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GoT said:
I understood that they took the 10m he was to earn this season and gave it to him as a signing bonus which would have made all 10m guranteed.
Any reports on the rumored base the Titans may have offered?

With everything else equal, the Ratbirds are willing to pay $2 mil more for him in bonus and he has a better opportunity to play beyond '06 and collect another few mil in base.

What would you do?
Starkiller said:
It's not like it's a real choice if the Titans are going to cut him anyway to avoid paying him the $10M this year
Cough... cough... Floyd said he was willing to ride it out back in February... cough... cough...
It was reported in several media outlets in print as well as tv along with several other DIFFERENT versions of what happened. But the scenario I presented (I got from those news stories) makes the most sense. And Momma always told me the story that makes the most sense is usually the truth.
TitanJeff said:
Cough... cough... Floyd said he was willing to ride it out back in February... cough... cough...

The blood of Steve was spread all over the field.:makefun:
And for leaving us to go to the Ravens.
Go ahead then we can kill two birds with one stone.

(birds-Mac and Mason) (stone-Vince Young baby.:brow: )
Well it's our damn 10 million+plus now to burn to be rid of him. :yell:
I seriously feel he should be made an offer.
I just wish he would want to stay.

That's just a fan's thinking I guess.
flamehead2 said:
It was reported in several media outlets in print as well as tv along with several other DIFFERENT versions of what happened. But the scenario I presented (I got from those news stories) makes the most sense. And Momma always told me the story that makes the most sense is usually the truth.
"Dewey Beats Truman"

The media has confirmed that Underwood didn't tell Cook until after McNair had been told to go home. The scenario you are trying to use to back your argument is a lie.
Sledge said:
look at seattle, they wanted to keep hutch, but eventually they decided it wasn't really worth it at $7 MIL a year, let him go and picked up a stud OLB and a pretty good WR with the money instead.

I'm coming into this thread late, so this may have already been mentioned, but Seattle tried to match the deal Hutchinson got from Minnesota, but it was the deal that went to arbitration because of the "top paid lineman on the team" clause, and with Jones at LT Seattle couldn't match. The arbitrator said it was a legitimate clause despite Seattle matching the money, and Hutchinson had to take Minnesota's offer.
I am in place of Starkiller and i say Zero-0-none.
Espically if he becomes a dirty(rotten)bird.

in remark to SEC's post.
I am Starkiller's replacement and he and i both aprove this message!:lol3:
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:

How many "good years" does Steve McNair have left?
What does that have to do with the argument?

I'm not saying I think we should keep him for $10M. I'm saying that there's no reason to blame any of this situation on McNair. He has a contract and is apparently willing to honor it even though he would prefer a long term deal instead.

As for how many good years he has left, there's no reason to think that he couldn't still play at a high level for a few more years.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:

That just had to be said.
What does that have to do with the argument?
What is the argument? That's Homer freakin' Simpson and he's mad about something that is beyond his control.
You and the others...the others that "know" ... you all said he'd stay... It will be June in a week and a half.

I'm not saying I think we should keep him for $10M.
Why not? Look, I think it is obvious that he will get more starts and more money in Baltimore. I think a long term deal would be great if Steve can go along with being a vet backup... Steve has everything to prove right now. He's a fool to take the money and run. With the right overture Steve could dress as a Titan for 5 years... but no... he's going to take that money and get beat down and broken in Baltimore. Then their fans will spit on him and drag his cold dead body through the streets, down to the wharf, then they will cut him up for crap bait and what's left over they'll use for chum. Mmm... smells like Gumbo.
I'm saying that there's no reason to blame any of this situation:suspect: on McNair. He has a contract and is apparently willing to honor it even though he would prefer a long term deal instead.
His "contract" is hogwash and he knew that when he signed it. 50 million dollar bonus was in there too... We have got to be talking about one of the wackiest contracts in the history of FA.

