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I guess we should thank Pacman for his penalty, since it lead directly to 3 points for the Saints and saved us from having to endure an overtime period.
skitch said:
Agreed, my 330 brother.
Plus....if it's gonna happen....let it be in preseason. We need some attitude and swagger.

I have no problem with swagger and/or attitude.

It's just a matter of how/when you're using them.
At first I thought it was just the price Jones would have to pay for not "getting" it last year and knowing when to lay off his jawing and sparring -- including with the referees. That he was going to be singled out for the quick flags the rest of his career (or at least this year).

It was a very quick flag.

Then the announcers went into (well, on a 7 or 10-second radio delay ;) )how this was a point of emphasis this year and Jones or not, they were going to clamp down on anything that resembled taunting, especially in preseason.

But Jones probably ought to plan on never getting the benefit of the doubt once the regular season starts. He brought it on himself because of last year. I think he's starting to get it now, though.
I liked the hit....and who wouldnt let Mr. BUSH know he is in the NFL. Welcome to the big leagues rook! I woulda done the same thing....and apologized afterwards....
Hoffa said:
I guess we should thank Pacman for his penalty, since it lead directly to 3 points for the Saints and saved us from having to endure an overtime period.
No. "I guess we should be thankful" it was a PRESEASON GAME!
He played great last night. Period.
From today's paper "Jones admitted he had violated an agreement he made with Fisher when he was called for the unsportsmanlike conduct after a big collision with RB R. Bush. I promised them its not to happen anymore, Jones said. I've got to keep my emotions down a little bit. Fisher immediately approached Jones and said Don't forget what our deal is. Jones said Ok coach. Asked what the deal was he said no more 15 yarders"
Adam has to tone it down a bit
don't get me wrong, I was impressed with his tenacity last night
he was all over the place wreaking havock

but he is certainly on the zebra-radar
don't be surprised to see some ticky-tack flags thrown his way
actions that some other corners might get away with
but because of his actions last year and propensity to be a hot-head.....
he's watched a little more closely (imo)

a year or two of acting cool and keeping quite should tone that down
but until then, he has got to walk on egg-shells once the whislte has blown
(in between, he can give them hell)
Ewker said:
From today's paper "Jones admitted he had violated an agreement he made with Fisher when he was called for the unsportsmanlike conduct after a big collision with RB R. Bush. I promised them its not to happen anymore, Jones said. I've got to keep my emotions down a little bit. Fisher immediately approached Jones and said Don't forget what our deal is. Jones said Ok coach. Asked what the deal was he said no more 15 yarders"

Sounds like he's on the right track, anyway.
how is what pacman did any worse than this?

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Ewker said:
it look like george started that not the defensive player.

Exactly the point. Everyone is on Pac's back for trashtalking Bush, yet our beloved Eddie wasn't too good to trashtalk Ray-Ray a little. It's a part of the game, fun for the fans and an adrenalin pumper for the players, I hate that they decided to make it against the rules.

I wonder how many penalties Joey Porter will get this year, he was always good for some trash both before and during the games.
Vigsted said:
Exactly the point. Everyone is on Pac's back for trashtalking Bush, yet our beloved Eddie wasn't too good to trashtalk Ray-Ray a little. It's a part of the game, fun for the fans and an adrenalin pumper for the players, I hate that they decided to make it against the rules.

I have absolutely no problem with Pacman did. And, if you were to ask Fish (in confidence of course) he'd probably tell you the same thing.

You can't take the emotion out of the game.

If you do, you might as well put the coaches in front of a TV set and a PS2 or Xbox 360.

Because that's what the NFL is doing if they don't let the players play with an emotional edge.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
It did look as if the barely, just barely kissed face masks. That may of been what triggered the flag.

The way it was explained was exactly that. Jumping in another players face and jawing. Fisher was running at Pac as soon as it started so he knew it was coming. I think if he stays away from Bush's facemask its not a flag.
Vigsted said:
Exactly the point. Everyone is on Pac's back for trashtalking Bush, yet our beloved Eddie wasn't too good to trashtalk Ray-Ray a little. It's a part of the game, fun for the fans and an adrenalin pumper for the players, I hate that they decided to make it against the rules.

I wonder how many penalties Joey Porter will get this year, he was always good for some trash both before and during the games.

what you seem to be forgetting is that the rules have changed since then.

Jones knows he runs his mouth to much which is why he has the bet with Fisher. Fisher hopes it will calm him down some. Hopefully Jones will get his mouth in order before he cost us a regular season game
Ewker said:
what you seem to be forgetting is that the rules have changed since then.

I'm not forgetting, I just find the rule utterly stupid and therefore have no problem with any of our players breaking it. Just like I have no problem with most of Chad Jackson's celebrations, even if he does get penalized, fined whatever by the No Fun League.

The only thing I don't condone is taunting or insulting the fans and officials and unacceptable stuff like racial slurs and the like.
Doesn't matter if you think the rule is stupid or not, it's a rule.
And breaking it is a 15yd penalty, which can lose a game for you.
So breaking the stupid rule is even more stupid.
Hoffa said:
Doesn't matter if you think the rule is stupid or not, it's a rule.
And breaking it is a 15yd penalty, which can lose a game for you.
So breaking the stupid rule is even more stupid.

To you maybe, but if someone doesn't protest against these stupid rules, football will indeed become a realtime chessgame, with no emotions allowed. As another poster pointed out, might as well just simulate the entire league on a computer then.
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