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aight y'all. Preseason will be here before we know it. We HAVE to get a group together this year to get pumped up prior to home games. I believe there are at least 3 of us I can already count on and several others who are chomping at the bit for details.

Let's get this worked out. First few outings we should get familiar with our surroundings and our partners, work out food and drink requirements, etc. and test out a little bit of pre game smack to folks walking through wearing the wrong colors.

Questions to answer...

1. Who is in?

2. Here's a good place to meet...

3. I'll see you there 120/90/60 minutes prior to KO

Let's get this settled prior to the NO playoff game. We should be ready for a dry run by that day at the LATEST.
1. lol - as usual it is possible, depends. Of no use I know.
2. someone with a colesium parking pass maybe???
3. depends on what the game plan is. I mean if grilling was proposed would that be pre of post game? Post game is more pratical from a eating perspective, plus it is something to do while traffic thins out, but pre game is where most of the energy is. But if a beer or two with friends is the plan then post game is out, at least for me.

There thats my useless opinions.

FWIW I sit in 320 so I scramble for $5 parking by the GEC and walk in front of the symphony across the walking bridge to the colesium so meeting someone in the colesium parking lot would be easy for me, but lugging a bunch of crap would be more difficult.
I park by Channel 5. I do good to get myself there much less dragging something along with me. I can gladly chip in for a beer or two and pay up the 2nd Tuesday of next week
TitanJeff said:
We talk about it every season and I am certainly open to it.

I have never been able to coordinate it before because I have kids and the babysitter money was too much to get out to tailgate. In a year or two, that should change.

I'd love to make this happen sometime. I know Titanium and LaserJock are out there early. :brow:

GoTitans3801 said:
Seriously, I'm coming to the first preseason game against the Saints with 3 of my buddies who happen to be in town, we need a tailgating plan! Can we go join the party by the big blue bus?

ok, these are the Flamehead guys... I don't know if Flamehead2, our goTitans member is pictured here but I'm sure you have seen these dudes at the stadium or whatever.
Brad, They are the guys with the bus and the main draw back is that they park it on 1st Ave on the other side of the river from the stadium. I don't want tp crash their party really either... I mean, we are just dudes drinking beer... they are wearing costumes... It's not like we went to high school with them... I favor the South end of the Coliseum for typical gamedays... but for these Presason games I'm down with pretty much whatever... for the New Orleans game it would be cool to go find the bus. Be sure to look at this website.


ok.. I'm not a big pregame eater.. I have to eat just the certain amount of food on the way to Nashville... I mostly fill up on Hardees biscuits and maybe when I stop for gas and ice I'll get some kind of snack (carb) like Combos or crackerjack ... I'll drink sportsdrink like powerade with it... 2 bottles usually.. point is, I am not into grilling and lugging coolers and doing all that.. rather... I carry roughly a twelve pack cans of Budlight/MichLight in a couple of triple bagged iced down grocery sacks... I just want to find the rally point.

That needs to be established.

I once met up with Chris in the vicinity of gate 7 on that grassy hump where the charity drop sign is. I was going to do it another time but I was running late but I was there 20 minutes before kickoff. I was suppossed to be there more like 45 minutes or an hour but...

There is another thread in the forum I threw out some tailgatin' talk but I'm not really sure that it was taken really seriously...


GoTitans3801 said:
I'd be more involved in organization, but I won't be at all the games because of my school schedule and commute from Knoxville. I'll still be here for the Saints game, and have some friends coming in for it, and I'll be back for the Jets game, the Cowboys game, and the Ravens game at the minimum, and I'm totally up for being there when I come in.

SEC, see you near gate 7, I'll bring some beers too.

Gunny, don't think we can afford to spring for that at the moment, but we'll pour one out for our missing homie, and shout at Reynaldo for you. I've got two tickets right by the tunnel, so he might actually hear me.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
I'm all about spearheading something... I'm thinking the preseason game vs. the Saints ought to be a nice place to start. It would be really simple... Now, my favorite place to hang is near my gate, which is Gate 7, which is located on left hand side of the south end, that is if you are facing LP feild and the Shelby Street Pedestrian Bridge is behind you. There are several posters that I would like to see turn out. I know for a fact Hoffa, GoT, BrokenRecord, GT3801, Ewker... these guys would be down... I've kicked the idea around in PM's in the past few months... It would be really cool. There is no telling how many others would show... I'd like Puck to show up. That would be neat... Skitch, who I have met sits in my section... I know I'd drag a case of beer down there... any thoughts anyone?

I think we need to ring in the Vince Young era in style.

one more thought where I stand.. if this were a "picnic" tailgate I could come much earlier because of the evening kickoff...

