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I can't believe you even started a thread like this. I had more respect for you than this. I don't post everyday but I read all the posts everyday and thought a bit better of you SEC than to start something like this. Yes, it's time for him to move on but there's no sense in making into something uglier than the Titans FO already has. He's done alot for this team over the years and I respect him for that. No, hes not worth what he's supposed to be paid this year, either here or somewhere else, but if he can get it somewhere else all the more to him. There is no loyalty anymore in the NFL either from players towards the team or visa versa. A contract in the NFL isn't worth the paper it is written on anymore but there is no reason to hold it against the players if they can get more somewere else.
Wow, I'm pretty disapointed with this thread too. I think that neither McNair nor the Titans are completely right in this situation, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop supporting either party. Another point is that McNair still gives us the best chance of winning next season. Call me what you will, but I'm still hoping that it all gets worked out and McNair is with us next year.
Titanville said:
I can't believe you even started a thread like this. I had more respect for you than this. I don't post everyday but I read all the posts everyday and thought a bit better of you SEC than to start something like this. Yes, it's time for him to move on but there's no sense in making into something uglier than the Titans FO already has. He's done alot for this team over the years and I respect him for that. No, hes not worth what he's supposed to be paid this year, either here or somewhere else, but if he can get it somewhere else all the more to him. There is no loyalty anymore in the NFL either from players towards the team or visa versa. A contract in the NFL isn't worth the paper it is written on anymore but there is no reason to hold it against the players if they can get more somewere else.
One way or another we all have to deal with is coming to pass. I'll be angry and bitter and have a fit of homer rage. As I posted this picture in Smack Central... talk grew out of it. I'm just saying I won't be buying a new McNair jersey. It's all a foul deal all the way around. Homer doesn't like it. Homer mad. I think this was all in Bus Cook's master plan.:evil:

Reese is no saint. It's ugly and it smells.
like somethings rotten in Denmark.

Who can kiss your butt? Bud Adams? Swartz?:ha:

Why do we have to go through a dang NFLPA hearing?:sad2:

kiss my butt steve.

Why do we have to go through a dang NFLPA hearing?:sad2:
Yes, this was started in smack central. But there's no smack in it and it's a McNair thread.

I moved it here to get some attention to the fact that people are making McNair out to be the villian and he doesn't deserve it.
I want McNair to leave, but not because I don't like him. I hope he makes a ton of money and he has a lot of success; I just think it's time to part ways. Like I said in another thread, I boo teams, not players.
TitanJeff said:
This may be the most pathetic thread I've seen in this forum.

How can anyone blame McNair for wanting to start another few seasons? How can anyone blame McNair for a cap number he didn't create?
How can anyone be happy that McNair will not be a Titan?
How can someone not cope?
Torn is hope and I know his "agent" has the fix on this.

Oh...that's his agent.

Somehow, something could get done that would turn into a huge long term deal as a back up. A deal that would have both Vince and Steve in competion for the starting job. You know McNair would need spot backup over one or two years... if there was enough time written into the contract, Steve and Reese both could win. Steve would just have to accept that if he's hurt bad he might lose out on his starts until he wins the job if it goes that way. He could start solid for the entire season and start some more and we have Vince on the bench. Steve has just got to be okay with being there while we make a push with Young. Future years long after the Ratbirds would have though with him.

This is what I want to happen. That's almost a guarentee on 2 years of future starts plus he gets to draw a paycheck and dresses for every Titans game for the next six years.

I hear Boller has got that competitive spirit.
Toly said:
And how's this relevant? Is anyone here getting paid millions to do a job?

IF you don't understand this simple logic/principle, why are you even chiming in on this situation? No wonder you can 't understand this is more than greed or being a selfish jerk.

Just for you. If you work at Burger King and they want you to take a paycut and next summer they are going to fire you! Would you stay around or look for another job?

Also, if McDonalds is willing to give you a raise and guarantee you can work the cash register in 2 years. Would you stay at Burger King?

