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Riverman said:
My summary point is- LAY OFF PEOPLE. Don't validate your own values off of NFL football player there are better role models for that. And BE REAL, when you judge (or malign) Pac.
What is REAL is that fans have a right to judge all they want. Especially those who are influencing kids with their values. It goes with the territory.

You don't think Pacman wants fans to get all warm and fuzzy over him visiting the kids? Why else call out the media? He wants that judgement to swing more his way.

Why is Pac talking to kids in the first place? Because he is a ROLE MODEL and may have a positive impact on those kids. Are there better people for that job? You bet. I'd say a minister, teacher and parents are better suited to guide children.

Yet the reality is that what Pacman says to kids will listened to because he has that star quality. That's why whether they like it or not, professional athletes are role models. Again, it goes with the territory.

If someone is going to talk to kids about their values, we have every right to judge that person's values.

I don't see anything wrong with him trying to help kids except that if he is serious about wanting to be a role model then do so in every aspect of life and not just when the cameras are rolling.

These same kids see his temper on the field, see news clips of him throwing profanities towards reporters and read of his involvement with drug dealers and shootings in the middle of the night.

If he's going to talk the talk, he needs to walk the walk or keep him away from kids. If he doesn't he's sending a mixed message.
TitanJeff said:
What is REAL is that fans have a right to judge all they want. Especially those who are influencing kids with their values. It goes with the territory.

You don't think Pacman wants fans to get all warm and fuzzy over him visiting the kids? Why else call out the media? He wants that judgement to swing more his way.

Why is Pac talking to kids in the first place? Because he is a ROLE MODEL and may have a positive impact on those kids. Are there better people for that job? You bet. I'd say a minister, teacher and parents are better suited to guide children.

Yet the reality is that what Pacman says to kids will listened to because he has that star quality. That's why whether they like it or not, professional athletes are role models. Again, it goes with the territory.

If someone is going to talk to kids about their values, we have every right to judge that person's values.

I don't see anything wrong with him trying to help kids except that if he is serious about wanting to be a role model then do so in every aspect of life and not just when the cameras are rolling.

These same kids see his temper on the field, see news clips of him throwing profanities towards reporters and read of his involvement with drug dealers and shootings in the middle of the night.

If he's going to talk the talk, he needs to walk the walk or keep him away from kids. If he doesn't he's sending a mixed message.

I agree with much of what you're saying, except the points regarding his obligation to be a "role model".

TJ, you're exemplifying my point. You're playing the Pac's a hypocrite card. I don't have a problem with that- that's you're take, your value system. What I, and Pac apparently, have a problem with is that people or press seem to focus on any available negative element regarding him they can as opposed something positive. Furthermore, many other Titans don't seem to garner this same reaction. For example, Steve generally enjoys a stellar community reputation despite his DUI, gun charges, fur coat wearing episodes etc. Did he "walk the walk" when he broke the law (something that hasn't yet happened w/Pac)? Hopkins, Haynesworth have incidents or brushes with the law. Hell, Wychek and his "girl-friend" episodes. Each of these guys get a "community pass" because they come back and "cow-toe" back to the fans w/ some press release that plays well. I don't for one minute believe they are any more sincere than Pac, but yet they can pull it off.

Why- because they don't put forth that "me against the world" persona. People love to hate Pac. He's not good at PR, he is who he is. Honestly, he's not any less of a good person many others on the team that you don't hear about.
Pacman's paranoia is showing

Note to the Titans:
Pacman's got your backs.

Judging from what he said the other day, Pacman Jones knows "a lot of guys on the Titans" who have exhibited equal or worse behavior and/or judgment than he, yet have gotten a free pass from the cops, from the media, from the fans.

In other words, we're just out to get Pacman while everybody else skates.

"There are a lot of guys on the Titans you'll never talk about," Jones told a gaggle of media representatives on Monday. "They can jump off the bridge in the car and you won't ever mention their name. I'm just saying, certain people."

But when inquiring minds wanted to know the identity of these other Titans who had been guilty of such egregious conduct, Pacman took care of the fellas.

He can throw a tantrum, but he's not throwing anybody under the bus.

"I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't put my teammates out there. I'm not like that," he said. "I'm just saying certain people get away with certain things that certain others don't get away with that you'll never hear about."

Ewker said:
Note to the Titans:
Pacman's got your backs.

Judging from what he said the other day, Pacman Jones knows "a lot of guys on the Titans" who have exhibited equal or worse behavior and/or judgment than he, yet have gotten a free pass from the cops, from the media, from the fans.