On Sundays... when the game begins at 12 cst... I will arrive 1-2hrs before the game... mostly all I'm interested in is slamming beer and it would be much more fun to do that with company. GoT is a season ticket holder as I am and his gate is near my gate... I always park at Middleton Street and 2nd Av. ... then I cross Shelby Ped. Bridge (the same more or less)... I like to stand near the gate so I can hear the player introductions and watch the scoreboard video screen. My gate is seven and I typically sit beneath that Charity drop sign I mention previously.
I'm in section 318 and I usually park across the river also, so unless we luck up on someone who has a parking pass, I think we should be thinking about getting a little pre game buzz together and lauging at opposing fans if any dare to get close enough. Food and all that is probably too much to tackle unless you count the skittles in my pocket.

I usually come with 3 or 4 shots of whiskey in airplane bottles, but beer is easy enough to sack up with ice without bringing anything that has to go inside the gate. I haven't drank much beer outside the stadium. I assume plastic cups are a must? Is that what you usually do Jay?
Ewker said:
I park by Channel 5. I do good to get myself there much less dragging something along with me. I can gladly chip in for a beer or two and pay up the 2nd Tuesday of next week
Just bring a cold six pack with you on the way to the stadium...
Put a sixpack in a double or triple bagged grocery sack iced down.. stick it in one of those soft insulated luch boxes or playmate and when you park, leave your cooler type container in your car or truck and walk with the grocery sack. Works great.
Broken Record said:
I assume plastic cups are a must? Is that what you usually do Jay?
no. I ice down a 12 pack cans in kroger sacks.. It's kinda drippy but it works great. Since You, Chris, Ewker and myself all park on the opposite side of the river and we all cross on the ped. bridge... then perhaps we should meet up in front of Joes Crabshack since that is at the bridge? just and idea... I know Trey wants to do the bus thing.. but I really don't care where we go just so long as we can decide on a rendevous point. A good rendevous point is underneath the bridge just across the street from the crabshack...

also we can exchange cell phone numbers ... that could help out alot.

:drunk:about booze... I sometimes carry a flask in and drink it with a coke during the game... sip and chase. I'm primarily a beer drinker.

Puck, you should come to the first preseason game... if you are ticktless that should not be a problem. There are tons of tickets starting at $5.

edit: tickets can be bought for as low as $5.
Have you ever been around a preseason game? Tickets are everywhere. Everytime you turn around there is a ticket buying oppty around. Once the thing starts, forget it. They are all over the place. People who don't go send their extras. I've seen them go for as little as nothing. This is a very special preseason game though. Still, I just can't imagine capacity. If you arive w/o a ticket you will pay $20 max. I can't imagine much more than that. Even after kickoff there will still be those who are still trying to cash in.
Yeah, if I lived in Louisiana, I'd look for any excuse to travel as well :ha: Actually, since the hurricane, that's not near as funny. I apologize. No, I won't apologize, I'll just admit that comment lacked taste.

I'm really lazy and I'm not sure I'm hip to walking up to 1st unless I come prepared with plenty of booze (which I might). I could be swayed.

I'd probably prefer to do a practice run somewhere on the south side. I like the idea of meeting at the foot of the pedestrian bridge near Joe's crab shack. I usually park right over next to there anyway.

I'm probably gonna come over earlier than usual for this game since it is a night time kickoff. I plan on being downtown around 5pm central.

Who's in? :))

I've got a great master plan that incorporates all elements. I always park downtown side of the river on middleton. It's a downhill jaunt to the crab shack


we shall refer to the crab shack as rally point alpha.

I plan on arriving in town a few hours early and I offered to take a friend of mine. He came with me to the Raider game last year. I plan on getting in about 4 but I don't imagine much earlier.

Ok. Kick off is 7:eek:o cst so maybe a 5:eek:o meetup time at rally point alpha near shelby bridge. (Joe's) The thread above is a party site at a nearby church north of the river. That is rally point bravo. It would be cool to find some people and head over that way. I do like to get wasted by that spot in front of my gate. That is rally point charlie.

dude, sometimes I do feel like I can find a picture of anything.
check this out. The tree in the right foreground is more or less my spot and it's a gravy spot to chug beer while I watch the screen.

For some reason I feel like I really need to slam beers and peer into the Coliseum. I just gotta do that.
how about we meet some where in the middle. I park by Channel 5/James Robertson Parkway which is the opposite direction from where you park.
I'm easy. I'll meet wherever. Here's just a thought, since this is a night game, would it be easier or better to meet at a bar downtown or will the bars be too crowded to enjoy?

Maybe I'll meet Brad at Joes and we will walk up the hill toward Bank Street?
I'm cool with whatever. Where shall we meet up Ewker?

I'm really not too interested in bar drinking. I plan on carrying ice cold beer with me so I can't really take that into a bar anyhow. I'm still at work at the moment but I'd like to discuss this further later on.

I'm still waiting to hear from Trey, Chris, Sean and Hoffa.
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