No reason to blame any of this on Steve?
Did he ever say : Okay Bus. That sounds good Bus. Thanks Bus. Hell no Bus. ??? Are you serious man? What the hell does Bus give him then? Stupid pills? Does Steve put pen to paper at any point? It's all a numbers game... but no, like a angry gambler his going to take his chips and cash out. Steve leaving hurts this team, and this team would be much better for him to be a part of it. Everyone knows that Vince Young is not ready. Well Steve has looked into the eye of that tiger and he knows that he won't make it through one season. Steve knows that Vince would take over for good once Steve started getting with the chronic aches, the pains, can't practice, must sit in tube, too sleepy for film... you know what... maybe it is best that the Ravens are getting Steve at this point... He hasn't been real good for a whole lot. Let's blame his line. Let's blame his running backs, Let's blame his OC and new system? Let's blame Drew Bennet for a bum hand. Hell, let's blame his entire set of targets that make so little that they have to stay behind at the Coliseum and pick up plastic beer cups full of nasty copenhagen spit so they can put gas in their toyotas. While we are at it let's blame the wind in Cleveland...

I say he never makes it to season three with the Rat-turds.
Baltimore has no shot at anything.

He can always beat out Boller. I hope Boller wins the #1 job and McNair backs him up. I think I'm po'ed about this again... Just when I thought I had moved on... Steve McNair is no Saint. Don't hold him blameless. You are way too smart for that Jon.
As for how many good years he has left, there's no reason to think that he couldn't still play at a high level for a few more years.
No reason?
"In the offseason I'm going to take a long look at what I'm going to do," McNair said after the Titans wasted an 18-point lead in a 31-21 loss to the Houston Texans. "I just have to evaluate myself."
"I've taken a beating the last five or six years."
"I need to look at what's best for my health and myself and this ball team."

Please, don't feel compelled to rebuttle any of that.
You told me McNair has three good years left.
That's all I asked for.

Now that I am in the best shape of our life... I'm going to sell out and go for the money you stinkin filthy hillbillies! sorry about those 23 losses in the past 2 years... Don't blame me for any of that either.

I hope we pick him up when Baltimore cuts him in two years.
It's stupid to say that McNair is selling out. The Titans have complete control of the situation. He is at their mercy at this point. He can't sign with anyone he wants. He can't force the Titans to either trade or cut him. He can't currently work out with his current team. And he can't get them to guarantee that they will keep him without taking a below-market-value paycut.

All he wants is to keep playing, and the Titans have already drafted his replacement. If the Titans don't want to keep him longterm, then why shouldn't he prefer a team that does want him longterm? I don't like the fact that it's Baltimore, but they seem to be the only team looking for a QB longterm at this point.

And as for that comment from McNair from 2004, that was immediately after a pretty rough time for him. A lot has changed since then and clearly he isn't in any hurry to retire now.
I don't like the fact that it's Baltimore...
I don't either and that's why Homer is here raising cain.


Do you think I care about being right?
Do you think that was my intent when I posted this thread?
cough,cough, in smack

I posted this thread because I am pissed.

I still think Steve could stay, if he wanted to... he'd have to take a paycut, and I know there is not rational reason to... I just don't like it. Do you make your checks out to the same Tennessee Football, Inc I do? There you go.

When you are paying for the product I think you should have every right to ***** about whatever. Explain to me how a $7.00 Bud Light is fair...

please don't... that was a joke...

Steve McNair, once he is a Raven, can kiss my butt.
Starkiller said:
"Dewey Beats Truman"

The media has confirmed that Underwood didn't tell Cook until after McNair had been told to go home. The scenario you are trying to use to back your argument is a lie.

This post makes absolutely no sense :)
First you post proof the media can't be trusted (dewy beats truman) then you use the media to confirm that Underwood didn't tell Cook until after McNair had been told to go home :)
Which IMO proves what I said is just as reliable as all the other CRAP that's been floated around about this situation.
I'm just one of those kind of people "You're either with us or against us" don't take it personal or anything. To me it's pretty obvious Mac wants out. It's not about money, he's a multi-millionare after all. It's not about playing time either because whether he stays or goes this is his last year as a starter. So what does that leave? IMO EGO. That's all else i see it could be. Mcnair probably calls it pride but pride is really just dilluted Ego
don't take this too seriously folks...


What it is: Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

Why you do it: Well-meaning elementary school teachers told you to "believe in yourself."

Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be broken on the wheel.

Associated symbols & suchlike: Pride is linked with the horse and the color violet.

Violet, huh? :suspect: spooky. :ha:
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