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rcarie said:
Sorry they screwed up Napster so people like you couldn't keep stealing music. As for your "one riff" comment... That's just ignorant. Do you play guitar? For Heavy Metal, he was pretty good in the 80's. I'm sure you were a Poison fan, or Warrant.... Yippy!

Napster could have made billions for everyone involved, but the Metallitwits went trying to act all uppity and lost much of their fan base. Then the illegal downloading really went through the roof! You can't put a genie back in a bottle, and the stupidest thing they could have ever done was to take it to court after being showed a new business model.
Now then...who are the largest music retailers today?
And yes, I play guitar, and Kirk Hammett is still a one-trick pony. Tuddla-tuddla-tuddla-waaah!
avvie said:
And yes, I play guitar, and Kirk Hammett is still a one-trick pony.

You know me, I dig on my share of one-trick ponies - but Hammet is just a boring player... Those pointless "tricks" veiled in wah grow tiresome very quickly..
avvie said:

Now then...who are the largest music retailers today?

I really don't know for sure but I would guess ITunes...

And yes, I play guitar, and Kirk Hammett is still a one-trick pony. Tuddla-tuddla-tuddla-waaah!

Apparently your better.. Doubt it though. As I've said in my previous post.. I'm really no longer a Metallica fan nor have I been for several years. All I said was that the final list of bands is a joke and it is. Metallica is one of the greatest heavy metal bands of all time... You don't have to like em to know that. I still don't know who the Cramps are so I googled them and now I can see why I (or anyone I know) would not know who they are and judging by the huge bar tour they're on, I'm not alone in not caring who they are...

I had many of the same thoughts as you especially when the beatles were one of the first bands voted off. But looking back this is a thread that can be whatever the participants make of it and what the thread starter made of it. We all had the opportunity to add a group and we all had the opportunity to vote for or against whom we wished. I participated for a while and moved on. I think many of the remaining bands do suck but so what..

I did give the cramps a listen and watch on youtube and was unimpressed to say the least. A bunch of people with poor hygiene playing bad rock, the lead singer giving head to a microphone. Literally! WTF? But who am i to tell others what to listen to right? I'm a jazz fan anyway..

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Hey puck..

What made you dislike the cramps video? Was it the the repetitive lyrics or the monica lewinsky with the mic?

Tear this damn place up wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Very true.. I learned a long time ago that I never liked a lot of the same kinds of music as others and it's impossible to convince them to like mine. Specially when you try to compare who's better than who.
rcarie said:
Apparently your better.. Doubt it though.

Nope, I'm not. I don't play lead, so I get someone else to do that when needed. But I don't have to actually play guitar to know when someone is a hack at it. I'm not an artist either, but I still think that Jackson Pollock sucks. I don't know anything about vegetable farming, but I'm convinced that broccoli is better than brussel sprouts. I'm not an automobile manufacturer, but I think the Camaro is a piece of crap. Etc.
avvie said:
Nope, I'm not. I don't play lead, so I get someone else to do that when needed. But I don't have to actually play guitar to know when someone is a hack at it.

You do if you want anyone to listen to you.... You obviously know nothing about it.

I don't know anything about vegetable farming, but I'm convinced that broccoli is better than brussel sprouts.
I can tell you don't know anything about Vegetable farming cause you liking broccoli has nothing to do with farming... That doesn't even make sense.

I'm not an automobile manufacturer, but I think the Camaro is a piece of crap. Etc.

Again, makes no sense.

Playing guitar is completely different than all of your examples. Of course you woudn't know that. Sure, you can have an opinion.. We all do, but if you don't know what your talking about (by having experience) why would anyone listen?

Does ESPN hire people who have never played football to talk about football?? Nope.... Wonder why? You don't have to be a football player to tell when a team stinks...
rcarie said:
Playing guitar is completely different than all of your examples. Of course you woudn't know that. Sure, you can have an opinion.. We all do, but if you don't know what your talking about (by having experience) why would anyone listen?

Well I do play lead guitar and I agree with Avv. Your ears tell you if something is musical - and we all have them...
Creeping-Cruds said:
Well I do play lead guitar and I agree with Avv. Your ears tell you if something is musical - and we all have them...

Apparently you haven't been out and listened to the bands I've heard... If you did you would know better than that. I've seen way to many people who think they are great and are horrible. It happens all the time specially here in Nashville.
rcarie said:
Apparently you haven't been out and listened to the bands I've heard... If you did you would know better than that. I've seen way to many people who think they are great and are horrible. It happens all the time specially here in Nashville.

By all means indulge us.. What bands?
Who thinks they're great but is actually horrible?
I haven't spent my entire music career here in Nashville, but I mostly know everyone in the local rock circles...
Creeping-Cruds said:
By all means indulge us.. What bands?
Who thinks they're great but is actually horrible?
I haven't spent my entire music career here in Nashville, but I mostly know everyone in the local rock circles...

For Starters I've hardly heard a rock band in town worth a squirt... But to be totally honest, I seldom go to rock venues here. The ones that I did see were playing "wanna be" thrash rock for teenie boppers...All bar chords, all the time. No leads. Kind of like a lot of newer rock.

Secondly, this is Nashville and there are live bands around every corner... It was really a broad statement more so than anything... I see several musicians that are very very good. I also see several that are very very bad. As to what all of their names are, no idea.

As I said before, I don't follow Metallica anymore or any band like it. If you want to talk about good guitar players we can... To say a guy is "no good"
or a "hack" when your talking about Kirk Hammett is a little silly. Granted, of course there are much better guitar players out there... But he was decent back in the day. He came up with good melodies and rythmic patterns that were very solid. You can't argue with the success. Well, you can but you'd be wrong and that's not opinion, that's fact.
You can most certainly argue with success. Some of the most successful musicians in the world have next to no talent. Who is more popular? Kylie Minogue or Leo Kottke? Who is more talented?
rcarie said:
For Starters I've hardly heard a rock band in town worth a squirt... But to be totally honest, I seldom go to rock venues here. The ones that I did see were playing "wanna be" thrash rock for teenie boppers...All bar chords, all the time. No leads. Kind of like a lot of newer rock.

So in other words, you don't really know if there is any good music here or not, right? Man in your prior post I'd have assumed you were the authority - always looking for a good local music discussion.

rcarie said:
I see several musicians that are very very good. I also see several that are very very bad. As to what all of their names are, no idea.

Ok then...

rcarie said:
As I said before, I don't follow Metallica anymore or any band like it. If you want to talk about good guitar players we can... To say a guy is "no good"
or a "hack" when your talking about Kirk Hammett is a little silly. Granted, of course there are much better guitar players out there... But he was decent back in the day. He came up with good melodies and rythmic patterns that were very solid. You can't argue with the success. Well, you can but you'd be wrong and that's not opinion, that's fact.

You know, the most boring discussion in the world is debating whether Kirk Hammet is technically proficient at what he does. I concede that he can play the notes that are on the page. Now how exciting is that?
That said, his playing - to my ears - sucks, and that is an opinion and that's what matters most to me!
Broken Record said:
You can most certainly argue with success. Some of the most successful musicians in the world have next to no talent. Who is more popular? Kylie Minogue or Leo Kottke? Who is more talented?

Success is important - to the artist, that is. Otherwise who cares?
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