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not 'arresting people' rounding up illegal aliens and repatrioting them.

FWIW all funds would be spent in the USA. Think of it as a stimulas plan that actually creates jobs by removing people who should not have them from the country

Based on that logic we should just kill 1/3 of the population with chemical weapons. Creates jobs for the chemical industry right, good for the environment?

Good one Adolph! And of course there is no cost in finding these people, bashing down doors and arresting them and holding them and transporting them right? And never would these saintly law enforcement people bash down the wrong door or accidentally shoot somebody.

Empowering government is what any libertarian would want to do!
if the ILLEGAL aliens would unalien themselves by returning too whatever hell hole they were spawned from this would not be an issue
I know an illegal immigrant where I used to live. One of the kindest people Ive ever known. Brought over here when he was 6-7 years old. Has worked hard and still works hard. Not on any government assistance.

I would feel that its wrong to deport him and put him back in that country.

On the other hand. I would not be as willing to have an illegal stay who is on government assistance, already has a criminal history, and has lived here for 5 years and has not ever had a job.

And if I were in Mexico, laws be damned, id be trying to sneak over here too.
I know an illegal immigrant where I used to live. One of the kindest people Ive ever known. Brought over here when he was 6-7 years old. Has worked hard and still works hard. Not on any government assistance.

I would feel that its wrong to deport him and put him back in that country.

On the other hand. I would not be as willing to have an illegal stay who is on government assistance, already has a criminal history, and has lived here for 5 years and has not ever had a job.

And if I were in Mexico, laws be damned, id be trying to sneak over here too.

So you are all for the dream act because people with a criminal record don't qualify for that conditional period of 6 years. The guy you knew was exactly the type of person targeted by this law.

Something like 27% of Latinos don't graduate from high school. I'm sure that number is higher among illegals since most come here not speaking English and often they are illiterate in Spanish. Since high school graduation or GED is a requirement we are only talking about maybe 2 million people but morons act as of ANY law like this is automatic amnesty for every illegal, criminal or otherwise.

Illegal=illegal, amnesty=amnesty. Human beings don't matter. That's what America is about?
You notice that in GoT's first post on this thread mentioned criminal illegals? He didn't even bother reading what the law means. Criminals don't qualify!

Criminals also would not have qualified under the guidelines of Kennedy-McCain which was a totally sensible law that allowed the person to admit they committed a crime and in which they pay a significant fine! But that is not enough.
ILLEGAL aliens are all criminal.

Its kinda the point of the ILLEGAL part of illegal alien

and your right paying a fee too jump the LEGAL immigration que illegally is not enough.

Go back to your mud hut and apply and wait in line like everyone else.
He is?

He doesn't speed?

Never drinks and drives?


Download pirated music, movies, software?

Smoked pot?

Use unsecured wifi without owner's permission?

Roll through a stop sign?

Litter? Get paid under the table? Hit on a coworker? Drinking in public? Seatbelt? text while driving? Take a piss in public?

Pretty sure I made my point.
He is?

He doesn't speed?

Never drinks and drives?


Download pirated music, movies, software?

Smoked pot?

Use unsecured wifi without owner's permission?

Roll through a stop sign?

Litter? Get paid under the table? Hit on a coworker? Drinking in public? Seatbelt? text while driving? Take a piss in public?

Pretty sure I made my point.

Equally sure you are a Moron. Your list is interesting however, attempting to compare what, for the most part are simple misdemeanors and or traffic issues, and even some that are perfectly legal with illegal immigration. Plenty of places in the world, such as mexico's southern border, they just throw your ***** in jail for it.
He capitalized ILLEGAL. And that's what he was stressing- ignoring justification.

So I can do the same with all the laws he/we break..

Oh wait. Is that too fair?

I forget- I'm talking to people of the Christian faith. The same people that say "All sins are equal" then bash one sin far more than any other.
He capitalized ILLEGAL. And that's what he was stressing- ignoring justification.

So I can do the same with all the laws he/we break..

Oh wait. Is that too fair?

I forget- I'm talking to people of the Christian faith. The same people that say "All sins are equal" then bash one sin far more than any other.

You really need to study logic and critical thought.
How come nobody gets pissed about the thousands of European, Asian and Canadian illegals living in this country?

It is like elitist white America does not like Mexicans.
How come nobody gets pissed about the thousands of European, Asian and Canadian illegals living in this country?

It is like elitist white America does not like Mexicans.

Are there 80,000 per month making there way from europe each month?

Here are the top ten as of 2010, I see zero european nations on the list.

Top Ten Foreign Countries – Foreign Born Population Among U.S. Immigrants
Country per year 2000 2004 2010 2010, %
Mexico 175,900 7,841,000 8,544,600 9,600,000 23.7%
China 50,900 1,391,000 1,594,600 1,900,000 4.7%
Philippines 47,800 1,222,000 1,413,200 1,700,000 4.2%
India 59,300 1,007,000 1,244,200 1,610,000 4.0%
Vietnam 33,700 863,000 997,800 1,200,000 3.0%
Cuba 14,800 952,000 1,011,200 1,100,000 2.7%
El Salvador 33,500 765,000 899,000 1,100,000 2.7%
Dominican Republic 24,900 692,000 791,600 941,000 2.3%
Canada 24,200 678,000 774,800 920,000 2.3%
Korea 17,900 701,000 772,600 880,000 2.2%
Total Pop. Top 10 498,900 16,112,000 18,747,600 21,741,000 53.7%
Total Foreign Born 940,000 31,100,000 34,860,000 40,500,000 100%
So when adults break the law we arrest the children?

That's why i started this thread to see what kind of stupid i might get in return.

We needa run these stinkin liberals back down to mexico where they belong
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