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Don't blame the pass rush...

We had 41 sacks in 2005 which tied us for 8th. Three of the teams we were tied with were the ravens, giants and bears. Yes the bears the top defense in the league. In 2005 we had 3 more sacks than the 2003 team that went 12-4.

Rushing the passer was not the problem.
think playing 10 yards off the Wide outs on 3rd and 3 was a bit of the problem.

Schwartz is the problem, and has been since the day Fisher went to get a cup of coffee and came back with a DC.
I know this is totally off topic but what is going on in Las Vegas that has to do w/ the NFL right now. Specifically the Atlanta Falcons.

NM I figured out what I was looking for.

If you care (I thought it was funny anyways):

Wayne Gandy over the weekend hit on my co-workers daughter in Vegas. To the point he and his group VIPed her and her group into a club got her number and even called her later in the night. Sorry Gandy no play for you.
Brian said:


An easier way to see how good your pass D is to plug in the stats into the QB rating system...

TD's, INTS, yards (- lost yardage from sacks), completion %, attempts, completions, ect.

This will take out the bias factors (total passing yards being high or low). You can compare that rating to the real QB ratings and see how your D did.

I don't think I need to tell anyone that the avg QB rating against us for the season would put you into the Pro Bowl! That means our pass D was BAD!!!

While some players may have been good or excellent, this takes into consideration the pass D as a whole.

Anyone want to make a prediction on where the Titans defense will end up if we have no major injuries on d?

Good point gut but where is the follow up?

What was the QB rating against our defense? Don't tell me you were too lazy to obtain it. The stats are readily available and several web-sites will do the rating for you. You do make an exellent point.

3216 yards
Yards per pass attempt

98.5 passing rating.

Looks like we played against joe montana 16 times.
RollTide said:
Looks like we played against joe montana 16 times.
And you had Anthony Wright and his 74.2 and Carr's 74.8 in our first game against the Cows to keep that rating under the century mark.
I wasn't too lazy, posted these numbers in another post so I don't like to repeat myself all over the board. Plus, it was readily available...and I left you the opening for a nice post. You might have mentioned that a 98.5 passer rating would be 4th best in the NFL among QB's....better than Tom Brady for instance.

Yes, it was THAT bad!!!

Actually, your Montana line is probably pretty accurate! I find that disturbing!!!

Guys guys guys...

What do you expect when the titans defense had to face so many super star QBs?

Anthony wright

Josh mcclown

Trent dilfer

gus frerotte

David carr X2

Kerry collins

Ken dorsey

That's murderers row for any pass defense! Like a pitcher going up against the 27 yankees!

We did a good job against peyton manning though. We kept his passing rating down to just 146 against us.:eek:
I just hope they are right in redefining the Ss and OLBs. They picked Lowry over Simpson because they thought he could be one of those SS/FS.

I can see it now, the brilliant stategy backfiring and we are as bad or worse than last year because we tinkered with something that NFL team have used for decades.

This re-definition is the only thing I agree with. It's too easy for teams to force the SS to be on the weakside with motion. For example, out of a split back formation with the TE to the right, simply motioning the TE to the other side makes the strength go to the left (away from the SS). The safeties can't run and cross to be on the 'correct' side so both S's need to know both positions even thought the SS position will still be more of a run defender than the FS since most teams are right handed (run predominantly to the right since their best pass protector isn't always their best run blocker). For this reason, all teams still put the SS to the defensive left (offenses right).

This is the same reason why Bulluck is the ROLB and not the weakside LB. They'd LIKE him to always be the wolb but that is up to the offense - who can make him the strong side LB anytime they want with motion.

I just don't want this to be any kind of excuse for why our defense still is not good!!! We have too much talent to not be a top 10 d IF our DC can coach a lick.

What is fisher's role?

If bill belichick gets all that credit for his fine defense then why isn't jeff fisher getting the blame for why we suck? Fisher sure got some credit for our good defense in 99 and 2000.

We can make all the excuses for injuries and free agent losses but never has this defense outperformed it's talent level and isn't that how we judge coaching? In 2001, 2004 and 2005 there were enough injuries and or free agent losses for us to expect a sub par defense. That is exactly what we got with defenses that finished 25th, 30th and 29th in scoring. When our defense was healthy enough and seemingly talented enough to be very good in 2002 and 2003 we still didn't dominate finishing 11th and 13th respectively.

Nobody can say this has been a well coached defense and while swartz is the main point man and deserves most of the blame jeff fisher needs to be involved as well. Fisher hired this guy, fisher keeps him on. Fisher is there at the meetings he is there when game planning. What is he doing about improving the situation?

This would have been the ideal time to make wholesale changes and as far as i'm concerned they could have replaced all the defensive coahes except for washburn. Our safety coach is chuck cecil; how did he do? Cecil, burke, withers all should have followed our DC out the door after that abomination last year.
RollTide said:
Fisher sure got some credit for our good defense in 99 and 2000. When our defense was healthy enough and seemingly talented enough to be very good in 2002 and 2003 we still didn't dominate finishing 11th and 13th respectively.
Two words: Eddie George

RollTide said:
This would have been the ideal time to make wholesale changes and as far as i'm concerned they could have replaced all the defensive coahes except for washburn. Our safety coach is chuck cecil; how did he do? Cecil, burke, withers all should have followed our DC out the door after that abomination last year.

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