In other words, we're just out to get Pacman while everybody else skates.

"There are a lot of guys on the Titans you'll never talk about," Jones told a gaggle of media representatives on Monday. "They can jump off the bridge in the car and you won't ever mention their name. I'm just saying, certain people."

But when inquiring minds wanted to know the identity of these other Titans who had been guilty of such egregious conduct, Pacman took care of the fellas.

He can throw a tantrum, but he's not throwing anybody under the bus.

"I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't put my teammates out there. I'm not like that," he said. "I'm just saying certain people get away with certain things that certain others don't get away with that you'll never hear about."


Wipe the sleep out of your eyes.
Riverman said:
TJ, you're exemplifying my point. You're playing the Pac's a hypocrite card. I don't have a problem with that- that's you're take, your value system. What I, and Pac apparently, have a problem with is that people or press seem to focus on any available negative element regarding him they can as opposed something positive.
I disagree. The thing at the school was a friggin' dog and pony act set up by people who represent Jones. I'm assuming Pacman wants to help so I won't question his motives as far as meeting with the kids itself but I do understand the context when the media is invited and what it was designed to show.

And if the media only wanted to report the ugly side of Pacman, would they have shown up? I don't think so. They knew very well the intent of the meeting. Would they have done another report on him today about his contribution to the police? Nope. It appears he's learning to play the game.

What some don't understand is he is getting coverage ONLY because he is the #6 pick in the draft. Whether good or bad, it's mainly because of that. You don't hear of Rob Borona's visit to the hospital or Donnie Nickey reading to old people. No one cares. It doesn't sell papers.

Furthermore, many other Titans don't seem to garner this same reaction. For example, Steve generally enjoys a stellar community reputation despite his DUI, gun charges, fur coat wearing episodes etc. Did he "walk the walk" when he broke the law (something that hasn't yet happened w/Pac)?
Are you serious? The thing was covered in-depth by the local and national media. The reaction McNair gets from fans is due to the level of involvement he has in the community for nearly a decade vs. a one time mistake. What respect has Pacman earned so far in the community? Maybe in time he will but it is unrealistic to look at him in the same light as someone who has worked in the community throughout his career.

Hopkins, Haynesworth have incidents or brushes with the law.
Hopkins got a ton of coverage as has Haynesworth. I don't see where they've been treated any differently by the media.

Hell, Wychek and his "girl-friend" episodes.
I don't know what this is even about and it sounds like the countless BS rumors which are constantly going on about players. Is this even news worthy?

Honestly, he's not any less of a good person many others on the team that you don't hear about.
Define "good person". Is it someone who hurts his team by commiting penalties on the field? How about the locker room episodes? Night club fights? Early morning shooting in parking lots? Are we seeing other Titans players doing anything remotely close to the stuff Pacman has been involved in since being drafted?

All we have to judge on the guy is what he DOES. He may be the greatest player as far as wanting to help in the community but that is offset by his actions. Chalk it up to immaturity, background or whatever you want.

Whether fair or not, that's the way it is.
TitanJeff said:
I disagree. The thing at the school was a friggin' dog and pony act set up by people who represent Jones. I'm assuming Pacman wants to help so I won't question his motives as far as meeting with the kids itself but I do understand the context when the media is invited and what it was designed to show.

And if the media only wanted to report the ugly side of Pacman, would they have shown up? I don't think so. They knew very well the intent of the meeting. Would they have done another report on him today about his contribution to the police? Nope. It appears he's learning to play the game.

What some don't understand is he is getting coverage ONLY because he is the #6 pick in the draft. Whether good or bad, it's mainly because of that. You don't hear of Rob Borona's visit to the hospital or Donnie Nickey reading to old people. No one cares. It doesn't sell papers.

Are you serious? The thing was covered in-depth by the local and national media. The reaction McNair gets from fans is due to the level of involvement he has in the community for nearly a decade vs. a one time mistake. What respect has Pacman earned so far in the community? Maybe in time he will but it is unrealistic to look at him in the same light as someone who has worked in the community throughout his career.

Hopkins got a ton of coverage as has Haynesworth. I don't see where they've been treated any differently by the media.

I don't know what this is even about and it sounds like the countless BS rumors which are constantly going on about players. Is this even news worthy?

Define "good person". Is it someone who hurts his team by commiting penalties on the field? How about the locker room episodes? Night club fights? Early morning shooting in parking lots? Are we seeing other Titans players doing anything remotely close to the stuff Pacman has been involved in since being drafted?

