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:brow: I have a sneakin suspicion that we'll see him play even on opening day. Maybe line him up in the back field or wide out, you know, force the defence to account for him. Then turn it into a trick play. I can't wait to see it play out.
I doubt all of it is guaranteed, actually technically speaking the signing bonus is the only thing guaranteed, thats why many say that the NFL's way of contracts is the best.......
Actually that's why many view the NFL system of contracts as meaningless, because the team can cut the player without consequence. The team has a huge out any time they want it.
3801, isn't that a good thing? Football is a dangerous sport and the exposure to injury is unparreled in American sports... as huge as the NFL is in terms of revenue I think in cases such as these the interests of the team should come first NFLPA be damned.
Either way, Gunny's comment about doing something similar to the NBA makes perfect sense. The players wouldn't neccesarily get alot less money (although they should get less IMO) but the slotting would be already in place and the contracts could be automatic. There would be no rookie holdouts. Why not?
In that kind of scenario they could include a % of the contract upfront. You would think the vets in the PA would be all for it because it could free up more money for guys who have been in the league and proven themselves. You can't blame a guy like McNair for scratching his head a little when VY can come in and make the same money before he has proven anything.
I totally agree with the slotting, and definitely think the money should come down a large amount, even though I think there's no chance in heck it ever will.

BP, I agree, the team really needs to be able to cut players, I just mean that that particular aspect of the contract makes it not much of a contract. Contracts are all about security, and that's not really what NFL deals are like.
Why even sign a contract, seriously. All you are doing is tying your hands for no good reason than getting some upfront money and protection if you get hurt. You could probably earn a whole lot more without a contract. The contracts are pretend money. It's a joke. And what player who restructures ever gets the money the end. Almost nobody. It's pretty much a joke. The NFL union probably allows this for some important purpose, but it's still a crock. The NFL should find a better way to protect its players and not hurt the team. Some kind of 401K deal where if the player is cut a certain part of his salary has been invested for future returns to all cut players.
GoTitans3801 said:
Actually that's why many view the NFL system of contracts as meaningless, because the team can cut the player without consequence. The team has a huge out any time they want it.

but the system is more favorable torwards the team not the player, thats why its good, if you don't perform like you are supposed to then you will get cut- that said I wish we had a soft cap, that teams could be more loyal to veteran players, or like someone mentioned adopt the ability to place a Larry Bird Exception- that way teams can go over the cap to sign good veteran players that have been the team for most of their careers- with this rule we could have kept Javon Kearse and whatnot,
I agree with all the comments about how the contacts should be but it's not going to happen in our lifetime both sides are making to much money. At this point give VY a fair deal and neither side let a couple or three million keep them from getting this done. It's in the best interest of both sides to have him in camp on time anything less is not acceptable.
Soxcat said:
Either way, Gunny's comment about doing something similar to the NBA makes perfect sense. The players wouldn't neccesarily get alot less money (although they should get less IMO) but the slotting would be already in place and the contracts could be automatic. There would be no rookie holdouts. Why not?
In that kind of scenario they could include a % of the contract upfront. You would think the vets in the PA would be all for it because it could free up more money for guys who have been in the league and proven themselves. You can't blame a guy like McNair for scratching his head a little when VY can come in and make the same money before he has proven anything.

I see where you guys are coming from, but those players need more than 800k to play football, there are more risks in football than in basketball. What I think they could do is just make the first year of the contract not much, say if someone wanted $48 million for 6 years, just have in the first year they would only be scheduled to make $2 million and in the other years the total is made up, and most teams do something like this to a degree. But I like the NFL system, where only the signing bonus is guaranteed. A lot of you want to go to the NBA system, but all their contracts are guaranteed. Thats why you have problems with players contracts like Allan Houston, Brian Grant, Tim Thomas, Penny Hardaway, and others. In the NFL you put your team in serious jeapordy if you have guaranteed contracts. That would be real cap hell.
PhiSlammaJamma said:
Why even sign a contract, seriously. All you are doing is tying your hands for no good reason than getting some upfront money and protection if you get hurt. You could probably earn a whole lot more without a contract. The contracts are pretend money. It's a joke. And what player who restructures ever gets the money the end. Almost nobody. It's pretty much a joke. The NFL union probably allows this for some important purpose, but it's still a crock. The NFL should find a better way to protect its players and not hurt the team. Some kind of 401K deal where if the player is cut a certain part of his salary has been invested for future returns to all cut players.

Glad you're listening. You've clearly got a firm grasp on what I'm trying to say.
titansfan9 said:
I see where you guys are coming from, but those players need more than 800k to play football, there are more risks in football than in basketball. What I think they could do is just make the first year of the contract not much, say if someone wanted $48 million for 6 years, just have in the first year they would only be scheduled to make $2 million and in the other years the total is made up, and most teams do something like this to a degree. But I like the NFL system, where only the signing bonus is guaranteed. A lot of you want to go to the NBA system, but all their contracts are guaranteed. Thats why you have problems with players contracts like Allan Houston, Brian Grant, Tim Thomas, Penny Hardaway, and others. In the NFL you put your team in serious jeapordy if you have guaranteed contracts. That would be real cap hell.

First of all if the NFL went to a similar system as the NBA they would have their own chart with agreed on salary figures. Also remember that late round picks and FAs are getting paid $350,000 now. Also we are talking only about rookies. Even if the salaries were still in line with what rookies are getting now the slotted chart system would make the whole rookie signing period obsolete and they would be under contract from the start when they started OTAs. There would never be holdouts.
How the salaries are structured is something they could work out but the bottom line is we need to pay a slotted amount, which they essentially do anyway and get these guys into camp.
^^^ okay, so where would the chart start- it will have to base the salaries off of this year- so even so teams are still in the same situations, they just don't have to negoitate, and in the NBA one position is not overly important then the other- it depends on the player, in the NFL a QB has to be paid more because he asked of more.......
You Know i'd like to here Vince propose something.I think Reese should sit Young down, and Vince is smart, explain the cap situation, and then ask him what a reasonable amount of money he'd like to make. (Without telling the agent anyting) If it's less than 50 million, we go to the agent, propose the contract regardless of what the others are making. If the agent doesn't like it, fire him and get one that does. Of course this is probably easier said than done.
To VY credit...he has said that HE"S the boss, not his agent ( now ain't that cool) He'll get something close to the 50 Million deal. That's a price that's already been set by other teams for a player in his position.

He'll be in camp on time . I like his attitude.
PhiSlammaJamma said:
Why even sign a contract, seriously. All you are doing is tying your hands for no good reason than getting some upfront money and protection if you get hurt.

In the NBA Jordan essentailly went to 1 year "contracts" giving him the option to do whatever he wants each year. Roger Clemens is trying this also.

Otherwise the contract is all about the signing bonus.
$50 million!? Hmmm. Let me check my purse for my ski mask and leather gloves. Hey, BiPolar? Gunny? You riding shotgun? Let's go thugging and jack this fool for his cheese......Here's the plan. I look all cute and sweet at Visions. Get him to come back to the Telly with me where you and Gunny are hiding in the closet.....we'll tighten up the plan when we meet up.
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