At the end of the day, even though you can multiply their salaries 1000 times ours, this is a common issue between employers and employees.
moose4now said:
I think you missed the point. :rolleyes:

It's got nothing to do with the dollars involved. It's all about the principle of the thing.
No. The "principle" changes when you are talking about a job that normally lasts for 10 years or less and pays an 8 figure+ salary every year compared to a real world, evryday, average job that hopefully lasts 20= years and pays an 5 figure salary every year like most people have. I have seen comparisons like that is impossible to compare the two.

Again......he had many, many offers for endorsements to make more money over the years and chose not to. Good for him. I don't think it ALL about the money. He wants to play more....start longer....welcome to the world of Eddie George.

Not that I agree completely with this thread, but if he truly wants to stay and retire a Titan.....he can. That is his call.
If he really wants to go to th RAVENS (barf)......thanks for the memories, don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.
skitch said:
Not that I agree completely with this thread, but if he truly wants to stay and retire a Titan.....he can. That is his call.
I think he could play as long as he is healthy.
skitch said:
If he really wants to go to th RAVENS (barf)......thanks for the memories, don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.
skitch said:
Not that I agree completely with this thread, but if he truly wants to stay and retire a Titan.....he can. That is his call.
If he really wants to go to th RAVENS (barf)......thanks for the memories, don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.
He wants to play football, and not just for 1 year. The Titans have made it clear that he won't be around longterm.

So I don't blame Steve if he looks elsewhere (granted, him wearing a Ravens uni will make my stomach turn). But again, he hasn't ever said anything about refusing to play here under his current contract. It has only been the Titans who refuse to let that happen.
honestly, i know this situation will keep going on for some time, but i just wish it would hurry up and resolve itself so we can all just move on with our lives, whether it be with steve as our QB or not.
Starkiller said:
He wants to play football, and not just for 1 year. The Titans have made it clear that he won't be around longterm.
Do you see any way a scenario plays that extends his contract long term if the pay demands were most modest. Call it the Super Bowl run package deal, like the one I am trying to describe. Nashville can bring him untold millions. What's the deal with that?

Tell me why the Titans have made it clear. Why don't they want anything longterm? Is because it will take too much money to deal Steve? Screw Baltimore. Steve should look at the Baltimore uniform as the uniform that took his Super Bowl away. Ironic that Baltimore after all these years is still without a qb and now they think Steve is their godsend. Steve should get some money working for him, maybe get his picture taken for a cereal box...

There are ways to get where Stevie goes.:crazy:
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Do you see any way a scenario plays that extends his contract long term if the pay demands were most modest.
No, because the Titans won't keep him around as a starter past this year and he knows it.

Tell me why the Titans have made it clear. Why don't they want anything longterm?
Check your avatar and signature for the answer. Two words: Vince Young. He's the QB by next year at the latest. The Titans are not going to stay tied to McNair fincially past 2006.

I don't want
Steve to go!

Give me
Steve McNair!!!

Daddy... the Ratbirds are taking

Give me Steve! NOW!

(somewhere in west Nashville Pacman begins to hum...):winker:
I want what's best for the team - it's just a downer this can't all be sorted out so much better..
This is the QB that got our franchise back on its feet - with help from Eddie, et al - and you get all this at end.. one side saying one thing, a lockout, fans saying kiss my butt !
Is this sort of thing going to happen all the time now? A messy end every time a franchise player gets to the last year of their contract?
Surely soon, players won't renegotiate early - and backload future pay - for the good of the team, if that team is then going to forget that down the line, and want to squeeze every thing they can out of him..
I don't want McNair to go sooner than he has to, I definitely don't want him to go to the Ravens..but jeez I wish it could be handled better
I have got to get mad at someone here!

SteveH said:
I want what's best for the team - it's just a downer this can't all be sorted out so much better..
This is the QB that got our franchise back on its feet - with help from Eddie, et al - and you get all this at end.. one side saying one thing, a lockout, fans saying kiss my butt !
Is this sort of thing going to happen all the time now? A messy end every time a franchise player gets to the last year of their contract?
Surely soon, players won't renegotiate early - and backload future pay - for the good of the team, if that team is then going to forget that down the line, and want to squeeze every thing they can out of him..
I don't want McNair to go sooner than he has to, I definitely don't want him to go to the Ravens..but jeez I wish it could be handled better
Well it makes me mad as hell and if Steve wants to go put on a Ratbird uni, to heck with him. Let him go be more sloppy seconds kicked down Baltimores' way. Don't want to speak ill of Bud, don't want shread Fisher or Reese. Can I blame the Ratbirds for needing a qb? Can I blame Steve. Yes. Can I blame Bus. Yes. Can I blame Reese? You bet I can. I'm mad. :hot:

