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Damn it, do we have a chance now? I know we have other "OK" Dbacks, but he is by far a threat on D and Special Teams. Hurting!
avvie said:
But seriously, with........the periods.........??

Bongo, three is generally the accepted number.

It's his Captain Kirk impersonation for dramatic effect. the field.
fisher isn't suspending him for the spitting... he's suspending him for missing practice then going out... or going out then missing practice.. whatever.

btw... stroud is out for the game... maybe we can get a run game going.
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Look guys, I found some leaked paparazi photos of the bar incident:
I really like Pacman in spite of his issues but if he is going to hurt the team like this again I could live with losing him.

I'd like to think that if I had the opportunity to play the game I love & get paid lottery winning type money I could live with whatever restrictions were placed on me. That's the sad part of all this,how many would love the opportunity & live up to but aren't good enough like he is.
Bulluck and Thompson were the two interviewed on TV. Bulluck basically said Jones is hurting the team. The radio this morning reported what some guys said but didn't give names other than to say they were friends of Jones
Feel I should add that they still supported Pac, but that he needed to make better decisions when he's on his own. So it's not like he's an outcast or anything.
Vigsted said:
Feel I should add that they still supported Pac, but that he needed to make better decisions when he's on his own. So it's not like he's an outcast or anything.

Oh I bet he is considered an outcast by some of the players.
Titans linebacker Keith Bulluck said he'll stand behind his friend, but is not happy with him.

"This isn't the first time he's let us down as a team,'' Bulluck said.

"Pac is my guy. I respect him as a person … but he is still doing the (stuff) that hurts teams and football players' careers."

He said he's unsure if the suspension will change Jones.

"I can't control him. It's every man for himself when you leave here," Bulluck said. "We work together, a lot of us are friends and we hang out together. But at the end of the day you have to be focused on something.''

From the Tennessean
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