All we have to judge on the guy is what he DOES. He may be the greatest player as far as wanting to help in the community but that is offset by his actions. Chalk it up to immaturity, background or whatever you want.

Whether fair or not, that's the way it is.

So getting penalties in a football game makes one a bad person? Locker room stuff makes a bad person? A single night club incident? Being in a parking lot where a shooting occurs.........never mind that you didn't pull a trigger or was involved in any way?

None of this makes a bad person.

Getting penalties = bad person = silly.
I don't see why people get so worked up over Pacman. He isn't a felon. He isn't mugging old ladies. He hasn't been found to be using drugs thus far.

As far as we can see, he's immature and perhaps has some questionable friends. I'm not overly attached to the guy, but I'm confused as to why everyone seem so prepared to crucify him already...
jaydog said:
So getting penalties in a football game makes one a bad person? Locker room stuff makes a bad person? A single night club incident? Being in a parking lot where a shooting occurs.........never mind that you didn't pull a trigger or was involved in any way?

None of this makes a bad person.

Getting penalties = bad person = silly.
Where in anything have I said he is a bad person? I haven't.

This is about how he feels that he is being somehow judged unfairly. I don't see the double-standard some speak of here.

When you are involved in stuff, fans will judge. Whether right or wrong, it is the way it is.
SK, Riverman, and other PJ apologists

I believe Pacman said it best:
“If you’re in the spotlight, you’re going to get scrutiny for every little thing,”
Is this fair? I don't know maybe not, but it is REALITY.

If you know people are watching you, you can't go around doing stupid things and then cry about being scrutinized. You have to be above the fray. And it doesn't matter whether or not Jones has done anything illegal, the standard for him is higher than that, like it or not.

I'm so sick of celebrities who strive for fame and fortune whining about not wanting to be a "role model." Guess what, that's part of the package. If you want a life where you can screw around all you want and not get called on it, then be a fan. This "well, he did something bad too and he didn't get in trouble" puke is for elementary school. Grow up Adam.
Wychek gets "countless BS rumors constantly going on about players" and Pac gets "needs an ankle bracelet".

No disrespect to anyone, but to judge others presumes that we ourselves are 100% correct.

Lay-off Pac.
Riverman said:
Wychek gets "countless BS rumors constantly going on about players" and Pac gets "needs an ankle bracelet".

No disrespect to anyone, but to judge others presumes that we ourselves are 100% correct.

Lay-off Pac.
Since this was directed to me, allow me to comment.

You were the first to mention the Wycheck thing and I hear a lot of things. But so be it. Rumors happen. But even if it is (whatever it is) is true, is it newsworthy?

My comment on Pacman and the ankle bracelet was a joke. If you go back and read more about my feelings towards Pacman, you'll see a trend. I don't think he is a bad person but immature.
I would say pac mans main problem is looking lost on the field. I can not remember how many time he was out of position before the play started and then complains about it. Hopefully this year he will come in with a little less ego and a little more experience and be that cover back we all want him to be.
TitanJeff said:
Since this was directed to me, allow me to comment.

You were the first to mention the Wycheck thing and I hear a lot of things. But so be it. Rumors happen. But even if it is (whatever it is) is true, is it newsworthy?

My comment on Pacman and the ankle bracelet was a joke. If you go back and read more about my feelings towards Pacman, you'll see a trend. I don't think he is a bad person but immature.

Honestly TJ, there is hardly anyone on the board who treats issues and individuals with more respect. I know this. I know your sentiment towards Pac is as you mention above.

Personally, I'm compelled to defend him for several reasons.

1. Hardly anybody else does.
2. His immaturity provokes a lot of hate toward him.
3. People often get irrational attacking him.
4. I really believe he is going to have phenomenal production in the NFL and I want it to be in two-tone blue.
5. I respect his independance and intensity.

Anyway, absolutely no disrespect to you TJ.
Pacman suffers from SMS (short man syndrome) and delusional paranoia.
He also has a low Common Sense IQ as well as chronic Blameititis. He's also a schitzophrenic as well as an insomniac.

But he could be worse...
I don't see myself as a Pacman apologist. I'm not defending what he's done. I'm saying he hasn't really done anything, at least not anything illegal. He's immature, but that's no reason to go nuts.

Maybe it's just my sense of celebrities. I don't really give a crap what actors or musicians or athletes do in their off time for the most part. Someone's autograph is generally meaningless to me unless it's on a check made out to me...

I like to hear good things about our players and I don't like hearing the bad stuff. But they aren't role models, they are entertainers.
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