The difference is Reese, Fisher, and yes, Bud are all a part of this picture. Seems Steve is not part of the picture. Except when we gameplan for him. So, if I am going to carry a chip on the shoulder at the idea of mentor being a total hoax for moron kool-aid drinkers... Once this goes through you had better bet your pony owned arses Steve McNair can kiss my butt.

What would it take for any of you to wear a fresh McNair Ravens jersey to a home game? A free jersey? One scotch, one bourbon, and one beer? $50? $100? Could you turn down $250? You have got to wear it the whole game too. Anyone just couldn't? A RAVENS JERSEY AT YOUR HOME GAME!!! MCNAIR ON THE BACK...? Steve McNair can kiss my butt. Say it with me. It's quite liberating really. The more I say it the less mad I am about it.

I'm still mad.
I think Mcnair DOES deserve some of this negativity. By refusing to renegotiate, he is hamstinging the team. He knows there is NO WAY the Titans can be sadled with the $24 million cap number and be competitive this year. Yet he has refused to budge on the issue since the begining of the year. Hence he dosen't really CARE if we win as long as HE plays. The guy's a multi-millionare! This is about him! and there is no I in team.The FO bears some resposibility too. I'm not giving them a pass But the FO is staying with the team so I'll forgive them. Mac is begging to be released to go to the ANTI-TITANS (RATBIRDS) and for that I will boo his *** when he shows up at my house!
Man, back in the 2001 SB, did anyone ever think that we would be booing McNair, Mason, and Rolle at the same time? As I was watching the games of 2002 and 2003 on the NFL Titans' day Friday, it almost brought a tear to my eye. In the early seasons of the Titans, we had seen the greatness of being the "winning team." This was new to me. In 2000, I was 16. I wasn't a football fan at all really... I knew the Oilers had changed to the Titans and stuff like that, but never watched any games. One night, I saw the Music City Miracle play as it came to be called. I watched the massive celebration afterwards and thought "wow, that play was exciting!" I then watched the rest of the playoff games and the SB. Until 2004, I didn't know how much it stunk to be a fan of a "losing team." Over the years, I have learned a lot more about the sport. I play Madden like crazy. I actually watched the draft this year and was hoping they would call Vince's name third (after I watched the Rose Bowl last fall). I know that alot of this sounds like a bunch of bull. However, I am saying all of this to make a point and to hopefully make everyone's eyes hurt :ha: After watching the great games and the bad ones, the fundamental problem with our team over the past 2 years was the defense. 2004 it was the injuries that forced mostly a rookie or otherwise inexperienced players to the front suddenly. Of course, there was the injuries on offense too. 2005 we had a healthy McNair, but still didn't have many wins. Why? Because our defense was still young or inexperienced for the most part. Having McNair back would be great, but having his $23 mil cap hit would not be good for the developement of the team. I would rather use McNair's money for some more experienced players on D... especially in the corner position. McNair is good, the team is good. Both had reasons for doing what they did. McNair's agent, however, has been the devil on Steve's shoulder in my opinion. So if there is anyone that we can collectively be mad at, it's Steve's agent! :grrr:
It is very sad... I too watched the NFL channel all day on friday and it reminded me of just how special Mcnair is/was and how much joy he brought to me with all the wins, comebacks excitment. Don't get me wrong when i say i'll boo him when he plays as a raven... When he comes back in a few years and retires as a Titan I'll stand and give him an ovation. All will be forgiven. But as long as he's a raven I'll Boo his ***!
Starkiller said:
He can't renegotiate. He has a 1 year contract.

And the reason he has a $23M cap hit this year is because he has renegotiated all those years in the past to help the team, which kept pushing cap value forward into the future. Well, the future is now...

you know what i mean, replace renegotiate by restructure.
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