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The best thing that I saw tonight is that Pacman has seen to learn how to tackle and hit..... This is great news. Also, he has seen to got better in coverage as well because he forced the QB's from the Saints to throw toward Renyaldo Hills side.... He also looked good returning the ball, but we know what he can do there. If he can keep this up he might actually live up to the hype... Maybe he sees that behaving (except for trash talking) does have its upsides.... Hope he keeps it up!!!!

bigtitan53279 said:
he wasnt even near bush long enough to talk trash. it looked to me like all he did was shake his head.
I agree, the new and "improved" taunting rule is way off. It's a physical game, where people get excited and pumped up - not chess..
I agree that taunting should be illegal, especially if directed at the fans, however a little trashtalking never hurt anyone.
Gunny said:
taunting illegal? it doesnt hurt anyone.

No but if you spike the football on the midfield logo of your opponents homefield, for instance, it's a slap in the face of the fans, and that shouldn't be allowed.

However I have no problem with trashtalking or taunting of an individual player (as long as it doesn't cross the line for racisme and the likes). I've never understood why for instance it wasn't allowed to point at the player you just burned for a TD and now you can't even walk up to him and say "I'm gonna beat you all day long" or something to that effect.
How ever Pacman's personal foul was absolute garbage. It did look as if the barely, just barely kissed face masks. That may of been what triggered the flag. Plus there is an emphasis and rule tweak for this season and Pacman is a chronic offender. The flag was ticky tacky. Pacman didn't get near a line let alone cross it under the old standard. I can think of no player in that game to better make an example of. The commissioner wants to make an impression.
It is very obvious that Adam is making some good progress with his play, but he still has to finish school. He has work to do in his speech and drama class...."Acting Like You Have Been There and Done That 101".

Its a great rule that the NFL has put in place. The league existed for a long time without all of the "in your face" trash talking. I know a lot of people who played the game with intense emotion without ever having to get into someone's face to trash talk.

Adam must draw upon his school classes to help his team out once the regular season begins. There will be no room for stupid penalties that harm your team once the season commences.
I'm glad Pac got the penalty. First of all, he did deserve it. Secondly, better for it to happen in a exhibition game so maybe he'll learn no to do it when it actually matters...
Fish said Jones knew what had happened as he came off the field and he approached Fish and apologized - knowing is half the battle
Hoffa said:
You would think he should have already learned that from last year...especially the last game.

Why? The two penalties are entirely seperate. Last year he argued with an official which is a no-no, however this time he was just talking smack to Bush, which last year would have been perfectly legal.
Vigsted said:
... which last year would have been perfectly legal.
And this year it's not, and he knew that and still did it, like last year.

But it's not that big a deal to me, as long as he doesn't make a habit of getting penalties after the play is over, like last year.
Hoffa said:
And this year it's not, and he knew that and still did it, like last year.

Considering it's a brand new rule there's a good chance you forget about in the heat of battle, which is why I don't blame him. It's like how the Patriots DB's had to get used to not be physical with the receivers downfield, it wasn't something they had down at the start of the season.
Starkiller said:
I'm glad Pac got the penalty. First of all, he did deserve it. Secondly, better for it to happen in a exhibition game so maybe he'll learn no to do it when it actually matters...

While I do agree with you SK, I did see the play. And, in a regular season game I would have been furious had this been called against "any" of our players.

But, in this case, I'm glad they got Pacman, if for no other reason than, to send him a bit of a message as a wake up call that you can't take taunting penalties (as borderline as this call was).

But, if Pacman got something out of it, it was worth it.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
How ever Pacman's personal foul was absolute garbage. It did look as if the barely, just barely kissed face masks. That may of been what triggered the flag. Plus there is an emphasis and rule tweak for this season and Pacman is a chronic offender. The flag was ticky tacky. Pacman didn't get near a line let alone cross it under the old standard. I can think of no player in that game to better make an example of. The commissioner wants to make an impression.
Agreed, my 330 brother.
Plus....if it's gonna happen....let it be in preseason. We need some attitude and swagger. It was Bush's innagural "welcome to the NFL".
Not to be one of those that picks at this stuff but....go back to the game in the 4th qtr (i think) when VY ran to the right and tried to stretch for a 1st down going OB. (It is the one where he came up short, but there was a defensive holding call that gave us a 1st down.) After the play on the sideline, the defender grabbed VY's arm and said something to him and Young shook his arm off and the defender threw up his hands with the "I didn't do ianything", Ric Flair look. Point is, it wasn't much different than Pacman and Bush. It just wasn't a big hit like Pacman's.
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