Field again
he would start having flashbacks!

In a 31-23 loss to the Tennessee Titans, Maddox was tripped up by safety Lance Schulters and tossed the ball to Antwaan Randle El as he fell forward. Linebacker Keith Bulluck hit Maddox's shoulder with his forearm, and Maddox rolled onto his head and did not move.

Maddox had no sensations, but was conscious and talking as he was strapped to a backboard. Trainers and doctors worked on him for at least 15 minutes, then Maddox was lifted onto a stretcher, loaded into an ambulance on the field and taken to Baptist Hospital's trauma unit.


If he does he had better sell himself some good health insurance first! :lol:

ps- I was at that game!!!
collins is the best qb available free agent wise without a doubt, maddox and fiedler are aweful, collins is respectable at least, hes been to a superbowl
3 things...

Can the Titans win this year? If not, why bring in a Kerry Collins?

Is there a guarantee that VY will be ready next year? No. So we need a QB through next season.

Third, how long can Fisher and Reese last without a winning record?

Collins helps with questions 2 and 3 which means he'd help with 1 too IF he's here. Since I don't think Fisher and Reese will last much longer without a winning record...especially after the free agents we got and the draft, I think they'll bring in Collins or a defensive player. Considering Volek is 'fragile' and our OL has been leaky, put your money on a QB or an OT is a decent vet shakes loose.

I wouldn't mind a defensive player though. Defense wins championships!

Fielder is coming off major shoulder surgery so the only way they nab him is as a backup (mainly for '07 and '08) and can get him very cheap AND spend our money on a defensive player or OL.

I don't want Maddox!

And believe it or not, Collins played behind some really leaky O-lines with the Giants so he's been there before. And despite his immobility, he's not Chris Chandler!

In the mean time, I could see the coaching staff developing a young guy to become Young's backup. I know we have a UDFA QB from Texas Tech on the roster. I imagine they'll keep developing Mauck too. If nothing else, we'll sign a backup QB next offseason.
We need a backup QB for Young in 07, and I think Fielder can do that, plus like Gut says he's cheap.

Forgot about that Maddox game with the Titans........................
Gut said:
Fielder is coming off major shoulder surgery so the only way they nab him is as a backup (mainly for '07 and '08) and can get him very cheap AND spend our money on a defensive player or OL.

I don't want Maddox!

And believe it or not, Collins played behind some really leaky O-lines with the Giants so he's been there before. And despite his immobility, he's not Chris Chandler!


I think it's safe to say I would take Fiedler OR Collins in a heartbeat over MaddoXFL. The guy crumbles under pressure and as SEC pointed out, under forearms.

I live in Oakland so I watched last year as Collins did the better part of nothing with an army of weapons around him. Unacceptable. Bye,bye Collins... Hello... Aaron Brooks? The point is Collins is at his best when you don't NEED him. Does that make him worth the money we'd pay him?

I agree with GUT that we could get Fiedler for a song and he could be a long term O'donnel type backup for us. The guy had a 113.3 passer rating last year! Sure it was only in 1 1/2 games but hey, it's somethin'.:brow:
J.T. O'Sullivan , Seneca Wallace , Jay Feidler... if its not any of thoes then forget it. im fine with what we got now.. Billy will be fine and if he gets hurt o well then Vince gets his chance early.. and idk who said it but Bennett is always avalible lol i dont think we gotta worry about Volek tho i think hes gonna do fine. he has all that young talent around him .. Troupe , Givens , Brandon Jones , Roydell Williams , Roby , ??Calico?? i do remeber a time 2 years ago when he and bennett were Lighting it up big time and i dont see that changing anytime soon now that the pressure is off bennett being the number one guy. i really like our chances this year with mr volek.
PhiSlammaJamma said:
We already have Drew Bennet for an emegency. I think we are set. We only need two.
Let's not forget another out-of-postion X-quarterback on our roster, Marcus Randall. I'm not sure which one would make the best QB but I'd lean towards Randall.
We only need two??? What the heck, name a NFL team carries just two QB's and you pretty much missed the point, Billy will want to be gone if he has any kind of year at all, which leaves just VY, assuming of course that Mauck is a goner.
Well we'll find out what the team is doing soon. I heard the meeting is set for tommorow(Monday) to decide the whether to bring in another quarterback. Expect an announcement in the next couple days.
Collins would be a welcome band-aid for a year as compared to Fiedler or Maddox, imo.

Collins can sling it, & played in a Super Bowl not all that long ago. As did another guy who played in that very same one ... Trent Dilfer. I know ... yikes

I think the Brownies cut him a while back, dint they?
Big TT said:
We only need two??? What the heck, name a NFL team carries just two QB's and you pretty much missed the point, Billy will want to be gone if he has any kind of year at all, which leaves just VY, assuming of course that Mauck is a goner.

Actually, we only had two on the roster at the start of last season. We activated Mauck later.
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